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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. She said it’s the same as the cc… but I said I’m aware that rate can change quarterly so am curious to see what it is in July (which is when it can change again). Currently it’s at 8% vs the loan rate which is a little over 11%
  2. Casino didn't contact me yet. I followed up with the company that hosted the dinner event, just in case. Xh and I spoke at drop off. He said he's supportive of me moving closer to the kids and that I needed help to ask... I was like huh?? He meant like helping move furniture apparently. Dude, whatever. I'm not asking you for help. My dad doesn't get it. When I told him he said, "why not?" No. Just no. I would rather pay movers than involve him. I discussed loan options with the bank. Apparently I could take out a loan or ask for a cash advance on my credit card that I have through them. I had no idea you could do that. The interest rate on the card can change quarterly so I will see what it's at in July when it updates. It will likely still be lower than the loan interest option. I sorta regret the credit card pull now but if I need the loan I should be approved.
  3. Ds went with my dad to play pickleball 🙂 they can go to an indoor court if they need to. Power is out at my office in the city and they had some stormy weather/debris. I hear thunder and lighting here. A couple friends posted pics of hail. Weather in the local areas is crazy. 2 of my colleagues in the city have lost power. My sister sent money for the movies for me and the kids and I reserved us seats to an afternoon showing of Elementals before the kids go back to xh this evening. I’ll have extra time with them since I don’t have to drive them to the halfway point. I attended an event as a plus one with my dad last night. My aunt thought I could network but there really wasn’t good timing for that. On the way out my dad asked the company hosting (my dad is a client of theirs) if they were hiring and they said not now but we hire often. I was told to send my resume. But honestly it’s probably a dead end… no idea what I could possibly do/make with them. After that I asked my dad to drive by the townhouse I didn’t jump on. It was decent but people hanging out in the street at 8:30 pm (unsupervised kids sitting on a car). I think they were likely harmless though. Definitely too far from casino. Hope I hear back today. I’m trying to work with a staffing agency now in AL. I ended up in touch with them because they were behind one of the Indeed jobs I applied for.
  4. Since I don’t know when power will be restored I forfeited my Sunday babysitting gig. Uggghhh
  5. Building strength, muscle, and endurance is something I want to work on. I’ve been standing on my slant board more lately. I know it helps.
  6. I agree on them being different. I was standing 3 hours at a concert about a month ago. It was painful. And my neighborhood walks tend to be 45 min or so. My treadmill walks (faster pace than neighborhood walk) tend to be 45 min which is when pain kicks in. If I do the full hour I regret that last 15 min. So I try to listen to my body. I can bike longer and I think it’s a more efficient way to burn calories but I don’t want to give up step goals. I think walking is essential & important. I recently went on a trip and we walked around Memphis all day. But not like steady walking… a shrine, putt putt golf, IKEA, and a mall. When we got to the mall I was done… I told them I’d stay in the food court while they browsed. I hate that it’s like that. That’s not that much activity.
  7. To clarify, I really didn’t say much. I asked questions. And I’m not sure ds is predicting backlash from dad so much as not wanting to rock the boat/disagree with this person he thinks so highly of.
  8. Because you haven’t met xh lol… Ds would need xh the same way I would… to deal with the paper part. And in his case, to get to the DMV for the permit test and later the DL test. Ds won’t go over xh’s head (ie ask someone else to drive him to the DMV). And I’m certainly not in a good position to do it. All I can do is advocate or suggest things it seems. I should probably stay in my lane (har har). Ds considers dad his best friend (🤮) and is currently volunteering at his work over the summer. I’m sure ds will sooner drop it than push against dad.
  9. That’s roughly what time wise? Because I’m worried that’s where I might be already. I last a certain set of time then I’m in pain. And that doesn’t give me any more hope of a job where I’d be on my feet.
  10. I asked him his thoughts last night. He said he did want to start sooner than later as you must have the permit 12 months before getting the DL and it would delay his ability to drive to a job. He doesn’t want to get permit at 16 and DL at 17. That’s what he said. We also discussed if walking to a job was practical. I suggested he do a test run because I don’t think he realizes how miserable it is to walk to work in this humidity. There are 1-2 potential businesses semi close… like I said upthread what I would consider decent biking distance. He seems to think Dad is pushing off the permit til “next year” and I asked if he meant this coming school year or another. He wasn’t see and said Dad had been vague (typical annoying responses from xh I’m sure… evade direct questions). I said we should get Dad to clarify and it’s something maybe we can all discuss later. But I know at the end if the day xh will do what he wants. My opinion and ds’ won’t matter.
  11. Those of you that went with minimalist shoes… was your main issue heel pain or what?? Mine is a tight fascia that hurts my arch.
  12. My concern is how do you even transition?? My feet hurt in the house without shoes on and I accidentally left my Chacos at my house 😞
  13. We kept telling him not to use others’ stuff even though he would edit it (speed up, etc) and gave credit to creator. He’s stubborn. Wonder where he gets that from lol
  14. We barely got out of the neighborhood. I ordered us movie tickets for Friday afternoon to see Elementals before xh gets them. I already told work I’d be leaving early Friday.
  15. Frankly I don’t get his channel lol he’s recorded himself playing Friday Night Funkin (video game with music) and has other misc stuff. He kept getting rejected by YouTube so he made a second channel but doesn’t use it now. YouTube would flag stuff because he edited lots of music and it wasn’t original content.
  16. It’s not bad but my girlfriend one town over said they are without power too and last estimate was Friday for power to be restored. Lots of messed up power poles. Shingles from roofs on grass. I’m driving to my dad’s tonight.
  17. Power trucks haven’t come yet. Whole town is out of power. Some trees and power lines fell/got damaged. ds helped me move limbs to curb. House seems be ok. But I’m apprehensive about temperature getting too hot in house without a/c. And not sure when we’ll have working fridge again. So I have a couple options. Try to eat my half prepared dinner without being able to reheat everything. Leave town for dinner & get motel. Drive kids to my dad’s home. I don’t feel like driving 4 hours to my dad’s. It’s already 6 pm.
  18. Maybe high school is more likely to be staffed. Hadn’t thought of summer school. But I’ll butt out since I’m not the custodial parent.
  19. Not around here. My friend that used to work in a school nearby their school said she thinks they report back sometime in July (school resumes in Aug). I would think that xh might have a certificate of school attendance from recent registration but have no idea if that’s the same thing. Like proof of registration may be different. Maybe proof of attendance for the upcoming year is what is needed? We just had a bad storm. We rescheduled my zoom. Power is out.
  20. On a happier note, we got to use a restaurant gift card last night. We are loosely planning to see a movie next visit. Wasn’t much playing this week. I’m hoping I get second interview for casino job. They said I should hear something by end of this week. Ds has not been a butt this summer. It’s nice. And he did get one YouTube channel monetized so he’s excited about that. We watched part of a show together the other night and laughed (the one where only one person is not an actor and they think it’s real jury duty). I have zoom interview today for 9 weeks construction course that meets in Sept. If I get in and don’t have a job yet I’ll go through it. But I don’t know if my orthotics will be enough to help me in a trade job. I ordered a new model night splint. I’ll order second one later.
  21. He wouldn’t wreck it. We’d drive slowly in an empty parking lot or isolated roads. I realize now it’s moot. The school has papers you need. They are closed. And someone told me you also need something notarized.
  22. @bolt.What are you talking about? Ds didn’t make any decision. He went from excitedly talking about how he’s almost old enough/old enough to drive (when I hung out with him on his birthday and another visit leading up to it) to saying he doesn’t think dad wants him to drive this summer. He didn’t express a lot, it was said matter-of-factly… but it definitely did not feel like he had any control or input. It’s moot. The school is closed for summer and you can’t get the papers from the office.
  23. If he’s not ready, we can stop. But if he needs extra practice and we wait, it might feel rushed at age 16 when there’s all this pressure to have your DL. In our area, anyway.
  24. I can’t see him making him wait 2 years. Especially in a state where public transportation is very limited and ds keeps yearning to get a job. He’s volunteering in dad’s library over the summer but I know he wants a paid job sooner than later. I suggested a bike but he’s always shunned riding a bike and didn’t want me to buy one when I inquired a couple Christmases ago. He brought up driving age a couple times before/after his 15th birthday which is why I was hoping I could do some driving with him this summer to ease into it. I just want him to have plenty of practice.
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