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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Oh! Sorry didn’t know the pet policy we were like that, too. Power was restored nearby first. And my neighbor’s meter box? was knocked off so when the street got power back she had to wait another day for the box to be replaced. Hang in there!
  2. The podiatrist’s office has my orthotics but I can’t pick them up til they hear back from insurance. And the podiatrist office is going to be closed the whole week of July 4th so the soonest I will get them is July 10 or so. I did a recorded interview last night for Varsity Tutors. What a disaster lol on the final recorded question they say you have 15 min to prepare a lesson and then 10 min to record yourself teaching it. Googled and they don’t provide lesson plans. Sounds like a lot of work. Google had varying results for pay so I don’t know what they pay. I reserved 2 storage units. Didn’t make it to town in time for the first so canceled it. The second told me they don’t prorate (good thing I moved in on the first) and the lock I own only works on their climate-controlled units so they discounted my rent to offset the price of new lock as a courtesy. They actually discounted the rent a bit more than the lock fee. I joked with ds I’ll own every type of lock. I was told I’d need insurance. She asked if I current had renter’s ins. Once I provided my current renter’s ins info she said I won’t need to buy theirs (which is $12/month minimum). I get the kids July 7-16 so I might just stay in town all week. Ds, my dad, and I are all going bowling today. Dd doesn’t want to go and will stay home with my aunt. My gf is moving out of her place and putting it up for sale this month. She’s moving in with her bf. Good thing I didn’t move in with her. I left a bunch of stuff there so I’m going by today to get it out (food, extra toiletries, blanket). A couple weeks ago they rescheduled my intake interview for the construction class. They will tell us end of Aug if we are accepted into the Sept class. I will most likely have a new job before then.
  3. I think I've only heard "Beanee weenee" the brand... and those are a guilty pleasure that I rarely eat. I know "weenie" on its own for hot dog.
  4. The Blue Castle. A hive boardie sent it to me a while back and I didn't get far but I've been making a conscious effort to read it lately while I ride my bike.
  5. @Dmmetler I don't know if this is helpful at all, but the Staybridge Suites have a kitchen with full fridge. I stayed at one in Memphis a few weekends ago (using hotel points). It was like a mini apartment with couch, tv, dishes, dishwasher, stovetop. And free breakfast (and I don't mean just a bagel and cereal. Like a waffle maker, eggs, muffins you could grab to go, etc). They also have a fitness room and swimming pool. The one I stayed at is in walking distance to a theater, too, if that helps (discount Tuesdays at Malco).
  6. I told you I might do this, but I don't know if I will continue... even for this little video it was time consuming! I would be IN the video, but I look like a mess and I just wanted to get it done LOL
  7. @maize I think your inbox is full? I can't send anything.
  8. I stand corrected on step mom’s cat. They did have her in MS for a bit but rehomed her when they moved to their current home because landlord said only one pet. When xh met her she had 2 dogs and 1 cat. Now she’s down to one dog. I would have ditched the man before the pets lol
  9. My days are mixed up. By "this month" I meant I'm moving in July, not June. Oops.
  10. It's called Office Coordinator. There's no pay listed on the job, but google results make it look like decent pay for that role at that company. One town over from the kids.
  11. I'm moving this month (at least, into my dad's). I'm super stressed. There's so much to tell but I can't post it all publicly. Wish me luck on my job interview Monday, please. I'm also meeting with a financial advisor (free) on Monday. I did double check with another employee about the cc advance interest rate. They said it is the same regardless of purchase. And since it changes in July I asked if they knew the new rate. She said the min. is 8.25% (up from 8). But it can be different based on your credit score or something. I have a boyfriend of a couple months (no lectures, lol) and he's going to see if the cat will adjust to his place temporarily. If you aren't a brand new user and you want details just DM me.
  12. If they hadn’t talked on the app long, maybe that was the issue more so than the date location/time. Like if she said hi and the same evening he asked her out… too much too soon maybe? My theory on her ghosting. Semi-related — the dating app world is saturated in avoidants attachment types. They stay single, become single often. Secure attachment style is hard to find. They are often taken! And lastly is the anxious attachment style. Anxious & avoidant often meet and it doesn’t work.
  13. And I’d try to find out if she has trouble saying no in general or just to him. Definitely something to work on.
  14. His mental illness is a concern with reactions like this. The controlling thing you mentioned in the first post was a red flag to me. Controlling on its own is a problem and may or may not have any connection to their mental illness. She’s trying to save him or she feels stuck. Super unhealthy. He needs to be redirected to professional help somehow. A suicide hotline, counselors etc. She doesn’t need the burden of a codependent. Has she seen Renfield? Lol I kid but the movie touches on that. Get her out of there. It’s only going to get worse!
  15. Seems to me that a lot of people have a mental illness or challenge of some sort... I think it's more how they manage it than anything else. When I meet someone I don't ask them about their mental illnesses lol. It might not come up for some time. I'm pretty open but it doesn't mean I want to blurt out, "I have anxiety/depression/ocd and I take meds for it."
  16. Ugh I hope things get fixed soon. We lost power in a storm about a week ago. I left town with the kids and had a neighbor check on the cat. We didn't get it restored for about 5 days and the local Dollar General Market still hasn't restocked most of their cool items. Monday night of this week we lost power for an hour and a half. The power company had two things going on and one of the issues was a limb that fell on the power line (and even started a fire briefly) on our street. They trimmed back the tree and the neighbors might start a petition to have it removed. The homeowner that has the tree on their property seems indifferent/doesn't want to help. Several parts of the tree fell in the initial storm and they didn't help clear them. I was just glad the power was only out briefly as I didn't want to toss food from the fridge/freezer again. And I don't even know if the local gas stations sell ice but the other nearby places that do were closed by then so that was not really an option.
  17. Party planning/setting up events Each work day would be a little different because the party themes change/clients change/venue changes.
  18. Maybe the game is the problem, not the kids LOL For one, I think charades would be hard even if you do know the shows/movies. My 8 yr old mostly watches YouTube. And I can't stand half the YouTubers because so many are obnoxious either with their voices, sound effects, or lights/images. A lot of the videos are reaction videos, but some are art or other things. She has access to Disney Plus and Netflix etc at dad's house and last I checked she was into Amphibia, Owl House, and (against my wishes - it's rated MA) Little Demon. So, I have no idea if she'd do well with that game, either! If it's any consolation, when I attend trivia night I feel like an idiot half the time because my team knows more of the impressive stuff. I'm more reliable for the tv category lol.
  19. My first thought reading this was, "don't you need a master's to do anything with a pysch degree? Is he going back for more school?"
  20. Not much to report. I got rejection email from casino job. Hoping something else comes through this summer. When we got to my house last night it was storming again and powers flickered/we briefly lost wifi but we were ok. Others I know in semi-close cities lost power. Priced a bunch of moving options. I really don’t want to have to drive a large UHaul myself. POD option is not gonna work for me. I will recruit someone to help if possible. One of us drive uhaul, one drive my car vs towing car. I babysat yesterday. Still making payments to IRS. I asked to meet xh in another city yesterday so I could do silly photo shoot/show kids around this unique place. They have very limited hours so I’ve never been. They recreate movie sets periodically. They redo famous props. I got a pic of kids in front of fake National Lampoon’s station wagon. I’ve only seen Christmas vacation - the green one is from the summer vacation version. So if it’s appropriate maybe we can rent movie later. I’m a huge Schitt’s Creek fan. I got some pics in there. Turns out the monthly income from ds’ YouTube averages like $20. I had all these ideas for a series of my own but motivation isn’t too high. I’ll let you guys know if I roll out a new series of videos. I am feeling optimistic about my future with my kids. Side note xh is essentially trying to see if ds can handle a job so ds has been volunteering several hours at a time shelving books. I asked him if it was volunteering or if he was “voluntold” lol he didn’t exactly answer. He said dad said he’ll give him permission to apply to real job at 16 and dad will get him a car (interesting… I will see what happens but sounds like typical carrot dangling to me). I didn’t say much. I know I can’t be on the hook for the car per our legal agreement.
  21. I mean this week I was able to cash out… but it does take time to earn rewards. 2500=$50 rewards. Most places are 1 point per dollar. I signed up for Murphy gas rewards. Probably won’t help much, but new members got points and I was given 10¢ off each gallon up to 20 gal last night when I filled my tank. I stop at 2 different Murphys on my road trips when possible/applicable.
  22. No matter what, interest starts immediately on both types of borrowing. We ballpark I’d need ~$3000 to cover first month’s rent, deposit, pet fee & moving expenses. I haven’t calculated actual moving fees yet. There are several problems. I don’t know when I’ll land new job. I don’t know where I’ll be able to move (what’s available when I absolutely must vacate my current home). I cannot/will not live with my dad for months if I can avoid that. I’d have to find a home for my cat. No pets allowed here. Xh offered to keep her temporarily- no way. He’s the one that turned the dryer on when she was in it once. Wouldn’t consistently deal with litter box when I was pregnant. Made his new wife rehome her cat because their current landlord won’t allow more than one pet long-term. No no no. Side note - this begs the question when exactly did he secure this home because she never brought her cat to MS!! I know the college doesn’t care if you have mult. pets. Fishy… I’m a little upset with myself I let them run my credit. That credit check is valid 45 days. I have til Aug 1 to move forward with the personal loan. If not, I will need another solution or run a new credit check later to start over. my current card earns rewards. I’ve been putting most purchases on it for the rewards as I usually pay it off in full. Well my auto drafts are all set to that card. I earned $100 in rewards this week and requested that to go to checking (probably won’t show up til after the Juneteenth holiday).
  23. I will double check with another employee, though. It was her first day!
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