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Everything posted by FrogMom5

  1. Other - my parents were moderate dems. and I'm a conservative leaning independent. Denise
  2. Yes but I've had those pains off and on since puberty. If this is new, I would see your doctor. It is probably nothing serious but just be sure. Denise
  3. I would seek professional help. I have no personal advice but :grouphug:s. Denise
  4. Would PLATO science fit the bill? Not sure what grade level you're looking for though. Denise
  5. Great accomplishment! Congratulations! :hurray::party: Denise
  6. We are using Teaching Textbooks. It's not the most rigorous but it does a good enough job in my mind. My ds is heading toward science and math too. Denise
  7. Thank you for sharing this. I told my son that I had some nice, light summer reading for him. :D Seriously, this material will be very helpful. Denise
  8. A friend just told me that FL has changed the P.E. requirement to graduate from high school. She said that students now have to meet the P.E. requirements for HOPE - P.E. must be taught by 2 outside teachers and specific requirements must be included. She said it affects current 9th graders. Have any of you heard this? I tried to look it up on the FPEA website but didn't see anything about it there. Is my friend misunderstanding something or is this correct info.? Denise
  9. Yes, we have sweet and unsweet tea here. It's nice to have options! Denise
  10. Are you talking about the way you treat others or the way they treat you? If it's the first, reading will help you become more patient and kind. If it's the second one, reading will help you learn to deal with and forgive the people who hurt you. I struggled with patience and still do at times. But slowly, as I read and study, it changes my impatience. Well, I'm also Catholic and the Eucharist changes me too. But, I think reading Scripture, Church Fathers and so forth, really plants seed and leads you (meaning everyone) to a better life. It helps me better handle relationships with some unkind extended family members too. Does any of this help? Or, have I missed the point? I hope you get some answers that help you. :grouphug: Denise
  11. No, I don't cover. I might if more people did in my church. I don't like to stand out or call attention to myself and that's what I would feel like. I know, I know, no one is there to look at me but, I still feel like I stand out. For skirts/dresses, I almost always wear one to church. Once in while, I wear slacks. When not in church, I wear pants or shorts(longer shorts b/c I'm older). I don't have a problem w/my dd wearing shorts or shorter skirts - not mini's but above the knee. She's 4 and I think little girls look cute in shorter dresses/skirts. As for my dh, he does not prefer me in dresses. He's indiferrent about the issue. He has said he doesn't want our dd in dowdy clothing or trampy clothing. I have friends who cover only in Mass and one who covers all the time. The one who covers all the time also wears only skirts. Denise
  12. My dd measured bigger for her gestational age. The Perinatologist and the OB disagreed on how far along I was. Still, they were only a week or two apart. You said the baby is measuring a month ahead? Could you have conceived and then had a period? Sometimes this happens and makes a woman think she conceived later than she actually did. How big were your other babies? Fwiw, my 1st was 9lbs. 14 oz. at 36 weeks. Dd was 9 lbs., 3 oz. at 35 weeks. Maybe you're just having a really big baby. As long as you and the baby are doing well, maybe it's ok. What does your doctor say? Denise
  13. We found something similar on our windshield after attending a Greek Festival. They were on every car in the parking lot. We threw ours away. I don't want to see one again. Denise
  14. Growing up, we called everything coke. Once I was a teen I learned not to do that b/c people give you a Coke. Now everything is a soda. Denise
  15. Diet Coke and once in a while, a regular Coke. I go through phases where I'll want one every day for a few days and then I don't have any for months. Every 6 mo. or so, a rootbeer is nice. Denise
  16. We use Teaching Textbooks for Geometry. Ds #1 is 15 and his bedtime is 10:30. He gets up at 8:00 a.m. Sometimes he needs a 40 min. nap in the afternoon too. It just seems to be the age. Denise
  17. Oh, thank you guys. These are great ideas to look into. I love this board! Denise
  18. Yes. Black shoes with non-colored hose will look lovely with your suit. Denise
  19. Tom's of Maine Silly Strawberry. We tried Burt's Bees, the orange flavored one, but they didn't like it. Denise
  20. If we could back to the original op for a minute - there's one I hear all the time now that I forgot to say. Catholics are too legalistic. This from the same group of women who pressured another woman to have prayer and bible study time early in the a.m. instead of in the afternoon when her young ones were sleeping. Oh my! As a convert, I have found the Catholic Church no more legalistic than any other Christian Church. Compared to some churches I've been in, they are less so. Just my 2 cents. Sorry, now go back to the CCD and Confirmation discussions as they are of great interest to me. Thanks! Denise
  21. Jean - thank you for posting this. I wholeheartedly agree w/you. Faith and RoughCollie - please continue to post about these things. We're here to support each other and learn from each other. Troll hunters - if you can't be supportive of people, just let them be. Please. Denise
  22. No, I couldn't do it. I would think about too much and be either sad or creeped out. Denise
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