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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I was waiting for clarification on that sorta lol. I wanted to know what you meant by double ovulation baby as it was unclear to me if we were all defining ovulation the same. How did you determine that you ovulated twice? You saw it in your temps at two totally separate parts of the same cycle? Your CM pattern? Your ob/gyn said you had two fertilized eggs? If this is too personal, please don't feel obligated to answer! Some of this thread contradicts what I've been taught so I'm trying to wrap my brain around it.
  2. We may be defining ovulation differently. I am counting it as one ovulation if two eggs are released in a 24hr period. That's two eggs. One ovulation. Now it's possible that the definition I'm using is outdated because these Canadian scientists have discovered otherwise... but that article was pretty wishy washy! Really, like we need double ovulation to explain why the rhythm method wasn't successful? lol. I have taken two NFP classes (Billings Method) and currently meet with a teacher to discuss my chart every 1-2 months. The rhythm method relied on counting days and very regular cycles. The article even said they didn't prove that any of the women in the study actually ovulated twice. they said month. Not cycle. Of course a woman could produce more than one egg in a month if she has two short cycles that overlap one month. Not sure if they chose the wrong word here but it doesn't sound very shocking. So nothing has been confirmed? Then why the headline? I'm just saying that was a pretty disappointing scientific article. I was defining ovulation more like this article: http://pregnancy.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Can_You_Ovulate_Twice_in_One_Cycle If the Canadian scientists are right and you can ovulate 2-3x in a cycle then that's pretty aggravating for my charting. It's already difficult for me. ---- OP, glad you got a test! Hope you're feeling better soon.
  3. ? You only ovulate once. Your body can appear to start ovulation but then it's basically a false ovulation and does it later in the cycle. And if someone has fraternal twins both eggs are from the same ovulation.
  4. I did the trade in this year, but couldn't use the coupon for anything (dd already has a toddler bed) so gave it away. Babies R Us/Toys R Us is often overpriced so the 25% off coupon may not be any real benefit. Just look at the prices in other stores first. They will only take the coupon for what's in stock in store, too. You may have already known that, though. I looked up your 40 lb Graco. At least you get an additional 3" for height. Although, now they are saying that babies might need more than the standard 1" margin above their head for a crash. So I don't know if you are really getting a full 3" gain. And as the baby grows you may not want to try to get them into a bucket seat. YMMV
  5. He talks about it briefly at the beginning of this Q and A. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FytXjuZ39Us I'm guessing the follow up varies from place to place. For some reason his check up was at 5 months. Sounds like your husband had one much sooner.
  6. The other day I saw a youtube video about a couple that got pregnant because the vasectomy didn't take, but they said they were supposed to check back with the hospital at 5 months. Why five months? I don't know. So do those things have to checked on several months later? I agree that it's possible you didn't ovulate when you thought you did, thus moving your luteal phase. But if I was really worried/wanted to take meds I might just get a test.
  7. Ahh. Gotcha. I had a couple pairs prior to these that in some ways seemed to be of higher quality but the fit for me is always hit and miss. I wore "wedgees" with some of them. https://www.amazon.com/Wedgees-Eyeglass-Retainers-Eyewear-Oversized/dp/B00EULO7WM. I could hide the wedgees with my hair if I wanted.
  8. Could you just skip LATCH and use seatbelts and maintain a 7 seater? Or do they just not fit well enough?
  9. Ds is currently in a B&M school but will more than likely be homeschooled next year. I bought materials and have been planning on this for some time. Only way I see this changing is if we give the failing public school a chance. Not a lot of options here. As dd gets older I plan to homeschool her.
  10. I thought LATCH has always had weight limits. I guess it's just a bigger problem with seats that last longer? We have never used LATCH.
  11. We owned a Graco Snug Ride 35 and for some reason the chest clip didn't make a good snapping sound when it closed. Even a car seat tech at the fire dept. said he had the same complaint with his that it looked like it might be too easy to reopen. I might look for a different one all together. Dd was never able to open her chest clip, but I didn't like it. The thing I did like about ours is the boot. http://www.gracobaby.com/products/pages/snugride-click-connect-35-infant-car-seat-amelia.aspx She was born in winter and I kept the "boot" on to help keep her feet warm. I didn't worry about that piece falling off, but it was removable. I avoid add-ons with car seats so this was perfect as it was intended to be there. I bought it at Bed, Bath and Beyond with their 20% off coupon. I'd look there because I think you can usually use their 20% off coupon on seats. My kids are tall. The height limit will be exceeded far sooner than the weight for most kids. So I don't think you're really getting more time with say a 30 lb. seat vs. a 35. Dd is now 2 years old and weigh 29 lbs. She's been out of that infant car seat for some time. She's using a convertible now. And I have some issues with that seat too lol. Dh bought it without my input. I've found out since it's one of the bulkier ones which has its pros and cons. Hogs more space in vehicle but it looks roomy and has two cup holders. It's a Graco MyRide 65. I think one of the reasons he got it was because it looked like it had more cushion for her head. She spent too much time in swings and car seats like the bucket and had torticollis. So in that sense, if I were to do things all over again, I might take her out of the car seat more often and baby wear her inside buildings. But yes it was nice to be able to carry the bucket in and your dh may not want to babywear. If possible maybe go look at some in person. I did most of my shopping online because there are limited choices in stores, but at least you could test the buckles. And read about the rethreading. Which ones are more convenient. I want to become a car seat tech but I haven't been able to do it yet. Wish I could be of more help.
  12. Since a lot of times on these threads parents say books, that's something that would last for years if the baby doesn't chew/tear it up first. You could do a recordable book where you are reading it. It would obviously have to be handled by Mom and Dad so as to not get damaged. I'm into practical gifts myself, but we did buy a few recordable books a few years ago and one this past Dec. to have the grandparents record their voices on them. We got them at Hallmark. They are all Christmas books, but others might exist. When ds was born my parents got us a glider we wanted and my inlaws got us a heavy duty stroller. Ds is 8 now and we still have both. I used the stroller a few days ago with dd.
  13. They have bifocals on their site but maybe they didn't in the past. Or maybe you mean you have to get fitted in person. http://www.zennioptical.com/bifocal-glasses This video I saw (which I originally saw because of the Hive I think) basically says that glasses are overpriced and you aren't getting much more quality based on the price tag. and one company owns most of them. But I don't think my glasses feel like they are high quality, either so I hear you. I do wear them daily. Every time I've replaced glasses it's been because a child of mine broke a pair. I thought it was important for me to have two pairs and this way I could afford two. I try to keep them away from my toddler, but sometimes I screw up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7H-_8UkmFU I respect your opinion but I just wanted to share where I was coming from. I'm sorry I don't have anything useful to contribute to the thread. Edited since I'm not sure my original thoughts are correct but the video speaks for itself.
  14. I just thought it sounded high because I went to a regular eye exam not long ago and the exam itself (I found the cheapest price so I know it can easily be more) was $75 I believe. Then I ordered my glasses at the site I heard about here (zenni optical). My two pairs of glasses/lenses were $52 combined (free shipping I think). But I didn't have any special testing, maybe that's what you meant. It might not help now, but maybe later to try that site. Of course being special lenses you might not be able to order there.
  15. $350? Are they special glasses? I clicked on this thread because sometimes I wonder if my child is ODD but he doesn't fit the check lists I've read. He's so difficult and I think it's mostly with close family (dh, me, sometimes around grandparents though we aren't around them often). He had one eval (didn't discuss ODD then) and I am going to look into vision stuff based on his Bender-Gestalt results. He complains of headaches after school often. I was given a check list at the optometrist to see if he's a candidate for further vision testing. I don't know if something like that would apply to you. I haven't read every reply to this thread. You can find a copy here: http://www.woa-eyes.org/college-of-optometrists-in-vision-development-quality-of-life-checklist?preview= But I think you need to follow up with a certain optometrist to interpret your answers.
  16. We have to get rid of a lot of stuff. I'm trying to sell the big stuff, but not sure if anyone will buy. There's a consignment event coming up we might participate in. Google it (Rhea Lana) or see if there's another one if that interests you. One idea I've had is to give some to a parish that has more families in need. Dh has had me set aside a few favorites though we don't *plan* on having more kids. I am a bit more cold about it all because I lost a lot in a hurricane and I think I lost a lot of attachment to stuff... like here today, gone tomorrow. Why did I save that? It benefited no one. I wasn't a mom and I didn't have baby clothes when the hurricane happened, but it made me think a little more in those terms. I still do get sentimental but sometimes the longer I keep stuff the harder it is to get rid of it. Dh is thinking way more long term than me, saying maybe some can go to grandkids lol. I don't know that I want to hold onto stuff so many years but I could see he meant maybe it will get reused in the family. There's no right or wrong answer. I'm just saying if you want to let it go, just think, "someone could be using this now."
  17. You can see what you are cleaning with the frida, but when I tried to clean the tubing it just stayed wet for over a day on my drying rack. It's curly and holds a drop or so of water in it even after I shook it out. I just prefer to use it dry. As for the filter, I don't know if you are supposed to wait to see anything to change it out. I wondered how much of the device I needed to clean between uses if the baby needed to use it mult. times a day, though. I definitely didn't want to go through 3 filters a day.
  18. This was my fear, too. But they come with filters that are supposed to stop it. I have tried ours a few times, but by the time I got it dd was a bit older and she moves her head away if I try. So I don't know if it's much use to us. I think I got it for her around the time she turned two.
  19. Her friend picked out her own flights and determined when the OP picked her up. I am guessing they were fairly convenient times since she did all the shot calling.
  20. you posted this while I was writing my second novel. Sorry. I'm happy to hear that so much of her focus was on visiting with you. I guess some of her priorities shifted over time and I would try not to take it too personally but just make a mental note that it's okay if yours do, too. I'm so glad to hear your husband is being so supportive about it all.
  21. Of course talking to her sounds reasonable, but based on my (limited) experience it may just cause a fight and resolve nothing. I had a close friend that was living out of state when my son was born. He was going to turn one when she was going to be in state. I invited her to the party noting it might be too far for her. She was going to be staying at her parents' home several cities away. Well, she asked for the address and I told her that the distance might be a problem. She said she was going to program her GPS and she was coming. Then when it was like the day of the party or the day before she said she was really tired from her traveling and it was further than she thought. I was very irritated. I felt like I had already addressed most of that and she failed to recognize the problem. Then she guilted me about how she had his birthday gift and I needed to get it. I arranged to meet her somewhere that was out of my way but somewhat of a compromise location. The whole ordeal was stupid because he wouldn't notice if he didn't get a gift and I wouldn't have cared if she returned the item, but I was trying to I dunno smooth things over. It could be that nothing has changed. You just didn't see her true colors because you've never opposed anything she suggested? Primarily been on the giving end maybe? This reminded me of your friend. With a friend like that, they don't mean any harm, but they might cause hurt feelings and let you down (not to say others can't do that. I'm sure we all have at some point). It's probably not fair for me to say this, but if I were in your shoes I would worry that she'd begrudgingly agree to the transportation and then possibly flake out. Could get sick or something. I literally had that happen to me once. My sister was supposed to drive me to the airport and came down with the flu. I ended up paying for a service. If this were you, how would you feel? Would you be okay with that scenario? Or would you wish you had just canceled?
  22. She's not traveling to your event specifically to see you. She has a list of reasons and based on her behavior I'm not even sure how high on the list you are. Stating that to say, don't feel like you have to bend over backwards for her. She has seen you multiple? times and never arranged her own transportation. How convenient for her. Given that you won't lose credit for your flight, I would heavily lean toward canceling. Is there an expiration on your credit? That is what would concern me the most.
  23. I asked ds. He's 8. He wouldn't care and I told him that some boys might have a problem with flowers. His response, "what? Why? Flowers are beautiful!" :laugh: My son is not what I would consider typical, though. Like he will watch shows that others deem girly. I wouldn't be surprised by a strong distaste for the towel in a child this age, either. At ds' last birthday party we had pink and black plasticware. I gave a male child dessert that had a pink fork on the plate and he asked if I could give him black instead.
  24. I keep thinking of things lol Not sure how soon you would need this, but since you mentioned bottle I will say the Lansinoh slow flow nipples were highly recommended in my LLL fb group. And you can just stick to that one speed the whole time. But you may have another brand in mind. I ended up using a few brands but stuck with those because the shape looked more natural to me. https://www.amazon.com/Lansinoh-mOmma-Slow-Flow-Nipples-Count/dp/B01J61VVR4/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1486683933&sr=8-1&keywords=Lansinoh+slow+flow Burp cloths/bibs Hair tie for you
  25. I can think of some things which may or may not appeal/apply to you but I found useful: Baby bottle drying rack (my favorite is this one because it was good for flanges and bottles) this one Straw cleaners. Also prefer Munchkin brand to say, Dr. Brown's because they have a way to set them down. Shown in first link. You can pick these up separately, though. Or alternatively you could hang your straws. Nipple Brush They make a larger one for bottles, but I wish they just made the nipple brush with a longer handle so it could more easily be used for both! I often used it for both. Bottle Brush I've tried a few, this is the one I currently use for dd's straw bottle. I think it is less likely to scratch bottles and spray you with water compared to the one I have at my parents' home. The one I have over there is the OXO one. Pumping bra This is the exact listing I ordered, but the picture is wrong. Mine has two zippers down the front allowing you to add or remove a small panel. Let me know if you have questions about SSC baby carriers. I just got my second one in the mail today. It's the toddler kinderpack and my previous one is the Lillebaby standard (which technically she still can use, but I find the panel height to be too short). Oh yeah, and a nursing pillow. I got a freebie from the hospital (kinda looked like a boppy pillow) and already owned the Breastfriend one. I preferred the Breastfriend though I often went without either.
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