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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I have used different curriculum for many subjects based on my dc's differences. Math is not one of them. I know there are a lot of people on here who do not like Saxon, but I have graduaged two, and am schooling four now. I have used Saxon for every one of them all the way through (with the exception of K-3 with my oldest two - it wasn't around yet). My four just took their standardized test, which is required here in NC, and scored way above grade level in math. My oldest two had no difficulty with college math. That's good enough for me. IMO is it an excellent math program.
  2. Scarlett - My 13yo dd has always ground her teeth in her sleep. The dentist gave her a plastic piece to put in her mouth at night. Maybe you could ask your dentist about this?
  3. Faith - My dh owns independent shipping stores. Our stores rent out boxes just like the post office. Their mail would simply come to the store and be put in the box. They do not require an actual street address. Maybe your sister has a shipping store near her? So sorry your family is going through this and you are so worried for your sister. I know what that is like.
  4. My family regularly hikes for several hours, sometimes up and down mountainous terrain. I would have had no problelm. It sounds beautiful.
  5. Until our kids are 18, we have their passwords for EVERYTHING on the computer. If they were ever to refuse to give us a password, they would not have access to a computer anymore. They are friends with dh, 24yo brother (who is very protective of them) and aunts, uncles, grown cousins, etc. I am the fb holdout in our family.
  6. My understanding is that Saxon Algebra 2 covers all the algebra covered on the SAT. The problem would be if your child had not had the next text, Advanced Mathematics, which covers some of the geometry needed for the SAT. Advanced Mathematics covers analytical geometry and trig.
  7. Don't have any advice, but I'm paying attention to everyone else's advice. I'm in the same boat you are. My dh keeps asking me if I'm angry with him about something. Poor guy.
  8. Denise :grouphug: I SO understand your fear. Our second son joined the Marine Corp when he turned 18. He made Sgt. this week. :001_smile: I am very proud of him. His four years will be up the end of July and he is coming out and finishing college. It has made me sad that he has missed most of the last four years with his siblings. He has grown up so much, and realized how much his family means to him. He calls us all the time and spoils his siblings when he does get to be home. I made it through 7 months of Iraq and 7 months of A-stan. It was definitely, by far, the hardest time of my life. I learned that he belongs, ultimately, to God. God loves him more than I do (how?). I gave him to God as an infant, and I learned what that meant. I learned what it means to "pray without ceasing." I had never understood that before. I know your son will make you proud. He will grow up fast and learn a lot of life lessons that will serve him well his entire life. Pray for him (I know you will) and let God take care of him in those places that you can't. I will keep you and your ds in my prayers.
  9. LariaB - These are some of the exact techniques I used with my son when he was younger. :001_smile: When he was in about 7th grade age, I made him write "I am wrong" or "I am not in charge" 100 times in his best handwriting. He would argue with the answer pages in the math book and explain to me why "they" were wrong. :001_unsure:
  10. My second son was/is this way. He is also extremely bright. He just always assumes he should be the leader. It was something we tried to correct for the ENTIRE time he was at home. He understood that this was part of his personality at a young age and could control it when HE chose to. He finished high school at 14, CC at 16 and joined the Marine Corp at 18 because he didn't know what he wanted to do. He made Sgt. today at 22. He gets out in July and is going to pursue a finance degree. Your son is probably a born leader. This personality type, IMO, is HARD to parent, but he will mellow as he matures. :001_smile:
  11. :iagree:I put up with this for years. I finally found out if I called her on it, she backed down like the back-stabbing chicken she was. There is no love lost between her and my children either. My little ones cry if they hear she is coming, and my olders swear to stay in the basement and come up for meals only. Sad.
  12. And we go through your neck of the woods to see family in FL in the summer and at Christmas.:001_smile:
  13. With six dc, we all stayed together on the history cycle. So, some studied time periods other than ancients their 9th grade year. I actually found this worked out well. Some of the more difficult reading (ancients) were studied when they were a little more mature and they actually took more from it. I don't understand your concern that all four years of the history cycle will not be covered in high school. :confused: They are just out of order, right? You still have all four years of high school to cover all four history cycles on the rhetoric level.
  14. But she said Greenville, SC is the first one, and that is only 1 1/2 hours from me. I'm in WNC also.
  15. :grouphug:Nakia:grouphug: I'm praying for you, your dh, and your father-in-law.
  16. I love my nook. If you go to the B&N site where the nook and the Kindle are compared side by side, you will see my reasons. I appreciate that the updates to the nook are immediate and free (you don't have to buy the next version).
  17. Wow, that is outrageous. I would have reacted exactly as you did. I hope you have some recourse, but that will not bring your hedges (or your privacy) back.
  18. :grouphug: So sorry for your ds. Sorry too that people let you down when you needed their help. My sil has had caps on her front teeth the entire time I've known her (30+ years). She has always been very active surfing and scuba diving (she is a marine biologist). She has had them replaced once.
  19. We eat at home every Sunday. I usually get up early and get something started that can mostly cook while we're at church. We usually have extra people. One or more of the kids always have friends that come home with us. There were 10 of us today. :001_smile:
  20. I'll be 54 when my youngest graduates. My hope is to do some traveling with dh, going all those places we couldn't afford to take the whole clan. I also hope I'm enjoying grandbabies by then. :001_smile:
  21. We have gone through more than one zip line and they have never damaged the trees.
  22. I don't know about TOG, but adding to the list the others have mentioned: A Boy At War: A Novel of Pearl Harbor by Harry Mazer There are so many good books centered around this time period that if TOG doesn't go into enough detail you could certainly add in some good historical fiction and deepen your study.
  23. Jean, My dh said that whoever is holding the pickle and the wires should do so with a pair of insulated pliers. He also says do not be alarmed if your pickle explodes! This sounds just like something my 16yo would try. I am NOT going to let him see this post.
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