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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. When dd was baptized her godparents came over for a few minutes and left a gift and said they had to go. We were like :confused1: . It really upset dh because he didn't even get to know them and I was pretty bummed as well. They had to check on a relative they look after, but we had no idea they'd be rushing off.
  2. Hm that's tough because I would think that a lot of restaurants will be packed on Father's Day (or is that just Mother's Day lol). Given the circumstances, would you re-open the idea of doing the celebration in the hall? Maybe give your mom and dad their gifts after the godfather and his wife have left. Keep the gifts in the car. Any way you could do family stuff at your parents' home (I don't know if they are together or not so not sure if there's one central location).
  3. I'm not sure if I'd call it an elopement but when I hear "destination wedding" I kind of pictured more people. I guess to me elopement might be just the couple and witnesses, no parents and probably no photographer.
  4. I'm stubborn as a mule and usually forget the tapping points so haven't used it much, but my dad taught me EFT a long time ago. He has an advanced EFT certificate and helps others with the method. He tells me success stories of helping others, mostly with pain. I don't know about anger so much, but I think it may work the same. I don't know how old your child is but I read on this board the other day there is an EFT book geared toward children called Tap into Joy. You are supposed to say a phrase when you do the tapping. Words of affirmation. I guess sometimes I felt silly doing it but it doesn't hurt. It can calm you down. One person he did it with was on an airplane with him and very anxious about flying. He asked if they were interested and they agreed and it helped calm them down. So yeah, I'd give it a try. There are videos on YouTube you can watch to help explain it. I don't know if they use all the same tapping points (in other words, maybe some people use less points than others. I remember under the eye, below lower lip above the chin, under arm, etc.).
  5. Mini sandwiches were my initial thought. Any sandwich with toppings that will fall out (shredded lettuce or bbq sauce) might not be as tidy, but there are several that don't have that. If there are mostly adults using plates I don't think it would be too bad in any case. petit fours pinwheels I might think twice about chips or crackers if you're worried about cleaning up crumbs or if the chips are greasy. But even those might be fine. No matter who is coming I don't think I could say no to cake or cupcakes. Crummy mess and all lol. I also like fruit and veggie trays. Something easy to pour. I know this sounds stupid but I recently went to a baby shower and I was so self-conscious pouring a drink because the pitcher kept dripping all over LOL
  6. We have a family of four and I can't imagine a fifth in a queen but I would think the hotel room would have two beds. On more than one occasion I've actually walked into my room at night before and found dh and the two kids and cat in the Cal King and left and slept in ds' empty bed lol.
  7. Have you only seen mainstream doctors? I would consider a Naturopath.
  8. I'd have to be operating on a full night's sleep and allow time for other things. Loading the car, eating breakfast, packing last minute things, unloading the car, bedtime routine where ever we stop at the end of the destination, etc. I would potentially get very groggy. Well, I think I need more sleep to feel fully rested compare to the average adult. I went to pick up a vehicle this weekend, actually. Dh drove one car and I drove the other. The trip was 3-4 hours. I didn't get enough sleep (which was my fault, I mixed up the Mass times on Saturday so I got up to go to Mass on Sunday). Long story short, I have trouble functioning on little sleep and I find traveling with kids difficult even for shorter drives lol. I was just glad this time we didn't have the cat.
  9. That's kinda crazy and rude. Yes. I think a woman photographed us or video taped us when dh pulled the car up over the curb in front of the mall to help us load the kids and shopping bags in the pouring rain. I didn't know he was going to go up over the curb! We weren't blocking anyone. He just didn't want the kids having to walk across the parking lot in the rain and there was this area where he could position the car out of the road near one of the stores to load us. Dh said someone took a picture of him somewhere... Walmart or something I think. I have seen a picture on my facebook feed where someone took a photo of someone at walmart to comment on their clothing. One of those "People of walmart" type photos. But she personally took it. I wouldn't do that. Another time a girl on my FB feed showed a picture of a pregnant woman with an energy drink in the ob/gyn waiting room. She was commenting on the mom drinking that and took the photo herself. Okay well you didn't have to post her image. I'm not even sure if it was her drink. I'd hope that if I was in the ob/gyn waiting room of all places no one would be photographing me. When I'm in public and someone is in the background of my photo I often crop them out.
  10. wow. Well at least if someone did that they could use the weekend as part of their time and then add a day or two of vacation leave, especially if it falls on a 3 day weekend. Just thinking of ways people do these things without requesting off too much time from work.
  11. Dh hates it if I sleep in the car next to him. And there's no way I'd want us driving if neither of us could sleep. Plus, we can't take turns driving anyway because of the carseat configuration and his height. He just cannot sit in the passenger seat. We've moved the carseats before and they are in his preferred configuration. So, unless you can take turns sleeping/driving, I don't see how it's even physically possible. That's not counting the stops. You will end up stopping lol.
  12. I'm not gonna lie, I have googled what grounds an annulment is approved. Things aren't all peachy right now. But I think counseling needs to happen before I determine anything about our future. More than one of those reasons apply.
  13. I think some of these are just a weekend getaway. Dh and I were nervous about taking vacation days at our jobs so when we got married we returned to work the following Monday I believe. We both worked jobs where the doors rarely closed. He was at Blockbuster at the time and they were open all the time. Like, I think even Christmas Day. He'd ask off for Christmas day but I think sometimes work Christmas Eve. It was insane. I worked at a newspaper that published 6 issues a week and we rarely closed on weekdays (I worked M-F).
  14. well someone I know got married recently and she and her gfs went somewhere for what I think was the bachelorette party. I think it was a surprise to the bride, though. Like maybe she knew the date and vague destination but didn't know the exact hotel.
  15. Good to know. I think it was "X" (without the 2) that I rode and enjoyed. I haven't been in a number of years but grew up near the park before I was really able to appreciate it.
  16. Lol I told myself I was DONE with Colossus there! Felt like the ride was going to break. I just googled it and it looks like they updated it and added steel and renamed it Twisted Colossus.
  17. My sister and I both have anxiety but enjoy roller coasters. That being said, I would still hesitate for certain ones. I do not like really steep ones and I had to get past the initial drop to enjoy Goliath at Six Flags in CA. I learned the hard way with a few rides... ugh the Superman one that goes super fast just gave me a headache. And Viper shook my head around and I clunked the sides where they pull the handles down. So anything designed like those I would avoid personally. And I'm thinking that as I get older I will hesitate more about which things I am willing to ride. I'm in my 30s. Dh won't ride roller coasters because he's so tall and it's too dangerous the way some are set up. He thought he and his dad were gonna lose their heads on one. I am glad your son can ride alone and will get a shorter line.
  18. Maybe you need exposure to some older people that aren't having such serious health issues?? My father is doing pretty well for his age. Mom not so much (Parkinson's has made her dependent on others). My grandmother lived to 101 and was very able bodied all things considered. Thanks for the eyeball nightmares LOL. Seriously, I've never heard of that and it sounds super scary. What you said about your clothing and meals. I think that's how my mom feels. She doesn't want me to help her with much. I think some of it is pride. But we can't leave her alone long so if Dad needs/wants to go somewhere long he has to get an expensive caregiver. That part of aging saddens me for both of them.
  19. I got a quote once on the fob? (the thing with buttons for my car keychain). It was expensive :( I got the quote from a place that was not where we got the car. We got the car from a dealership. I imagine they are all high if that's what you're talking about. Dh and I didn't want to pay that much so he has a regular key and I have the fob on my keychain. But lately it sounds like it's dying so I don't know what I'll have to pay to update the battery if it's going out.
  20. The Sweet Smell of Christmas. We bought a copy last year, but the stickers smell different than my original. I night compare to the one at the library lol
  21. Do you even want to drink or is this about avoiding, "why aren't you drinking?" looks/whispers? Honestly, if you are nervous, just don't drink and let them stare. I am not drinking right now because of a medication. There are lots of reasons people don't drink.
  22. Wow big momfail for me. But memorizing a stream of numbers seems extra difficult for some of us (dyscalculia or working memory issues). Walk six blocks to school?! I would have never been able to have ds do that. Like even now probably not. But I don't think he's NT.
  23. Is she talking to you in front of people or privately? If in front of people that would make me uncomfortable. I might either want to crawl under a rock and not return to the group or find someone I connect with in the group and sit near them. Maybe she wouldn't approach me with those awkward comments if I'm not alone/interacting with others. I might layer it on thick... "oh no! I'm just not very talkative" in case her reason for asking is because she's secretly worried she said something wrong.
  24. Oh I wasn't saying it was always going to work lol. Just that since someone upthread asked about ways to indicate you don't want to talk that it was one thing you could try. It actually drove me nuts that a coworker used to wear them during work. We had to communicate and sometimes people would walk past her and ask me because I was more approachable.
  25. My observation of some people that don't want to talk is they wear ear buds... maybe not even listening to anything lol.
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