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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I toured the inside of 3 places. The second was on a whim because the property manager said she had other properties and I followed her to the second (the stairs dd hated and no designated parking. Security/safety of that street felt questionable). I didn’t read the listing details til much later and it says no pets. I’m seeing a pattern where I will have to sacrifice security (don’t want to do that) or get a property manager to make exceptions (income requirements or pets). 😬
  2. I just re-read the listing description. They want you to make 3x the rent. I wouldn’t qualify. Rent is $1200/month. Same issue at an apartment complex I looked into. Welp. I’ll just do nothing for now.
  3. I’m stalling 😬 Need job offer letter and hoping MS job might interview me. I don’t know how long to wait though
  4. Looked at a few places. The last one is the only real contender. Dd HATES stairs/heights. One unit had lots of steep stairs to go up to the front door. But the staircase wasn’t so bad on the last unit. She’d have to get over it. It has a designated parking lot and others cannot park there. It’s in walking distance to the French quarter but not blocked by parades. It has a gate to get to the unit. Inside is nice, remodeled a few years ago. Dd has been a pill but at least I saw how adamantly she hates stairs lol the beginning of the trip was awful. The place that I thought I loved online was disappointing in person. We were greeted by crappy roads, sketchy area, overpass at the end of the road, a nearby homeless man and to top it off a registered sex offender had just moved in next door so it was automatically a no all around. A random chicken was walking down the street too Lol
  5. Since I have to keep job hunting I saw a posting for a Learning Resource Coordinator at a small college and applied. The pay and location is better than the NOLA job. But don’t know if they will interview me.
  6. I have 2 showings lined up (open house + a viewing) with dd. I didn’t hear back yet from most landlords and one said the place has been claimed. I invited ds but he passed and asked to see pics. Depending on timing we’ll meet up with my friend. We were invited to Oktoberfest but that might be too late in the day. I am trying to get us back in time for a trunk or treat.
  7. I did take her house hunting in the past with me but it’s the drive + several stops I’m worried about. Maybe I can find a pit stop to excite her about.
  8. ATM I still have to apply to jobs to keep my unemployment. I spoke with them about it. Sorta annoying but will be awful if I stop.
  9. I don’t know if it’s premature but I’m going to attend an open house tomorrow for one place I have my eye on. Dd will tag along depending on babysitting options. My dad is busy and I’m not sure if I’ll burden my aunt. I emailed the listing contact a few days ago — unfortunately they ignored my questions (like pet policy) and said attend the open house if you’re still interested. I don’t want to waste a trip so I’ll drive by other properties as well. I’ve hit it off with that old guy friend — of course when I’m moving. Universe 🙄😆
  10. Yes, I’m sure they will deduce something from my request such as an official offer letter if that’s what they think works. The offer email does not look like something I’d want to print, though. And they said the drug test needs to be completed within 30 days of start so it implies to me that you could start work without it complete - however a landlord may want a letter that makes no reference to pending drug test etc. I’ll do the drug test as soon as possible.
  11. last night I had a candid chat with my landlady about moving mid month etc and she said she considers me a week-to-week tenant because they let me pay weekly as my unemployment money arrives that way. So it’s no problem if I have to leave mid month. Today I got an email from HR that their planned start date is end of November. After Thanksgiving. They said I’ll be contacted about the drug test within the next few weeks. So I guess I’ll just stay here a while. I started moving my stuff into the smaller room to make space for the new tenant that’s coming soon. They started running the heater here — sometimes at times that don’t seem necessary. So I have been closing my room air vent. I did mention to HR that at some point I think I’ll need a contract to show to a future landlord in lieu of paystubs.
  12. I asked what I need to do and they just said someone would be following up. So I’m just in limbo.
  13. I applied for the library job July 19. It seems like it would be just as much a waste of their time as mine to go this far with me only to turn around and say nevermind, we aren’t hiring. I believe they hired several candidates, too. So I feel pretty confident it will move along but I’d feel better getting a drug test date. Hope they send that soon.
  14. That’s awful! I think what I’ll do is ask the library for a written contract to show the future landlord but they may not be able to provide that til the background check & drug test are complete. So far they haven’t instructed me on where to go for the drug test. Possibly I could get my current landlords to agree to less than a month stay in Nov if I’m in limbo… since another tenant is moving in soon and will help offset the Nov rental income.
  15. The job stipulates the parish I need to live in. It’s a requirement of their city employees.
  16. I’m going to see a friends’ band (free local event) with an old friend tonight and since costumes are encouraged I’ll see if I can braid my hair to look like Wednesday Addams.
  17. I hope I’m not delusional but I’ve pulled it off before* so I feel hopeful that I can find some landlord that will accept a letter from the employer as proof of job. And I am willing to show stubs from my cashiers’ checks that I get printed weekly for my current landlord. The memo always says rent and has my name, landlord’s name and date. They could speak to my landlords (current & former) but the stubs are more concrete evidence. And I still have a good credit score. So I’d rather push forward to move in early Nov if possible. A guy friend offered to drive there at night with me next week so we can look at these places after dark as they may have a different vibe at night. *well not this exact scenario but we got someone to rent to us when xh only had an unpaid practicum and we had student loan money
  18. I don’t even know how to ask this. But do I sound crazy for wanting to move into a place in Nov? My dad is like what if they turn around and say hiring freeze and you’ve just signed a lease? I think he’s being paranoid. I do not have a start date but I’d rather be moving my items in early Nov than late Nov even if the job might not actually start til a few weeks from now (that’s after the drug test and background check clear). I do not want to be moving at Thanksgiving! I want to be settled.
  19. But not at xh’s library system which makes up most of the libraries by the kids
  20. I pulled up my old spreadsheet with expenses and modified it with guesses. About 36% of income on rent, higher ins (auto and renter’s will probably go up in the city), a min payment of $50/month on the cc balance etc. I can do it but it will be hard to build up an auto fund, savings etc. One step at a time, though!
  21. When we dated xh would let me drag him to NOLA. Night life stuff. After we got married he said I’m never going back, it’s too dangerous. So I wrote off NOLA for many years. I do acknowledge it’s dangerous but I’m more comfortable there now after going to several shows/events this past year, using Lyfts and parking garages, traveling with friends. He also likes to ignore or dismiss my time as a librarian. Kinda got the kids to as well. So this is all a bit amusing to me. No, my title isn’t librarian but I’m back at a library. And it sounds like essentially the same type of duties. ——— Mathematically speaking I’m looking at spending at least 35% of income on rent. I’ll make it work. I really want a 2 bedroom.
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