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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Welcome Jacob Charles (Charlie). Isn't he beautiful!!! I was blessed to be there when he came into the world and took his first breath. Oh my goodness, I am in love.
  2. If I'm not mistaken, I think what you are looking for is actually called masonite board.
  3. I took a typing class in 1978 on a typewriter and was taught two spaces. I am aware that it is supposed to be one now, but just don't care to re-learn how to type. Two is good for me.
  4. This is the first year in many, many years we will attend a co-op once a week. We haven't done it in the past for the reasons you mentioned. My 14yo dd was just begging to go this year and then they asked me to teach, so I agreed. We are going to work hard the other 4 days and get it all done in 36 weeks (I hope!). That is my plan anyway. :001_smile:
  5. If it wasn't there, then you should definitely leave negative feedback. BUT, I once sold something to someone on the boards who told me something was missing. Turns out, her 3yo had carried it away to another room when she wasn't looking. So make sure it really wasn't there first. :001_smile:
  6. Just for one day, I don't know any way around the $$$. We go and stay for a week to ten days and usually end up spending around $4000-$5000 (for six to eight of us). Disney is wonderful, but it is incredibly expensive!
  7. First, I am really glad your daughter wasn't hurt. So far, my two oldest both totaled their first cars - it boils down to lack of experience IMO. So far, so good with son #3. She may have to just buy something with whatever amount the insurance money comes to. It may not be as nice, but will get her to and from school. That's what my boys had to do. It is a hard and expensive lesson to learn, but I think they were much more cautious afterward.
  8. I have a 2006 x40 that I drive. I have to say that gas mileage, for mine anyway, is more like 16 mpg. That is a mix of highway and city driving. They are, like others said, expensive to maintain. I have a problem with a teenager driving a smaller size car. I know it may just be me, but I worry about them getting into a wreck in a small car. My 17yo drives our hand-me-town Tahoe that we "borrow" from him when we need to pull our camper or pile everyone in one car for vacation.
  9. I've graduated two, will graduate another this year, and have three more to go. We're in it for the long haul.
  10. I had a wound like that once and my Dr. suggested I put Mercurochrome on it to dry it out. It healed up immediately once I started using that. My 14yd dd wiped out on her bike on a gravel road last weekend and had a wound on her elbow that sounds like yours. It was oozing and ugly. I put the Mercurochrome on it and it is healing up now.
  11. I couldn't tell the difference, but my 14yo dd spotted the different one immediately.
  12. This is me, right down to the NC humidity, dh loving my curls, and the hair products! ETA: I am older than Mrs. Mungo, though - definitely over 40.
  13. 3 strictly indoor 9-month olds who are litter-mates. 1 indoor-outdoor 6 year-old. I have tried to keep my older cat indoors, but she is impossible to keep in when she wants out. They are all spayed or neutered.
  14. I also made the mistake of Googling. I am scarred. My dh would never, even for me, put one of those on.
  15. I checked off every single one, except other. I have never thought of myself as paying that much attention to how I look, but maybe I was wrong! I am naturally small and have never really struggled with my weight, other than noticing (since I've gotten past 40) once in a while that I've gained 10 lbs. or so, but I lose it right away. I don't get my hair cut that often because I wear it long and mostly one length, but I wet/style or wash/style it every morning even though that means just running some leave-in conditioner through it. I color it myself. I got my bOOks picked back up after I was finished having babies, and have never regretted it. I give myself pedicures most of the time, but get my nails done every other week. I love cute clothes and love to accessorize with jewelry and sometimes a scarf. I make sure I look put together enough to run into anyone I know without being embarrassed before I leave the house. I guess I am more appearance-conscious than I realized!
  16. It's also illegal here in North Carolina, and to prevent people from buying the milk that is for "animal consumption," it has to be dyed blue. I live close enough to the South Carolina border that I have considered buying from there. I would have to drive about an hour and a half. They deliver to that exit on the interstate weekly, but I have considered buying enough for a couple of weeks to cut down on gas costs. Does raw milk freeze well?
  17. I have had those kinds of conversations. I usually go to bed and make myself go to sleep. The emotional exhaution makes it easy. Maybe the fall-out won't be as bad as you anticipate???
  18. If you had asked me this question 10 years ago, I would have said yes. Turns out, my answer is no now. I think having a great relationship with your kids as adults makes it easier.
  19. I have done it a couple of times. The worst was an 11 hour trip with 3 in car seats. We had a 15 passenger van and I put an older and a car seat on three rows. I waited until they were older to do it again.
  20. :grouphug::grouphug: Joanne, I can't imagine how difficult this is for you.
  21. I was so young when I got married that I didn't have the sense to even ask myself the question! :001_smile:
  22. My dh travelled with one of my sons overseas without me and did not medicate him. He threw up on his jeans and they put them in a bag and brought them home for me to wash TWO WEEKS LATER! They went straight in the trash. I have also medicated kids for overseas flights, but I consider that a necessity.
  23. Here are my kiddos names: Maxwell Burton Benjamin Tyler Cameron Reid Francesca Grace Jonathan Andrew Olivia Rose
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