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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. The email I got a few weeks ago said Nov 27. The drug test/paperwork/background check date is Nov 16. I don’t know how soon after that I can get them to give me a letter to show a future landlord. It’s all kinda hard to plan.
  2. The path I’m on. I mean, part of the children’s exhibit in the museum. When the RBT job contacts me tomorrow I guess I’ll let them know I’ve accepted another job (NOLA). Cutting my losses here. I just need to plan to move, work a hopefully low-stress job, search for a car and accept a lackluster love life scenario once again (seldom see him or break up).
  3. AL interview went well but the city decided to repost the job today (!) so they won’t even hire for several weeks… too bad. It pays ballpark $45-51k and I think I’d be able to do it. They gave me a free pass to tour the museum so I’m doing that now. the ones interviewing had no idea the job would be reposted.
  4. It’s probably not my calling. It was just a carrier path I investigated because I have experience with kids (homeschool co-op, Sunday school, nanny agency babysitting). They have a local office. The pay is $16-18/hr. If they paid on the higher end it would be on par with the library salary and closer to the kids. The library job title is associate. It’s not librarian. I don’t know if I’ll ever want the MLS/MLIS degree as I loathe the idea of returning to school. I just want to pay my bills, build savings and retirement and have health ins. again. I do not know if there is much room for income increases in the library. With RBT I know they do merit based evals/raises annually. But as long as I can pay my bills I’d make do with the library salary as long as possible.
  5. I saw a commercial for cars dot com and went online to get a quote for my car. There was an error and they asked me to go to a dealership in person. A local dealership called me. I figured why not. So I went and had my car seen at two dealerships located side by side. One offered $500 and one offered $800. Not surprised. I know my best bang for my buck is to sell the car to an individual. But I’m not sure anyone will pay much for a car that has a failing transmission etc. I started looking at what it would cost to have a car note. Typically they are quite high. I don’t have the room in my budget. I could maybe barely afford that if the cat was used and cheap… close to a $200/mo car note. But that’s really pushing it. And I know from a friend that moved from MS to LA that the car ins shoots way up. I am feeling a bit discouraged. Like how many weeks can I drive on a bad cv joint as I wait for pay stubs. I’d like to get rid of the car rather than throw more money at repairs. My boyfriend tries to make time for me but I see a pattern that our plans are very dependent on his schedule and I hate to say it but “convenience.” Like last night we didn’t see each other because his teen son wanted to stay up and play video games together. I never want to me the woman that comes between a parent & kid. I will not fight or force things. I have my AL interview today.
  6. There’s growth with RBT jobs too but I see what you’re saying. The car/distance is what scares me most about the NOLA job.
  7. To stay in the black, I will hardly hold onto any of this unemployment money as it goes directly toward the cc that keeps maxing out from auto drafts (storage unit, etc). Hoping I can make at least one cc payment this month with cc rewards. Last month I didn’t have enough points. I hear the cv joint on left and right turns now. Ugh. But I don’t have $400 to give the auto shop and I don’t want to ask my dad for money. He has his own new expenses he’s dealing with plus if I do have to ask him for money I’d rather it be on my moving expenses. And as said before, I feel like there are strings attached and I already feel very in debt to him. I’ve tried to babysit for extra money, but that hasn’t worked out thus far.
  8. NOLA job just said they want me to come Nov 16 to handle paperwork, drug test, background check. I hope I hear back from a closer job before then.
  9. Months ago I bought concert tickets to see a goth band this Nov. My gf backed out last min due to an injury so I offered her ticket to my bf (the tickets were on my phone). We went and had a blast. The parking rates were extra high apparently due to it being a weekend night. But the machine acted up so badly the attendant let us drive through and I see no pending charge on my debit card. My dad knew about the concert in advance so I asked if I could borrow his car due to my car issues and he agreed. There were 2 opening bands and we enjoyed the whole show.
  10. Old email regarding museum job came from government job site. But when logged in, it does not show an application in history so I can’t see any details. I applied back in Feb. Im stressed for financial reasons, stability reasons, imposing on others, and worrying if I don’t get a close by job I’ll lose another relationship. With a really good guy.
  11. I have a job interview next week for an event coordinator position in AL but this sounds different than the last one because it’s tied to a museum. I can’t keep up. These are jobs I applied to early in the year. I’ll see if I can dig up a job description/salary somewhere.
  12. Cv joint + labor. It’s a $400 job. My friend’s brother can install for cheaper labor but don’t think it’s really worth driving to him. I’ll shop around for a part. They run ~$200.
  13. Interview update they are aware I want FT and she’s waiting on approval for FT openings at 2 of 3 of their offices. She asked my office preference (I said the one that’s one town over from the kids). They said pay range is $16-18/hr with annual merit-based assessments/raises. FT is a min of 30 hours. I’d obviously need more to put a roof over my head. They have employees that work 40+. They see clients as late as 6 pm but might extend to 7 pm. Currently most are seen in the clinic. They might expand to 2 Saturdays a month. So far I think I can navigate all that. They will touch base with me by next Friday. But if they do get FT approval and offer me a job it won’t start for several weeks due to background check etc. I hate how I’m in this limbo!! Their clients are ages 1-21. Several may need bathroom assistance (groan lol but I’ll deal) and the average session time is much longer than I anticipated (4-6 hrs with one client). I was told I can finish the 40 hr training but once it’s done it takes 2 weeks to get the certificate and at that rate they might just have me take their course instead. But you cannot combine courses. Their course might be better (geared toward their clinic) but I guess I’ll keep working on mine. They asked my pay requirement and I was candid and explained that $17-18 would be best. They did not think it would work in my favor to start as PT so we are waiting on FT approval. Not that I was formally offered a job, anyway.
  14. My car is making a new sound. Ugh!! And my storage unit rate just increased from $79/mo to $93. My cc declined it, I didn’t have enough money. I had to borrow money from a relative so today I’ll tell the storage unit to run the card again. 🤦🏻‍♀️ My plan is to land that RBT job today. I need income NOW. Not in Dec!! (which is when my first check would go through since the library job starts Nov 27). On a happier note, I was able to get all my baking supplies to do the Day of the Dead cookies with the kids. Today after school they can all decorate them. I’ll make a simple royal icing and they can add sprinkles. I made one batch last night and will bake off the rest today. I had the skull cookie cutter but purchased the tombstone on sale. And I splurged and got the 70% off Day of the Dead ceramic for me and dd to paint. It’s huge and normally $15. Using my thumb to make eye sockets worked on the cookies.
  15. Slowly plugging away at this RBT certification course (I had stopped working on it weeks ago thinking it wasn't going to be applicable). Just applied to another RBT job. The pay isn't great, but it's full-time and the work takes place in the center (whereas the other job requires you to drive to homes). If I could get them to pay me on the upper end of the scale (what I was making prior to being laid off, which still isn't a ton), I could at least afford a 1 bedroom apartment. I used my resume version that lists the nanny agency job as an active job (since they didn't ever officially remove me from the agency). I mixed up dates and I cannot attend the Day of the Dead parade that my bf invited me to with his kids (he ran the idea of me coming by the kids first). I'll have dd that day and I'm sure xh would hit the roof if I took her to New Orleans on a school night lol. We have to inform each other any time we leave the state with a child. Plus there's not enough room in the car for everyone. I know dd wanted to do something with me this week (she suggested making sugar skulls) so I'm going to see if I can dig up my baking supplies from my dad's house including my skull cookie cutter. If I can get everything together I'll let dd and her friend (that lives here) decorate the cookies on Thurs after school. I'm sure the 4yr old will want to join in as well. A few days ago I went ahead and renewed my MS driver's license so regardless of whether I move, I have a current one. I just used my dad's address. Money is really tight so I paid xh a partial amount for Oct child support. I am not worried, I will pay him the rest in Nov. He won't actually do anything. I've been late in the past before (by accident) and nothing came of it. I just paid extra the next month. My back injury is mostly healed, but I did need to take it easy this week in some areas. I got my bf to lift my exercise bike so we could haul it to the storage unit. And I wasn't able to comfortably do the rowing machine, but I have returned to the gym. My 24hr gym is 7 min from my gf's house. I'm trying not to be a big burden on their utilities so I showered at the gym the other night and I've been doing my laundry at the laundromat.
  16. Oh and experience with ASD children is preferred but not required. I’m currently living in a home with a child that is on the spectrum.
  17. I applied to 4 RBT positions. One company posted 3 different jobs (different locations). It was misleading if they were PT or FT. I was offered a link to an interview and responded that I was seeking FT. They never responded. So today I said screw it, just book the interview. What’s the worst that happens?? They can’t offer FT. Maybe they start PT and it becomes FT? The online interview is Nov 2. I figure I have nothing to lose.
  18. I saved $100 by moving out today. I got the majority of stuff out of the old room. Going back tonight to get the cat.
  19. And… I have a boyfriend now 🫠 finally, someone that is good with communication, boundaries etc. Our kids are in the same school district. I’ve met his kids just from running into them at the grocery store and YMCA. Just hope my future job/home doesn’t screw this up. Sigh.
  20. So I’m mentally preparing myself that I may not have time to be interviewed anywhere better etc. BUT one day at a time. My gf said I can start moving my stuff in tomorrow. Any days I shave off from this month will help with my final Oct rental check. If you have links to sleeping idea items feel free to share. I went to the YMCA for this final day of swim thing dd’s class was having. They referred to it as a graduation but I didn't see the connection. She’s not swimming due to off/on sickness + recent ear infection so I sat with her the whole session. She was like I forgot to tell you parents were invited. I said I knew, I got the email 🙂 Man these 1 bedrooms aren’t cheap either (NOLA & locally) but I’ll find something.
  21. I won’t turn down the job unless I can figure out a way to afford my own place in the near future with another job. I’ll be staying low to no-rent at my girlfriend’s home soon to save up for a deposit/first month’s rent/utilities. But I wouldn’t stay there indefinitely. I might be able to afford a 1 bedroom locally. I need to crunch numbers.
  22. I have mostly relied on Zillow. That’s how I found the ones I visited. But for now I guess I’ll see if there’s any chance of a closer job before I tour anything else.
  23. Lawyer said from a custody standpoint I can’t get in trouble for the smaller home. Only potential issues are if a city/state has housing ordinances or something. So I’m not gonna worry.
  24. 13 weeks of unemployment left The RBT job said full time on one page but PT on the other. Ugh. I left them a voicemail.
  25. I forgot to answer - my unemployment benefits max out at $6110. Mathematically it appears to be 26 weeks. I just applied to another RBT job. Although working with kids full time isn’t my first choice, I would do it to stay closer.
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