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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I looked but couldn’t find an email or chat with an agent option. I went to their social media and they had a different phone number with voicemail option. We missed each other, though. I left a second voicemail. The hotel chain of Red Roof Inn.
  2. I doubt it. The unemployment people know I’m between jobs with no ins and didn’t mention any resources like that.
  3. I started looking for a primary care provider (to see if I could combine checkups and refills), but I guess that's not urgent now. I just had a follow up with my psychiatrist and he said he'll push the next appt out 6 months but just call if I need to talk sooner. We agreed to keep the dose the same. So that takes the sting out of the expensive office fee today since I won't need to do another one in approx 3 months like I normally would.
  4. I think she should have just said, “I don’t know” or “I can’t answer that” rather than the say she responded. But I do know what you mean. I was in the wrong but slightly oblivious. I think I’ll just pay it and move on. I’ve had my share of court + j@ckass judges and don’t want to deal with it.
  5. They already met me lol or at least one of the people that will definitely be at the interview. There are like 5 people that sit in. I wore black last time. I’m wearing my court outfit this time (pic in this thread — white blouse and gray slacks).
  6. Went to the police station. The woman was a bitch toward me. They said the fee is $362. $10 for the class and the class only helps with your auto ins. You will pay the fine in full before being permitted to take the class. I started to say if I go to court will they care I wasn’t aware it was an active school zone in that area… the other ones end at 7:45 (I drove past 2 today). She said, “you don’t need to be telling me this. That’s for the prosecutor.” Hope you have the day you deserve, lady. 🙄
  7. Got a speeding ticket yesterday. Didn’t realize the part I was in was an active school zone at the time. I thought I was going with the flow of traffic. I do not think they were going 15 mph. My tags and DL address aren’t from here but the officer didn’t seem to care. School zone ends at 8:30 and I got ticket at 8:27. My dad said it happened to him before and it will be expensive. My psychiatrist’s office called me today to say my ins was not active and did I have a new one. I explained I’ll have to pay OOP today and said I thought it was $103. She said it’s actually $200. I was on hold over 30 min with the 877 phone number for the hotel chain and never got a human or option to get a call back. I’m still trying to get that one night refunded. Ugh The New Orleans library job sent out an email with interview slots and I said which ones work for me. The soonest date is Sept 14. NO is further than I’d like to live from the kids and the library will probably have me working odd hours/weekends so is not my first choice. Please send positive vibes for my Friday interview at the college.
  8. A friend reached out today saying there’s a roommate situation with a woman that owns a 2BD/2BA home with lower rent than what I’m paying and a more central location to where my job opportunities are. It’s $550/month for rent/utilities/wifi. That would be $100 less per month and better on gas. I’m waiting to hear back from the woman that is on the lease. The guy I know moving out said the woman is almost never home, either. The hotel I just left did refund my nights from that week but my other reservations were stuck in the system and since I didn’t specifically bring them up they didn’t see and remove them and now I have a new pending charge of $106 😡 I asked them to remove it and they’re being asses about it saying I should have said something. I said I don’t know what your computer shows but I thought it was obvious at my check out that I was leaving, not coming back. He said, “I can’t just remove that.” This is a franchise. I don’t know if I can complain to anyone above. My car is acting up so I’ll try to drop it off to be looked at tomorrow. My psychiatrist office sent an automated message that I have a telehealth appt this week. 😓 I pray the car thing is cheap, I get at least a portion of that $106 back and can move into the cheaper rental in Oct.
  9. If they offer me the job I’ll ask. I did ask what company and she wasn’t even 100% sure.. just said she thinks it’s BCBS. So she probably doesn’t even use it! She probably uses her spouse’s (she said she’s married).
  10. And let my friend be right? Over my dead body 🤣 The issue is incoming money is doled out weekly ($199) and the hotel was several hundred so that went on my cc and the storage unit and a couple other things go on the cc each month (auto & rental ins, cell phone). The cc just keeps going up but I make small payments.
  11. I can still list the nanny agency on my resume as current employer if I want (they didn’t remove me in case they expand services more). but like I said when I was employed it didn’t help me land a job so I feel like it’s irrelevant some days.
  12. They listed all the benefits in the interview. Retirement was not listed. It was like you accumulate time off and get the discounted gym and clinic across the street. All great things but not gonna give a place of my own.
  13. I was making more than $15/hr at my last job and could hardly make ends meet. My ins did not come out of my paychecks but I assume the casino will take money from the checks to cover the ins. I’ll be in the hole every month like now if I try to lease anything. In a short time my cc will hit the max (it was a $5000 limit). I’d rather not open a new cc. Rent in my last home was $650/month. Around here the lowest options are income dependent (and that’s more than $650) and/or the $800/mo townhome. My current room rental + child support payment eats up the entire unemployment. That doesn’t help me with the storage unit, gas, cell phone bill, etc. At $15/hr I’d have to stay in this room rental for who knows how long til I secure more money/another job. Yes I’ll take what I can but I was job hunting prior to being laid off and this whole hunt has been going on since what? Let’s say approx April when I realized commuting to the kids was horrible and not sustainable. No, I didn’t have a lot of jobs in my field — I did work at 2 newspapers and a magazine. One of those jobs I held 4 yrs before moving. One I held for 3 yrs/4mo til I got laid off.
  14. So far the cats have just stared at each other and mine growled and hissed. The other growled, hissed, and scratched me… but I think it’s because she associates me with the mean kitty. I am hoping she eventually warms up to me. My gf (the one that has dd’s friend) once offered me a guest room but among other reasons I didn’t take the option because her bf’s dog is violent toward cats. This past week a neighborhood cat got in their yard and the dog killed it. She had to find the owner. It was awful. I’m going to keep listening to my gut - my cat is not a good candidate as a foster animal/being around other animals. Currently all the cat’s stuff is in my room even though I was given the option to move it to other parts of the home. ——— Mathematically speaking, I cannot afford an apartment on $15/hr which is what the casino job offers. I don’t like to count possible overtime as part of my budget. I’ll be back to square one where all I can afford is low income housing and be back on a waiting list. Really really hoping for the college job. I’m 40. I need retirement. The casino doesn’t offer retirement.
  15. Remind me to always ask roommates about thermostat. They had it on 80 😩 their side of the house is cooler than my side they said.
  16. After a bit of hunting I found what might be the same job. I could definitely make that salary work if I can find a decent apartment or something nearby. 43k was listed as base pay.
  17. Remember last interview with the college they said that only HR could supply the salary range? I emailed HR a few days ago inquiring about the salary range for this job but they did not respond. If it pays more than $15/hr it’s hands down a better option for me. It includes retirement and no weekends. The casino job did not mention retirement which I really want. I’ll take what is offered but I’d leave the casino job if both want me. Just hope at least one does. I’m ready to live alone without anyone checking on me. Landlords, housekeeping, etc. My current landlord wants to know if I’m not coming home (sometimes I sleep at a friend’s depending on how late it is and what city we’re in) or my dad’s. I’m ready to be done with that. I feel like a teenager. But I’ll do this til I can get my own place.
  18. I thought of it but getting her to class Monday morning and/or Tues morning would be a nightmare.
  19. Casino interview went really well. The hours are questionable because they hold a lot of events on weekends and you need to be there but they get Sundays off. Most do Sun/Mon off but you can request something else off like Tues/Wed instead. I’d probably do Sun/Mon so I would get Sundays with dd. I might have to forfeit time with her to put a roof over my head. This is my reality. The pay is OK not great (less than my last wage but better than the other casino offer) but room for growth and overtime. Standing time is not a huge percent and they can work with me if it’s a thing where some roles are seated and some are standing at the events. They will make a decision next week then if you say yes they get the background check and start the process for your gaming badge. The casino eats that bill. Employees get health, dental, and vision. Access to a clinic across the street with $5 copay. And employee gym across the street open 24/7 and costs $5/month from your paycheck. You can request your hours to start earlier or end later on the weekdays. They sound very accommodating. I would jump on this job at this point but still interview with the college if the decision overlaps. I threw in some tidbits that I used to go to the midnight movies when this casino had them. And I attended that networking event (80s/90s theme) — she knew the one.
  20. Casino job interview Saturday (event coordinator).
  21. I missed a call from a casino last night so there’s a potential interview looming. I had to just leave a voicemail since they called after HR hours. I emailed my WIN case worker and asked if we could cancel the face-to-face meeting scheduled for this Friday (she told me last time after I arrived oh we didn’t really need to meet because you already updated me). Friday will be nuts as I drive dd to school then go back to my hotel to check out. I’m going to start clearing out the hotel today but will have to get the cat out Friday morning. And the WIN building is no where near it. I emailed my case worker all my job updates this morning so I’m sure she’ll be fine with it. She’s so sweet.
  22. The hotel manager said I paid up through the 3rd but were changing my checkout to the morning of the 1st so I can go straight to the new place and I’m getting $211 back 🙌
  23. Thanks, ladies. The room rental is 11 min from dd’s school. And I went swimming today at the YMCA so I could say hi to her during her swim class (it’s a thing where her school takes them weekly in her grade). It was nice to see her.
  24. My best friend blocked me because according to her I’m heading toward bankruptcy and think I’m too good for certain jobs and doesn’t want to waste her time or energy on someone that doesn’t appreciate her advice (that I didn’t actually ask for). If she’d just listen she’d understand. If I take a random low-paying job I’d have to leave abruptly to go to a job interview. It’s hard to do that. Now the new job is in jeopardy and I could get canned and lose that income plus won’t be able to get back on unemployment. I figured at the very least I’d hold out til the comm college got back to me. Today they scheduled my interview (Fri after Labor Day). And I even told my friend I was working on the RBT certification. Sigh oh well. Today I toured the rental and met the retired couple. I’ll be moving in this Sept. It will be a relief to not be throwing money at a hotel. I’ll have my own room & bathroom. The bed in there is big enough for me and dd. I have to reserve the room on a monthly basis but they agreed to collect money weekly (I explained my situation). We will introduce our spayed female cats. If they don’t get along I’ll separate mine.
  25. No mail from SNAP yet so I don't know what the verdict is but today I called the back of the card and I had a whopping $33. Good grief. I hope that's not the monthly amount they're giving me. The retired couple had some changes with their tenant so they said their home will be available Sept 1 and said I can view it tomorrow. I know the cat will hate that as it'll be cramped but it will save me a ton (the rates at the hotel fluctuate and I paid more the second week than first week). I'll just go and see if I can make it work.
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