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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Fully moved out. At the hotel with kiddos & kitty. Ds said I’m in Schitt’s Creek now (living in hotel) 🤣
  2. I have applied to WFH jobs but haven’t heard back from any (Cigna was one). I’m not sure if there’s an easy way to follow up with them but I’ll look.
  3. Oh and I can’t try on my orthotics (insoles) because BCBS is saying they rejected the claim due to only covering certain orthotics and supportive footwear is not included 😡 The podiatrist office has tried to appeal it saying they don’t usually have trouble like this. I called BCBS and said I specifically asked if it was covered before booking the appt. They asked date of phone call and I said I don’t know but I am sure somewhere in my call I mentioned it was for feet. The first rep said it should be covered. So this rep looked back through notes and found the date and said I can file my own appeal and they will review the phone call recording. I’ve had the worst luck contacting them snail mail so I asked for a fax number and if I need a certain form. She said no form, just write a letter. So I will do that. Meanwhile I’m still finishing packing up and wondering how I have so much stuff. Long way of saying I don’t even know if electrician is on the backburner as occupation til I try on the insoles.
  4. Got rejection from school library job. They had many candidates and others better fit their criteria, apparently. The other day I got rejection email from the shipyard job and the place that had the job fair (where I went up the elevator to deliver my resume). The one that has the 2 hr test is really my only solid lead now. And they are open on weekends (Sat not Sun) so I know that will be an obstacle.
  5. I got an email today about another library job. They want me to go in person to take a 2 hr test. @katilac I’m sending you a DM to ask if you know about this area. They mandate where you live.
  6. So basically I’m spending an extra $420 this month just for the cat. I’m going to try to talk to management and see if we can come to an agreement. I mean, the website didn’t tack on a pet fee for quote, I saw a bug that may have been a roach on my first night there (took pic and killed it), the elevator died with my dad and I inside, and we had to lug a bunch of items up 4 flights of stairs (I asked for bottom floor in advance but they said long-term guests get higher floors). At check in I learned they don’t provide toilet paper (you start with one roll) and housekeeping comes every 2 weeks. I’ll have to go to the front desk and return linens/towels, ask for new each time. Gosh I hope I get a new job soon.
  7. I have one more trip to get the rest out of the house and pick up kitty. The elevator died at my hotel and my dad and I got trapped in it til some strong men pried it open. Then we lugged ds’ twin bed up 4 flights of stairs 🙄🤣 Totally misleading — the extended stay place did not calculate pet fee into my quote/reservation. So I show up to check in and they say the moment I bring the cat the fees jump up. Ughhh!! They advertise cookware but it’s another fee. Luckily I brought some of my own stuff. Laundry is $3/load so I’ve been doing laundry at my dad’s. I’m praying for job offer soon. The school forwarded my application on once they confirmed I’m open to working at the campus that has the opening (they didn’t initially reveal which campus). So this is my room. I’ll set up the twin bed (in blue bag) soon. We didn’t sleep there. Kids were dropped off at my dad’s this morning. But I think I’ll bring the kids in a couple days.
  8. thanks, I hope I hear back from one of the 2 recent jobs I’m waiting on (graphic designer, school librarian). It’s one of those remote jobs that specifies location. Must be in KY or FL.
  9. Booked the hotel. The girl said I probably can get away with bringing a twin in lol… but the longer staying guests don’t get first floor so I’d need to drag it into the elevator. I won’t bother unless I think the kids want to sleep in the hotel vs my dad’s the nights I have them.
  10. So my dad’s fridge messed up just before I left town. the freezer is still working. I don’t know when it will be repaired because you know he only deals with that dude that works like 2-3 days a week. The one they took forever to get to the a/c. Extended stay place doesn’t have the room tonight that I wanted (cheapest with one bed). They charge you more for 2 beds (in theory could I sneak a twin in there… would that get me kicked out lol). Not sure when to bring the cat. Might wait til I come back in a few days. I definitely can’t get it all today. Sigh. Anyway, I’ll probably move into the hotel this weekend & have fridge access and prepare for the kids.
  11. Yes. It’s a NOLA job but I don’t know the sections of NO. I’ll send you a DM
  12. I had a preliminary interview today (recorded, not live) for a job as a school librarian. This particular school has good benefits and estimated base pay was OK. It didn’t require a library degree or teacher cert so I think I have a shot. I did ask my lawyer again to confirm if I was permitted to live & work outside the state. He said yes. This job is in Louisiana and they said I should get feedback within a few days. I’m alone at my rental trying to pack up as much as possible. I’m gonna try to MacGyver my mattress to my car roof tomorrow. It will fit inside the car but then I’ll have no other space. I had planned to do 2 car trips but my landlords are chomping at the bit for me to leave so I’ll shove as much as possible in the car and take my neighbor up on her offer to put some stuff in her guest room. No one uses it and she knows I’ll come back and get my stuff out. My goal is to leave town Sat with the cat and drive straight to the extended stay hotel. Get the cat settled then meet up with my sister to see the Barbie movie 😆 I work best with deadlines but worst case we’ll have to postpone the movie. We saw the Little Mermaid together a few days ago (my kids didn’t want to go — I offered to take them weeks ago). Kitty is content. I hate to do the long car ride with her but I need to get her out of the house.
  13. I don’t know if I found the right Marriot job. The fine print needs you to live in a certain area. Pay is $16.50. I messaged a house with a couple females that need a roommate. $700/mo including utilities. Cheaper than extended stay hotel.
  14. I think that is an autocorrect for rehoming. She would be very difficult to rehome. We tried once when ds was told he was very allergic to pets. I wish she could be hired to contribute to rent, lol She’s essentially family to me. Had her 10 years. I’ll use my cc or cash advance to help with the temp hotel idea if necessary. I need to research all the pet-friendly ones. She’s always been a bit skittish, feral. I don’t think it would go over well for her to be rehomed.
  15. I went to see Pat’s room for rent. Pat turned out to be short for Patrick and was a creepy man 😭😭😭 So many red flags. I brought my sister with me. She’s in town visiting. The room he was clearing out had an overflowing box of Playboy magazines. 🤮 I might end up in an extended stay hotel with the cat, I dunno. But only very short term. They cost $1300/month.
  16. Well others chimed in that Aldi here is $15 🤣🤣🤣 I’ll keep in mind as a second job option potentially in the future but they said hours are iffy and the local store canceled one lady’s interview at the last min (when they were actively hiring) and said they weren’t gonna hire after all. I saw a graphic design job that is only accepting applications a few more days. I’m not 100% qualified but I applied. It’s NOT listed on indeed so I’m hoping not a million people applied.
  17. Ok the upstairs room idea fell through. It’s been spoken for. The other room for rent at a lady’s home is hopefully a viable option. I’m going to see it in person tomorrow. The room includes access to laundry, kitchen, living room, shared bathroom. Utilities included. It’s a bit in the country but I googled and it’s ~15 min from major shopping center & my gym. If dd can’t spend the night (haven’t asked) we could stay at my dad’s a couple nights a month as a temp solution.
  18. I’ve applied to online jobs. No bites. I’ve also gotten baited with “delta remote work” and “BCBS remote work ads” that don’t even lead to the job posting. It redirects you to a sketchy third party site. Then you go directly to the airline sites and they don’t even offer remote work. They list cities. And I don’t see any remote jobs for BCBS. It’s just months of throwing my resume into a void and some places literally aren’t hiring. They just list a job because they are obligated or they are collecting a pool of candidates for down the line. It’s very misleading. Wnen I apply on Indeed it tells me how many other people applied to the same job. 90% or more of the job alerts I get on LinkedIn are remote.
  19. In April it was $12.50 at local Aldi according to one person whose wife applied. Another person thinks it’s $14.50 now. I doubt that it made that jump. Pay here just sucks
  20. I posted a ques in a local FB group asking the Aldi pay and percentage of time on your feet. A woman responded that she worked at one in another state and they get trucks all the time and she was on her feet 7 hours out of her 8 hour shift. For reference, glassdoor cashier estimate for Aldi is $11-22. That's why I'm thinking we don't get anywhere near $16.
  21. At one point ours was hiring and I hear another is being built a few towns over but I don’t know when it will open. So I just like to keep it as a backburner idea. I looked online a little while ago and this location is not hiring. I haven’t worked in a grocery store but I was a cashier many years (fast food, retail, and the library had a register).
  22. Oh I’m certain the Mississippi Aldi doesn’t pay $16. No, I didn’t apply. If it was a 6 hr shift who’s to say stocking wouldn’t be 4 hrs? Maybe I can ask another employee but I don’t think they’re hiring right now.
  23. Nanny job has been filled. The others were removed, filled or expired. There's a graphic designer needed closer to my old home but it’s a 3 hr drive to the kids.
  24. Monday applied in person to 2 receptionist jobs 1 job - pay is a measly $10/hr 2nd job - pay is $11 and you file a 1099 - taxes aren’t withheld The heck is wrong with these people? The car dealership liked me and asked if I could do anything else. I told them I had a degree in advertising and she said her marketing person is leaving soon so she’ll hold onto my resume. No telling what that person makes, though. Called the community college to inquire about potentially taking an a la carte class in graphic design to brush up on my skills. My gf was mistaken and I was right - it’s taught at a certain campus (further) and no night classes. All daytime in person. I asked what the OOP fee would be for one class and they said approx $760. 😬 I was enrolled in said class exactly one day before xh got a job in middle of no where and I dropped out. That was like 9 years ago. 8 people applied to the nanny job and the family hasn’t responded to me. I requested a review from an old client but they didn’t leave one. My profile has no reviews.
  25. I was a member at the time so that’s probably why it was so cheap. But might still be worth looking into these big box stores with or without a membership. Sam’s always has promotions for memberships. Costco is always full price it seems. I have a Costco membership at the moment, but not Sam’s. OP, you can go inside and ask for the printed list of reduced prices meds.
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