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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. We don't have any but last week I saw one that has Snoopy as a troop leader with 3 Woodstocks following behind. My husband did jokingly ask where he was in the picture. I've also thought about getting the hiking boot imprints to represent our family along with a paw print for our dog but never followed through. One family that used to live in our neighborhood has stick figures for them and their 10 kids. They had pets on there too but I don't remember how many. We had to stop and count the kids every time we walked by "the family's" house. My daughter was really fascinated by them.
  2. It's so far down the line from now our situation will likely change. However, I don't see myself returning to full time work at this point. I do enjoy the little bit of volunteer work I have time for now and could see volunteering becoming a nearly full time commitment.
  3. A flash card app would allow you to set up exactly what they learn. I have one called Flashcards that allows you to type in both sides of the card. You can select which group and mark the card when you learn it. It would be labor intensive to set it up for mulitple kids, it is a simple though so potentially your kids could be given a list and set the cards up. I am sure a math flashcard app exists though that wouldn't require all that effort My son likes Splash Math and Math Blaster, I don't think they meet any of your requirements except that it fun for a 7 year old.
  4. Do a search for pre writing worksheets. My daughter used to love those. I also found cutting practice sheets. The Rod and Staff books are good too. My daughter went through the first one quickly so now I put them in a page protector and let her use it with a dry erase marker. The Early Bird or Essential Math books by Singapore could be a good beginning math. The Education Unboxed videos are great too.
  5. One thing that helped me was to spend some one on one time with my 3 year old before working with the 5 year old. When I had an infant our schedule constantly changed but we did as much during nap time as possible. He's now 2 and pretty good at playing independently while I work with the older ones. When he starts getting needy, I pull him on my lap or take a short break and read to him.
  6. I like the idea of week long loops, I hadn't really thought of scheduling subjects like that before.
  7. Following. I've thought about using loop scheduling for science, art, and music next year.
  8. Is fish affordable? I think my family would live on veggies, rice, and fish (assuming it's Kosher, I don't know much about Kosher foods).
  9. We lived in a crumby school district and couldn't afford private school. About the time I came to that realization I was in a church group with a family who homeschooled. They made homeschooling not seem so strange and even fun. I hadn't ever considered homeschooling prior to that. Now I am so thankful we went that route, it's been great for my family.
  10. I keep Kleenex in my purse and don't worry about it. At church if I'm especially a mess, I'll sneak to the bathroom during the closing song to regain my composure. I guess I don't mind being sensitive, it's just part of who I am. I think it helps having friends who are just as sensitive though.
  11. I'd have been tearing up with you. I cry at the drop of a hat.
  12. Could you have Stanley Steamer or a similar service clean it? It would have to be cheaper than buying a new couch.
  13. There has not been anything in the local news.
  14. I said a prayer for them, I'm sorry.
  15. Shoot, I've been slacking. My 7 year old can scramble eggs and I felt that was an accomplishment. My 5 year old can't do any cooking unless you count pouring cereal and milk. You've inspired me.
  16. Thanks for your insight. I haven't driven a Flex, my husband is a Chevy guy so Fords haven't really been on our radar. I didn't think about the possibility of new being cheaper due to finance deals. We've really just been considering used because they are so much cheaper initially and won't cause our insurance rates to increase. We've found a couple used Acadias locally that have the features we want, they hadn't been through the dealer tune up as of earlier this week so I haven't gotten to test drive them yet, just similar models.
  17. We are unexpectedly replacing my vehicle in the next few days. We are deciding between a 2-3 year old Tahoe or Acadia. We have travelled quite a bit as a family in my husband's company Tahoe and I love it but I think I want something a bit smaller as my regular vehicle. We are looking at Acadias with captain chairs in the middle. I have two kids in boosters and one in a car seat. We travel lightly when we do travel so I'm not overly concerned about cargo space which is the one thing my friend doesn't like about hers. What do you love/hate about your Acadia?
  18. I don't use those words in front of my kids. It isn't so much that I find them offensive but I don't particularly want my 2 year old saying sucks (we also don't use butt). I don't generally expect others to clean up their language in front of my kids, but I do appreciate it when they do. I assume some day my kids will say those words and it's ok if they do, I just prefer try were older. We have talked about how some words aren't polite to say in public, usually referring to being in a restaurant and talking about body functions at the table. Now I did correct my then 20 year old brother when he was staying with us and kept saying crap in front of my kids. It wasn't that he used it once or twice, but he was using it repeatedly in a conversation and I requested that he rephrase. I knew my brother wouldn't be offended and that if he thought I was making a silly request, he'd say so. I can't imagine myself asking anyone else other than this brother though.
  19. I need to print and hang these by my desk.
  20. I like quick oats with applesauce and frozen fruit stirred in. For my kids I add the fruit after cooking to help cool it off but I prefer to cook my oatmeal with the blueberries in it. Other ideas: scrambled eggs, egg in a hole, pancakes (make ahead, freeze, then cook in toaster). Egg "McMuffins" (egg, slice of cheese, on toasted English muffin).
  21. I think the Adventure Science Center in Nashville would be better for older kids, the 2 year old would probably enjoy both equally. It's been about 4 years since we were at the Childrens Museum in Chatanooga though so I'm not certain.
  22. I hadn't heard of it (I'm not Canadian), but I'm signing up. I'm pretty good about making sure my kids get outside daily, not myself. We do go for regular walks, but we have had a rainy spring and haven't been as consistent.
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