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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Passed the test (they sent email tonight). There were like 6 of us there… but they said there’s more than one open position and they can keep your test results for 3 years. There were other test times so probably more people that took the test today that I didn’t see. I don’t know when they will call us for interviews. As usual, parking is the most stressful part of New Orleans lol I’m bookmarking this place. I’ll know all the best parking garages soon 😆
  2. Took the study guide/practice test for library. Got 100%. Had meeting with lawyer today. I am not holding my breath for much other than clearing my name.
  3. They didn’t select me but said they have another job in mind for me. I was urged to apply when they post it. I responded that I was interested and will keep an eye out. They told me they will text me when they post the job opening. It’s called Communication & Marketing Specialist. In the meantime I’ll drive to take the library test this week.
  4. Oh cool I own all the bands. I have the plastic and fabric (prefer my fabric ones)
  5. I did 6-8 weeks of PT specifically for it but I haven’t been consistent with follow up exercises. I’ll start doing the heel raises, thanks. Tell me more about therabands? It’s probably what I do with a stretcher thing I got on Amazon. I sent off letter of appeal to try to get my orthotics approved. They have to review the phone call in which I asked if the insoles would be covered. The rep said yes during that call. ———— I touched base about the graphic designer job. They said sorry it won’t be til beginning of next week we have a decision.
  6. Praying for (positive) news this week. They should have received the thank you note. I finally made it to the gym again this week. I started using the treadmill on an incline. I think that will help strengthen/stretch my calves in addition to my slant board.
  7. Oh and the lawyer thing — another last ditch settlement offer. I said forget it. He’s going to court.
  8. Thank you. I will keep it in mind. It would be a potential line of work I could see myself in. I am writing a thank you letter (snail mail) for the graphic designer position and mailing it today. I did mention to them that I’m willing to learn new skills (they said something along those lines… they want staff to keep learning) and when I worked at the library I’d never used Publisher but I threw myself in it and made things for the grab n go crafts. I had a pic from a craft in my portfolio. I showed them a physical portfolio and left them with a thumb drive to keep. I included ads that went to press, won an award, or were made for social media. I hope I seemed relevant enough. I was confident, had them laugh and relate to some of me comments (the client wants this but you know it’s too crowded). I just don’t know if I nailed it or how the other candidates were.
  9. Had graphic designer job interview. It was OK. I dunno how I rank — they said they’d be doing interviews all day. Pay was not disclosed and when I asked they said it’s considered an entry-level job so it would be on the lower end but experience would be considered. So basically I still have no idea about base pay. They said that’s a question for HR and they will later email me with HR’s number… but I’m not holding my breath. They probably won’t email me til they know who they have chosen. I then attended that electrician thing. Apparently it’s a 5-year apprenticeship program where you work & attend school. The schooling starts this Aug so anyone that signs up now has to wait til next Aug. They said in between contracts you will be unemployed but can collect unemployment or work another non electrical job. I thought really? People are cool with this instability? Two women spoke about how it was worth the pay & perks (health ins/retirement etc) from the union but I wasn’t convinced. You might barely see your kids. Some jobs are in different cities spread out. Some make you work nights. First year pay is $15/hr. After 5 years you’ll get 30+. That union only does commercial electoral. If I pursue electrical I’d go the other route (9 weeks class) and go into residential. But I wonder if that’s just as unstable. I missed a call from my lawyer. No telling what that’s about. Crossing fingers for graphic design job.
  10. The landlord suggested putting the router there 😆 I didn’t want to and the cable company said it wouldn’t work there, anyway. I canceled my cable internet. I can at least use wifi at the hotel.
  11. DD’s room had built in shelves on 2 sides and the hallway had something that maybe once held a telephone?? lol I put a nativity there at Christmas and rotates things on display.
  12. Before I had posted about the hotel microwave I cooked off some sausage patties that were defrosting from travel (yes they were in a cooler bad with ice). I ate 2 but plan to toss the rest to be on the safe side. I’ll let you know if I get super powers. Fingers crossed for teleportation. I did report the microwave & they will look but he dismissed it as “old” when I showed the photo 🙄 I’m being pulled in 20 directions still. It was the kids, my sister, my landlord, etc. Now I thought things calmed down after my sister went home and my landlords got their key back, but apparently the trailer is offending an HOA and my dad was pestering me to get it unloaded and away. I could have left it in the hotel parking lot but he didn’t want me to (seriously there was nothing if value on it). My storage unit is pretty tight so he insisted we unload a bunch into his garage and “deal with it later.” Translation: I’ll be hearing about it in 24 hrs. Now he not so subtly keeps talking about how his meals & sleep has been altered due to me. I told him don’t unload the trailer if you need to make dinner. But it’s my family’s style to help then drop guilt trippy comments. Like whatever. Own it. Help and don’t gripe or don’t help.
  13. I hope so!!! I got my hopes up before so I just never know. One day at a time I guess.
  14. Literally like 2 min after posting that I got asked to come for an interview next week for the graphic designer job. I need to see what else I can save and print for my hard copy portfolio (lot of it is older ads) or throw together a digital one.
  15. They’re doing an informative presentation & recruitment for women electricians this week. No previous experience required. I’m gonna attend. Can’t hurt. I got to my laptop & scheduled my library test. Earliest date available is Aug 10 😕
  16. The brown spots appear to be all or mostly rust not dirt.
  17. It’s not just me, right? This hotel microwave looks dangerous? Melted ceiling etc. I think I’ll bring my own out of storage but it’s a huge space hog. if anyone is curious, this is the rental I left which I have to downsize to a 1 bedroom most likely. You never think you have much stuff til you have to pack it. https://youtube.com/shorts/MotGFIgbMCM?feature=share
  18. Fully moved out. At the hotel with kiddos & kitty. Ds said I’m in Schitt’s Creek now (living in hotel) 🤣
  19. I have applied to WFH jobs but haven’t heard back from any (Cigna was one). I’m not sure if there’s an easy way to follow up with them but I’ll look.
  20. Oh and I can’t try on my orthotics (insoles) because BCBS is saying they rejected the claim due to only covering certain orthotics and supportive footwear is not included 😡 The podiatrist office has tried to appeal it saying they don’t usually have trouble like this. I called BCBS and said I specifically asked if it was covered before booking the appt. They asked date of phone call and I said I don’t know but I am sure somewhere in my call I mentioned it was for feet. The first rep said it should be covered. So this rep looked back through notes and found the date and said I can file my own appeal and they will review the phone call recording. I’ve had the worst luck contacting them snail mail so I asked for a fax number and if I need a certain form. She said no form, just write a letter. So I will do that. Meanwhile I’m still finishing packing up and wondering how I have so much stuff. Long way of saying I don’t even know if electrician is on the backburner as occupation til I try on the insoles.
  21. Got rejection from school library job. They had many candidates and others better fit their criteria, apparently. The other day I got rejection email from the shipyard job and the place that had the job fair (where I went up the elevator to deliver my resume). The one that has the 2 hr test is really my only solid lead now. And they are open on weekends (Sat not Sun) so I know that will be an obstacle.
  22. I got an email today about another library job. They want me to go in person to take a 2 hr test. @katilac I’m sending you a DM to ask if you know about this area. They mandate where you live.
  23. So basically I’m spending an extra $420 this month just for the cat. I’m going to try to talk to management and see if we can come to an agreement. I mean, the website didn’t tack on a pet fee for quote, I saw a bug that may have been a roach on my first night there (took pic and killed it), the elevator died with my dad and I inside, and we had to lug a bunch of items up 4 flights of stairs (I asked for bottom floor in advance but they said long-term guests get higher floors). At check in I learned they don’t provide toilet paper (you start with one roll) and housekeeping comes every 2 weeks. I’ll have to go to the front desk and return linens/towels, ask for new each time. Gosh I hope I get a new job soon.
  24. I have one more trip to get the rest out of the house and pick up kitty. The elevator died at my hotel and my dad and I got trapped in it til some strong men pried it open. Then we lugged ds’ twin bed up 4 flights of stairs 🙄🤣 Totally misleading — the extended stay place did not calculate pet fee into my quote/reservation. So I show up to check in and they say the moment I bring the cat the fees jump up. Ughhh!! They advertise cookware but it’s another fee. Luckily I brought some of my own stuff. Laundry is $3/load so I’ve been doing laundry at my dad’s. I’m praying for job offer soon. The school forwarded my application on once they confirmed I’m open to working at the campus that has the opening (they didn’t initially reveal which campus). So this is my room. I’ll set up the twin bed (in blue bag) soon. We didn’t sleep there. Kids were dropped off at my dad’s this morning. But I think I’ll bring the kids in a couple days.
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