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Everything posted by Joules

  1. They did soak and then scrub with cotton balls. Then wrapped each finger with the cotton ball in aluminum foil, put baggies around my hands, and then put my whole hands in heating pads. Still sanded at the end. The stuff was like cement. The last time I was determined to get it off without sanding and it took two hours of soaking and scrubbing. On the other hand any polish I’ve put on since has chipped within a couple of hours, so I get why someone would want the cement!
  2. I just posted a spin-off looking for a solution to this problem. Maybe someone will come up with something for both of us. s/o Nails - polish that doesn't destroy your nails
  3. I've never had nails before, but due to a change in medication, and a resulting lowering in nervous habits, they started growing in the fall and needed care. I had never really filed or cut my nails and wasn't very good at it, so I decided to try a nail salon for the first time. I did a seaweed gel polish that looked great. Except for the squicky feeling of having someone do my nails, I was happy with them. They started growing out after a couple of weeks and I went back. Apparently the stuff is like cement and took forever to get off and involved using a file on the top of the nail. I figured it was normal and went back every couple of weeks for a couple of months. But each time my nails underneath were worse, and they got to the point where they were broken under the polish and the ladies were taking off layers of the nail with the polish. They looked horrible. So I've given them a few months off as the damage grows out, but they still chip from putting my hands in my pockets and layers of the nails peel off. The tips are several layers thinner than the base, and since it keeps happening, I don't see how they will get back to normal. I'm wondering if I can find a strengthening polish that doesn't destroy the nail underneath, if they might finally heal. It will have to be clear unless I go to a salon, because it turns out that I'm not capable of applying color polish evenly. I'm really afraid to go back to a salon.
  4. This is important. You need to decide if it is worth it to you. Remember that YOU are worth the extra care in any case, you are only deciding if spending the money on this particular aspect is what is important. If you really don't have the money, then the stress of spending money you don't have isn't good for you and ultimately self-defeating. BUT if this is what is important to you and you can move money from another budget category to make it possible, do it! Once you've made the decision, go forward with no guilt.
  5. Has this ever been a problem for anyone? I've had married and non-married relatives stay in the same room lots of times, and I've never been aware of anyone having sex, though I'm sure some have. I would just assume that people would be polite in another person's home and keep down the volume.
  6. I'd allow it. As long as they are both adults, they are old enough to figure out their own sleeping arrangements.
  7. I think they are too young, and I would tell them. I am always honest when sharing my opinion with ds. But then, I always let him know that it is just my opinion and I will love and support him no matter what. (We haven't hit anything in the immoral/illegal territory, so I haven't crossed that bridge.) I would definitely be helping them with the wedding and sharing in their joy, and if it ultimately fails, I'll be right there with a shoulder and no "I told you so."
  8. We enjoy the videos and music here, too...and they also have unlimited cloud storage for photos free with Prime, and you get Audible Channels for free. The yearly price is worth it to us without the free/fast shipping.
  9. Joules


    Ninety percent of the body’s serotonin is made in the digestive system. Microbes have a huge role in that:http://www.caltech.edu/news/microbes-help-produce-serotonin-gut-46495
  10. I love Hello Fresh! I have a coupon for a free week, PM me if you want it. That said, I was pretty pathetic after ds was born and would not have wanted food that I needed to cook! Google “Healthy Snack Delivery†and you’ll find some subscriptions that send not-too-awful snack food. That’s what I would have preferred.
  11. In 1998, Our Babies, Ourselves...ds was 6 months old. (As I mentioned in the other thread, my most recent purchase was his sophomore English class textbook!)
  12. There is a website called A Place for Mom that has advisors to help. I didn’t love it because it’s sales-y, but that may be the person I talked to. https://www.aplaceformom.com. U.S. News and World Report has ratings. https://health.usnews.com/best-nursing-homes And so does Medicare https://www.medicare.gov/nursinghomecompare/search.html? But not all places are listed there. I think my dad’s is not, because it doesn’t accept Medicare, but is only self pay. I found a great local senior advisor, because I was looking for in-home care. When I was talking to the home care nurses, one of them recommended her. Most of them are like head-hunters, they are paid by the facility, not you. My experience was great, because she put us first, but I’m sure that’s not true with all. She was great because she went with me to visit facilities and took some of the sales and emotional pressure off.
  13. You probably figured it out by now,but you select the data and click the paintbrush to change the format.
  14. You have to use a spreadsheet to sum the column. We were able to do it in Numbers on the iPad.
  15. Dh and I are out at a restaurant drinking margaritas, which is an excellent time to take a look. Unfortunately it only goes back to 2006. The number wasn’t the six figures that dh predicted, but with those other years.... The first thing I bought from amazon was Our Babies, Ourselves by Meredith Small in April 1998. Ds was 6 months old. ETA: The most recent thing I bought was the textbook for his sophomore university English class. Amazon has brought me almost full circle!
  16. I would love to go without the purse. It makes me feel so light, but the epis, inhaler, and meds are too heavy in the pockets when added to the phone and wallet. Someday I’ll find some cargo pants I like!
  17. Wallet, first aid kit with meds, epipens, inhaler, keys, phone, and sometimes a small makeup bag.
  18. Born a Crime by Trevor Noah -Powerful and poignant and at the same time light and humorous. And it was very educational to learn about apartheid from the inside view of a regular person.
  19. We had net neutrality for a long time without laws, because everyone believed in a free and open internet, and the courts upheld that premise. If you check out all the lawsuits, you will see that net neutrality was “enforced†by the courts before it was law, again, because everyone thought it was the right thing. Companies pushed the boundaries more and more at the expensive of citizens, so it was clear that what everyone thought was the right thing needed to be codified. A simplistic and drastic analogy is a utopia where murder isn’t against the law because, well, everyone knows it’s wrong and no one does it. Then people start killing to speed up their inheritance or eliminate the competition, and the government decides to make a law. Yes, we had net neutrality all this time, but when it was threatened, it was time to make a law.
  20. This is important! I can't think of very many rules that didn't apply the same. We all wear seat-belts and life-jackets. We are all on the same phone account so we can see each other's locations, though any of us can choose to turn it off for a bit if we wish. I have had to remind ds that he can see my location, particularly when he is waiting for me to pick him up.
  21. Mine has been gradual. Like many others here, we weren't a rule-based house. We've always lived under the "Do Unto Others..." paradigm. If a switch flipped, it was when he was about 13/14. He was working for me, and we had hard deadlines. He really stepped up to the plate, and I treated him like a colleague. That same year, I ended up with my leg in a cast and was on a cart. He took on some of the household tasks on his own initiative. Oddly, we've gone the other way since he's been in college: I've taken on more because he is overwhelmed and only lives here part-time. There was a funny discussion in a homeschool English class his senior year. The discussion (related to some book) asked about a time as a teen you defied your parents or didn't do what they told you to. Ds couldn't think of a time. They joked he was just a perfect kid. We talked about it when he got home, because he isn't perfect and we definitely have conflict. Really "defying" me didn't make sense in our world. Neither one of us could remember a time since childhood, that I "told" him to do anything. I had only "asked" him for years, much like I would dh or a roommate. We had disagreements like adults, albeit pretty emotional ones. I do have strong opinions at times, but the final decision is his. If there were legal or safety issues, we would definitely have to have rules about living in this house, but he's a good kid. Common courtesy and "Don't be a jerk" work well enough here. Any rules apply to all of us.
  22. I hear you on this. It's so exhausting feeling so horrible all of the time, having constantly abnormal blood tests, and no one can figure out why or help you! I see the endocrinologist, rheumatologist, and cardiologist every 3-4 months, but not much ever gets better. I'm slowly learning to cope. Right now the therapist at a chronic pain support group I attend is more help than the lot of them.
  23. Now that ds is home from college, we were able to see the Thor. We still wait on the biggies 'til we are all together. Ds and I have seen it twice, and I am totally in love with one of the characters and hope she gets a solo movie. (Edited to eliminate spoilers!) I love it when a woman can share screen time with the big names and come off just as powerful and strong. Wonder Woman was awesome. I didn't see Justice League because I don't enjoy the darkness of the other DC movies. I didn't want to ruin my memory of her character. I'm not sure if it has been mentioned, but Hidden Figures is one of my all time favorites!!
  24. I agree the numbers are almost meaningless. The only value is reading the reviews, since everyone's learning style is different. We look for things like "loves the subject and made it interesting" and "taught like a seminar class" and avoid things like "feels like high school" and "tests straight from book." Other people might be looking for professors that publish powerpoints online or give sample tests to study from or have organized lectures without rabbit trails. Be sure to check the level of the course as you read each one. A reviewer for an intro class will likely be a non-major. A reviewer for a 3000-4000 level will likely be majoring in that subject. Also the classes are taught differently at different levels, so the comments will reflect that.
  25. I have Grave's disease so I see the endocrinologist every six months. I've done the 24 hour urine, and they've done the ultrasound and tons of blood work. Right now they want to watch and see, but I'm nervous about it.
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