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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. The issue is even if I said I was ok spending more than 30% they (leasing offices, landlords) often require you make 2.5-3x the rent. I literally would not meet that requirement. $15/hr x 40 hours = $2400/mo (gross) Rent for a typical 2 bed just outside the expensive city - at least $900. Inside the expensive city is easily over $1000/mo for a 1 BD. Then tack on pet fee which is either one lump sum or monthly or both. Typical pet deposit is $250-300. If there’s a monthly fee it’s ~$25 IIRC. Some realtors would need proof of monthly income to be $2250 while others would need it to be $2700. It’s very restrictive. The low-income housing place was asking $699 for a 2 bedroom in May. It went up and now it’s $774. And you may not make more than a certain amount to live there. So you’re really restricted. Eta: I’m not sure about snap. On the magazine salary (FT) I did not qualify when I tried. But as I transition to other work (FT elsewhere with better benefits) I might. I might not. I usually don’t qualify because I’m listed as a one person household. My kids aren’t on my taxes as dependents.
  2. I did try the pal site mentioned unthread, too. No openings.
  3. Yeah it could be me but some others on a local Facebook group have also had lousy luck. When I went in person to businesses on Monday some were very disconnected from the openings. Like that’s handled by another office, etc. A few said the position has been filled but we’d like to keep your résumé on file. I said ok. Secretly thinking don’t waste my nice resume paper then 🤣 When I see people post asking for jobs I read the comments and most are low paying jobs, fine for entry level/high school age. Not for a single mom to cover rent and bills. I don’t know if I can refer to myself as single mom but you know what I mean. I run from commission-based jobs. I like the stability of a consistent check and lack of pressure to persuade/upsell. I will do the upselling if I must but I hate it. I did it with store credit cards, protection plans, etc. Some of my friends seem really out of touch because they send job links and rental links that I can’t make work. It’s basic math! If I say I can’t afford an $850 home why are you sending me a link for a $925 home? They think it’s a bargain because so many in the area are $1200+. It’s not a matter of cutting out that daily Starbuck’s trip (I don’t even drink coffee but people say things like this all the time).
  4. Oh and xh tried to offer a settlement in the 11th hour. We told them previously we would not be entertaining last second offers. I will get my day in court. No offer of money for my travel reimbursement of course. An offer to drop the charges (lol… ). GTHOH!!
  5. I have a job interview at a casino on Monday. I told them in an email that I am seeking days and need every other weekend off due to child custody and they scheduled me anyway so I am hoping that’s not a big obstacle for this job. Glassdoor does not have salary for this particular position (it’s a weird name but a desk job in a hotel). I am not sure on pay as several pay ranges start at $15 and Glassdoor might be comparing it to other states. Which leads me to believe we’re on the low end. I’ll just see how it goes. The airlines didn’t let me actually apply for anything. They just said we’ll email you job opportunities as they arise. Now I get emails about the company 🙄😆 Delta had a misleading Facebook post ($30/hr - no lol) circulating but no where to apply and I couldn’t find the position on their site. They also are not hiring at the airport closest to my home, at least not with that airline. I asked my landlord if he could hook up his washer/dryer (he did that when I first moved in because he has a set for this house). Otherwise I can’t do laundry here without traveling to a laundromat. I offered to pay him, too. I got a stack of boxes the other night at Walmart when they were getting ready to close and employees were stocking. I can’t do that as easily where I live but my dad lives close to a store so I just went there late.
  6. I signed up for the airline thing. They sent me a FAQ. This is a bummer: Will I be eligible for Southwest benefits as a HireGenics contract employee? No, you will not be eligible for Southwest Airlines Employee benefits or have non-revenue flight privileges as a contractor. As a HireGenics employee, you will have the option to opt-in to benefits offered by HireGenics (Medical, Dental, Vision).
  7. I just went to the site and picked a few categories and my state. No matches were found for the ones I tried. But, I think that even if a match had been found, it would just redirect me to local job postings, right? They don't pay enough in my state, unfortunately. Like library clerk, office worker, etc. I applied for ISI instructor a month or so ago but they didn't follow up with me. The pay wasn't great on that one, either.
  8. Kitty did not attack any of us. I think she's happy we are here.
  9. @Hen I’m not familiar with that site. I’ll look. The kids and I are almost back to my house. Court was supposed to be Friday but (long story) it has been moved to Aug. I’ll try to get settled before then.
  10. A pound a week is a healthy rate. I did it and it was a slow process, but time will pass whether or not you are looking at the scale. You will need to make lifestyle changes, but gradual is good. I lost a lot, then gained some back (but that's no surprise, I got off routine and ate badly). 80% of the process is food. I can tell you when I lost a significant amount of weight some of the changes I made: All liquid intake was water and I tried to increase my water intake (50% of your weight in ounces was the rule of thumb I loosely tried to follow... but usually fall short. Recently read that clear urine is not the goal. The goal is light colored. Clear may mean an excess of water). I switched breads. If I was going to eat a sandwhich I used a complex carb/no sugar bread. Ezekiel is one brand. Found in the cooler section. For taco night I try to get the carb balance tortillas or make a taco salad instead and forgo the tortilla. I stopped eating deli meat because I was trying to reduce my sodium. I haven't bought it in many months and don't really miss it. I don't feel like each meal needs a carb. Chicken and veggies is adequate. I might fill up extra on veggies to get full (yes, I guess veggies can be a carb, at least some of them but I meant I'm less likely to serve potatoes as a side. I do sometimes, mainly if the kids are with me). If I wanted a sweet treat I would buy Yasso bars (100 calories, made of Greek yogurt). Started counting steps with a pedometer and went through a few crappy ones so that's part of my issue now. I want to buy another. Only weigh myself in the morning after going to the restroom, but before drinking water/eating. Other times of day it will be different. Making conscious decisions to pack food for the road. I sometimes pack yogurt in a food thermos (Greek yogurt, fruit, nuts). This has protein which I need and better than a drive-thru. Lately I have NOT been disciplined. You can also get 100 calorie granola bars as a quick snack. I would say to plan on having something more than walking in your daily or weekly routine as I find I burn more calories biking than walking. You may want to add strength training. That is something I'm working on. And HIIT burns calories after the exercise is over but I do not like HIIT... I did a 12 week program. I might redo some of the videos but I'd rather not LOL.
  11. Can't get a response from my attorney. I went to several places today to follow up face-to-face. One of them refused to take my hard copy resume and said just use our website (which I had done prior to going in person... but they don't care). One of them has a job fair soon, but I won't be in town so I made a point to explain I can't be present at the job fair but I applied and am interested in one or more openings. The gatekeepers on floor 2 said I would have to call HR and leave a message because the HR office etc. are on the third floor, but I can't go up there. After being on hold with no end in sight I said screw it and took the elevator to the third floor. Explained that I didn't mean to go somewhere I shouldn't, but couldn't get a human on the phone. The lady looked as if she thought it was weird they forbid from me going to the floor lol. She said she would give a copy of my resume to both HR and the Marketing director (it was for a marketing position). That made me happy. I wrote down her name and several of the other people I spoke to today. One place that had been less than helpful a few days ago -- I returned with the filled out paper application packet, new print outs of the stuff I had sent snail mail, and a sticky note and binder clip holding it all together. They said the president of the company does come in there and they would be sure it got in front of him. If it's this hard to apply to the job maybe I'll get an interview for my persistence LOL. I'm officially set up with a second hiring agency, but they said the "$11-15" receptionist job I saw would likely pay me $13 at best. I tried to set up an account with the state employment agency, but the computer was having a fit with my user info (I think from the past when I used it with my maiden name). I went in person to get it handled, but they had so many issues they sent me home and said they'd call me after tech support fixed the issue. Ugh.
  12. Is the staging supposed to stay up for tours or just for online photos? just wondering if Photoshop would do the job lol
  13. I’m asking myself these questions, too. I’m considering renting a room to save money til I secure a decent job. But roommates might look bad to the judge so I’m in limbo. And some room rentals cost more than my whole house rent. I suppose worst case I got this storage unit practically for no reason and will have to move the stuff again an hour or so away. My cat attacked the neighbor today when she went over to check on her. The cat is so stressed. I don’t know what to do. I just keep applying to jobs and following up.
  14. Pet Smart wanted me only part time and pay was $13. Then they try to put you through a pet grooming academy, after so many dogs (100?) you switch to full time/commission on each groom plus a base hourly rate. It’s not for me. Tensions were sky high at home today. I got mad my family asked me to take my cat to a shelter. I was called ungrateful. It just escalated from there. I contacted potential roommates but I think they were scammers. Waiting to get info from a legit landlord.
  15. A friend shared this with me. Can’t hurt to try. I ordered one on sale. Supposed to relieve sore feet. My cat was so riled up the other night she attacked me and my bf. So I don’t think I have anywhere to send her. I can’t in good conscience ask him to watch her now. Especially since he has kids. I don’t want to rehome her and she’s so temperamental I don’t think she’d adapt to anyone else. Once he left she was fine. She gets temperamental with lots of people.
  16. I’m getting more confident in my abilities & problem solving. My dad made one of his belittling comments about me never taking physics when I made my suggestion on how to move the dryer off the trailer. I ended up ignoring him and moving the dolly myself no problem. Then I got him to brace the washer a bit as I lowered it using the dolly. I insisted on being under it rather than above it going down the trailer. He wanted to rope the exercise bike to the trailer (took to his house so I can use) and I said let’s just use my bungee cords, it’s faster. We did it quickly. When we got to his house he was doing something in the car and ds was melting and feeling ill so I sent him ahead and I lifted the exercise bike off the trailer and carried it across the yard to which my dad said wow lol. I know it wasn’t that heavy but it felt good to be able to do some stuff without much aid. Loose plan is go up one more day with trailer but dd doesn’t want to do the 4 hr car ride. I have up to go this week. Between the cat, moving, meeting with my lawyer, picking up insoles and court — yes I gotta go.
  17. Golf carts with kids because there are no doors and helmets or car seats and I don't know if they have/use seatbelts. I don't think they do. In my dad's town you can drive a golf cart on a public road. I actually don't seem them usually unless I go to the super congested touristy part of town where parking is limited and the roads feel cramped. ATVs really bother me. They are so dangerous and you see teens/young adults using them with no helmet. Kids riding on riding mowers. Get the kid off the mower! Just mow the d@mn yard without the kid.
  18. It feels gimmicky to me, too! I'm like ok you know I have been watching HGTV for years. And rolling my eyes at people karate chopping pillows. They look STUPID lol
  19. Oh my gosh. My cheap self has sticker shock. is there a way to do something else like try without the staging items and only resort to that if things don’t go well? New throw pillows or other more affordable touches?
  20. Someone I know said to me today what about lawyer offices? This is what pops up on indeed (look at pay). [strike]I am going to apply for the florist job. [/strike] they require 2 years experience
  21. Yes! I wanted to apply for a florist position but I think they stand the whole shift. My aunt said don’t do that. They pay nothing (no wage was listed) and they wanted someone with some experience. but I don’t it could hurt to go inside the place and speak to someone
  22. I have a job interview Sunday at PetSmart. The trailer is loaded and the car. I got a lot but will still need to do more trips with or without the trailer. I might not bother keeping the couch. It’s cheap, uncomfortable and will require the trailer again.
  23. I have a BA in advertising (which is why people always try to steer me into sales jobs but I don’t like commission-based jobs or pressuring people to buy something). I went into that field to do graphic design but we were only taught a little QuarkXPress in my courses. I went onto work as a graphic designer for 4 years at a newspaper mostly learning on the job. We used both Quark & Photoshop. But it was old versions like QXP4 and Photoshop CS. I left there in 2012. Since then I’ve self taught myself some things in Creative Cloud (YouTube, Udemy) but I feel so far behind the curve to do much. I also own Affinity design programs. When I see graphic design jobs they often want more skills than I have or photo editing, web stuff etc. I feel so under qualified. I have worked for 2 newspapers and a magazine. I’ve applied to positions for copy writing, communications etc. I’m not thrilled with PR but a couple times I applied for those. I do side work for a nanny agency and have an up-to-date CPR/first aid/AED cert and my CPST (child passenger safety technician) cert. I’m falling into debt and scared to death to go back to school. I just want to work. Maybe add skills later but I’m too overwhelmed to consider being a student right now. I know this sounds looney tunes but I have been told & watched YouTube videos on all the chemicals in the air in dental offices which turned me off from being a dental hygienist. But that’s something I considered. Then at my most recent cleaning my hygienist said she suffers chronic pain from leaning over patients all day and she’s looking to transition to another field. I did apply as a receptionist at an orthodontist office though… not sure they have any less exposure.
  24. They did at one point but those rates are set by the family and the benefits are up to the family… the agency will place nannies all over the state but primarily cater to the area away from the kids. Babysitting jobs are only by my current rental. I don’t want to work FT with infants/toddlers and that’s mostly what people want a nanny due. I like watching other people’s kids in smaller doses. I’ve been void of adult interaction for years.
  25. I do not like answering phones but it’s getting to that point where I’m looking into it more… especially if the company offers good training to prepare you.
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