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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Nanny job has been filled. The others were removed, filled or expired. There's a graphic designer needed closer to my old home but it’s a 3 hr drive to the kids.
  2. Monday applied in person to 2 receptionist jobs 1 job - pay is a measly $10/hr 2nd job - pay is $11 and you file a 1099 - taxes aren’t withheld The heck is wrong with these people? The car dealership liked me and asked if I could do anything else. I told them I had a degree in advertising and she said her marketing person is leaving soon so she’ll hold onto my resume. No telling what that person makes, though. Called the community college to inquire about potentially taking an a la carte class in graphic design to brush up on my skills. My gf was mistaken and I was right - it’s taught at a certain campus (further) and no night classes. All daytime in person. I asked what the OOP fee would be for one class and they said approx $760. 😬 I was enrolled in said class exactly one day before xh got a job in middle of no where and I dropped out. That was like 9 years ago. 8 people applied to the nanny job and the family hasn’t responded to me. I requested a review from an old client but they didn’t leave one. My profile has no reviews.
  3. I was a member at the time so that’s probably why it was so cheap. But might still be worth looking into these big box stores with or without a membership. Sam’s always has promotions for memberships. Costco is always full price it seems. I have a Costco membership at the moment, but not Sam’s. OP, you can go inside and ask for the printed list of reduced prices meds.
  4. There is a list of certain meds that are affordable through Sam’s club. I don’t love their hours so don’t go there right now but worth looking into. You should not need to be a Sam’s member to use the pharmacy (or snack bar 🙂 )
  5. Feeling more optimistic today. I’m going to apply to a couple places in person today (ad says apply in person). My care.com account is live! I hope the families read and respond to my messages. I applied with 3 families. Would have applied with 4 but the 4th family wants you there 6am to midnight Mon-Friday… huh?? Do you fall asleep after tucking in the kid, drive home, then come back a few hours later??? Or is it possible you’d sleep there during the week? I got a couple leads on homes. My gf’s sister apparently shares her place with roommates. The upstairs will be vacant soon so she’s gonna get me a quote. It would be 1 bedroom & 1 bath to myself upstairs. Could bring my cat. I know the family (my gf’s sister & her daughter). I said depending on my work schedule I could help with childcare in the morning — getting her daughter fed and on the bus. Mom has work at 5 am!! She finished the construction program and has a job at the shipyard. I didn’t know their hours were that crazy. I was able to do free messaging through roomies dot com. A woman will rent me a room for $500… it’s a bit in the country though. I said I will give her an answer soon. The roommate options are both month to month so no big commitment. Something will work out soon I pray. my neighbor called me to rave about the cornbread muffins I gave her (Krusteaz box mix) and felt compelled to check on my cat. I said no don’t do it, I’ll be there soon and had one friend offer to go check. A sweet woman I know through homeschooling sent me a holistic product for separation anxiety for my cat (Jackson Galaxy product) and I put some on kitty and in her water dish before I left town. She lives an hr from my house but as a last resort I’d let her check on the cat since my sister flies into town tonight and I don’t know when I’ll get to the cat. Ok so the neighbor brought her husband with her and they went to scoop the litter and top off the food Mon night (there’s a bowl & food dispenser). She said kitty came out briefly then left. No attacks lol Yay Today I’ll call the podiatrist’s office and see if there’s any update on my pending ins. If they clear it I plan to pick up insoles Wed and bring new bag of cat food to the house, load up car again. I got more free boxes from Walmart late last night. My gf and I are both mid move (the one moving into her bf’s place) so we literally both had to pack and unload stuff this week. We rarely ever have kid-free times line up so last night we went out to a restaurant together and that’s when she told me about her sister’s upstairs.
  6. Aldi never gave me their pay but they said they don’t sit the whole shift. I’m avoiding places where I’ll be on my feet much. That includes hardware stores. Harbor Freight pays $14. Yes I did like 8 weeks of PT for my feet. I went to follow up on a receptionist job and the girl at the desk said they’re on a hiring freeze 🙄 Went to find another place I applied and google has no matches.
  7. That was very disheartening. Job interview at casino. They don’t give you a set shift, you get a barrage of phone calls and a walkie talkie you must answer all day long (second ring on phones). And it pays $13-13.50/hr. You must work weekends and flexible shifts. So you might go in one day at 9 am and the next at 1 pm. They might be able to do the every other weekend thing but overall I wanted to run. This is a desk in the back. They said I might be a good fit for front desk (I applied there, too) but the start out pay she estimates is $14 and they only have part time openings now. You’d think as much money as casinos make they’d pay a living wage. This gives me little to no hope at the other places I applied that do not disclose salary.
  8. I applied to two jobs and status says pending approval so I don't even think the families can see I applied yet. I hope that status changes soon.
  9. Signed up temporarily with a premium account on care.com so I could apply to a full time nanny job near the kids. The children are all school age (which is my preference) and they need you Mon-Thursday long hours but then you'd have Fri-Sun off. And I'm guessing some of those hours the kids are in school and you are doing meal prep or light housekeeping or something? Oh well it can't hurt to apply. None of the sitter jobs pay much... most families are asking 10-12/hr. Some are closer to 15. This family's range goes up to $17. I currently make more than that when I babysit. I'd definitely ask for the high end if they want to meet with me. In my favor I have the reference of the agency and I can help with homework. They want the person to start in Aug. And I got that recent CPR/First Aid/AED training plus my CPST certification. So I think I'm a good candidate.
  10. Apparently you have to pay $12/mo minimum to read messages on the Roomster app. 🙄 I received a message but I can’t read it.
  11. I’ll think about it. I have a ton of pending job apps I’ll be following up with and a job interview Monday. I just really want something new started soon. The second shift sounds a lot like the casino job I didn’t pursue further (3-11 pm). They did not say what hours they refer to as second shift. They made it clear in the details on the Bank job that you shouldn’t have kids home during your shift blah blah. I can see how that would be hard if it’s a day I have kids. In summer it’s week on/week off with the kids. Which would be an issue no matter what shift I guess. ——————- I’m so frustrated about my new orthotics being held captive. The podiatrist’s office apparently filed June 14 (service date was 5/31). Ins says they received the claim June 23 and it will be pending 15-30 business days. I asked the podiatrist’s office could I please just pick them up and you bill me the difference? We already calculated that it should he roughly $10. They said the only way to release them is to charge me the OOP fee. So I just pray that ins processes soon and correctly and I get the things next week when I drive back to my house to check on kitty. I’m wondering if I can try again with kitty and boyfriend when I know she’s calmer and see if he could cat sit soon. My landlords ignored my last text. I think they are just ready for me to get out. I asked could I use their W/D that I used when I first moved in (it stays on the property) but I see their dryer is stored like 5 feet in the air on a shelf. I’m going to see if I can get cash back at the grocery store now so I can do laundry. The laundromat can convert bills to coins but I don’t have bills right now. I don’t want to pay an ATM fee lol Dollar stores charge $1 fee for cash back. I can always do that.
  12. Ohh I missed that. But when I began to apply it defaults to second shift without another option.
  13. Maybe she needs a chaser… something yummy after (although that’s clearly not the root cause. She was taking it fine before). No ____ til after your medicine? (Screens or something)
  14. I don’t know the requirements for that. Or who’s hiring. I’ll look.
  15. They want second shift workers. I don’t know if I can do those hours.
  16. Oh I just assumed once in a while they needed you in the office lol but that’s probably not always the case.
  17. I know your spouse is against the medication -- have you asked him what he wants to do (pointing out that the therapy alone doesn't seem to be helping)? I'm just curious what he has to say and if he'd reconsider. In general, I'm against medication (like see it as a last resort), but I struggled for years with OCD and can see both sides. It was horrible. I had the germ thing (excessive hand washing, etc) and recurring thoughts (sometimes the spiritual OCD). My current medication is a catch all of anxiety/depression/OCD and helps keep things at bay. I remember feeling so helpless because of my OCD when I was younger. I didn't know the name or what it was but I can remember issues as far back as elem school. I hope you get some relief for everyone. I don't know if therapy would have helped me at that time or not. Not all therapy is the same and not all patients gravitate toward the same style.
  18. I've applied to some remote jobs and a couple jobs in Louisiana (though I never got a clear answer on if I'm "allowed" to live out of the state. It's closer to my kids than my current residence). I'm surprised I ran across so many remote jobs that specify what state you must live in. They literally say, "remote in Florida" and "remote in Wisconsin" etc.
  19. @maize I applied at an orthodontist office and some other receptionist jobs but I’m not sure about the pay on several. I do plan to go follow up with more or call and ask the status. I need to follow up on these jobs: medical support asst , escrow asst, and finance asst. Other casino jobs I applied for include hotel clerk and spa asst. A few I didn’t follow up on yet because the apps were less than a week old/ran out of time. The staffing agency said data entry would pay more than receptionist but they didn’t have any matches. I have limited experience with data entry. It was online on a website, not with spreadsheets.
  20. Yes, I did start opening my search to remote work. In general I think I get anxiety from having to solve problems on the phone dealing with topics that aren’t up my alley (ins claims, being yelled at by angry cell phone users etc lol). Or having to sell products/services and having to do cold calls and/or massive persuading. This is just how I envision it. It may not be that bad lol just thinking about it makes me feel drained. Places that take the time to train you — they might be ok. The main reason I gave upthread for not being keen on remote work was I have worked remotely since Feb 2020. It’s isolating at times. And prior to that I was a stay-at-home mom that was home a lot due to gas/drive time to go out. I did work at the library and that was pretty peaceful. The phone didn’t ring constantly. We didn’t have a ton of patrons. I kept myself busy with other tasks. My aunt retired from an airline. I asked her if she had any links or advise and she just directed me to the airlines that fly out of the airport near my dad. I saw no jobs. I know she worked remotely but I didn’t see any remote options at all.
  21. Have you personally done the surveys? I’m registered with one called Focus Group which was disguised as a job on a job board. Now I get random emails with potential survey opportunities but it hasn’t worked out. Like I signed up for a McCormick one but got rejected because I have a dairy sensitivity (I don’t even think their products usually have dairy). I used to do swagbucks for gift cards in the past but they asked for more & more and rewarded less and less. I didn’t do the surveys but I did other things like rebates/searches/online shopping links/trials for points.
  22. A friend has been inside the home at one point as well as seen the other properties (due to the nature of their job had to go there). Not good. I did inquire about the seated cashier position at ALDI. Well they glossed over my salary inquiry but said all employees must do all tasks (stocking etc) so you would not be seated all shifts. If I can’t land a decent job soonish in that area I’ll have no choice but to move further or get a roommate (I was told don’t do that by a friend that’s convinced judges will look down on it). And we’ll do the halfway meetups all the time or alternate pick up/drop off. A couple women on a local Facebook group were talking to another woman job hunting and said don’t go to the casinos. It’s terrible if you have young kids. Can’t miss when they get sick etc. That’s what I’ve been telling people for months — that only few shifts at the casino would work for a parent. And even then, they might be quick to give you the ax because you are replaceable and they operate 24/7.
  23. I also don’t want to set the bar too low and have my attorney saying no way, you can’t move there. He already told me no to a trailer park in the city before xh moved away… It’s a balancing act to find affordable and “not gonna make you look bad in court.”
  24. Oh no! That stinks. when I sent this image to my sister she said it reminded her of the game with shack, house and mansion 😆 MASH I guess… I am fine with apartment but the ones closest to my budget look sketchy or the online reviews send you running (bed bugs, roaches, no upkeep, etc).
  25. This is what I can afford now. I haven’t seen inside but it doesn’t look promising 😕
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