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Everything posted by Joules

  1. And my apologies, *I* didn't know a panic attack and anxiety attack were different until today.
  2. Thanks all for your thoughts, I've been busy handling it, but have been reading. Think things will be OK til tomorrow
  3. Thanks, I'm still concerned that it might have a medical component, but I was figuring a trip was worthless.
  4. I'll delete later so don't quote, but if someone is having a panic attack, does it make sense to take them to the ER on a Sunday morning or wait until they can get an appointment next week? I guess it is not life-threatening, but very, very bad.
  5. Thanks, that is what I was thinking, but I was afraid there was a gotcha that I might miss.
  6. Ds is watching this this morning and what I've seen is quite good. It's just an overview for now, and is super-fast like all of the crash courses, but worth a watch if your kids are interested: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLME-KWdxI8dcaHSzzRsNuOLXtM2Ep_C7a
  7. I need opinions. A grandparent is paying room and board this term. I have the option of writing a check to us, writing a check to ds, or them paying direct on the college website. Tuition is covered by scholarship, so this is all that needs to be paid. We don't qualify for any need-based aid, so I don't think it matters how it is done, but if the grandparent is paying directly, the amount is exempt from gift tax. That may not matter because I don't see lots of other gifts, but if the offer comes up next term or Christmas, it might make a difference. Since it is room and board, I don't think any of the tax credits would apply, so I won't lose by someone else paying What should I be considering here?
  8. I take photographs of everyone's ID when new ones come, so that I always have the information on my phone (though password protect it.) Sometimes I needed dh's DL number for some form and got tired of calling him. I used the photo to add him to rental car agreements when I did the pickup also. My dad often forgot his wallet (or lost it), but needed ID and insurance for appointments. I never had a problem using the picture. TSA would be different, but in the future it might tip the scales toward proving identity.
  9. If the sign says something like "give gap, take gap" then alternating is expected, and people do it. If you are told a half a mile ahead that the right lane ends, it seems like that is telling you to go ahead and move over at the first available opportunity. I think lots of people feel that way, because here waiting til the last minute is a recipe for road rage, and people who moved over at the first sign stick to the bumper in front and refuse to give gap at all. I think merging would be less of an issue if the signs and authorities were very clear on what people were supposed to do.
  10. Yes, as a patient with chronic pain, the main result of the crackdown is preventing actual pain patients from getting meds or demeaning them by treating them like drug addicts if they ask. I don't ask anymore, but my quality of life was better with a small amount of painkillers even if it is just a couple of pain-free nights of sleep each week. I agree with Murphy that this isn't just about pain patients sucking it up. It's about doctors spending enough time with patients to know if they have a problem and seriously instructing patients to prevent inadvertent addiction. It's about looking at the reasons people take the drugs. It's not just that they are available. People have untreated mental, emotional, situational (poverty), or medical problems. Our medical system sucks at treating the causes of the problem. I think a state of emergency is helpful if it releases lots of funds, like for a hurricane. If they are just going to start locking people up, it won't do any good at all.
  11. I have Grave's and still have my thyroid. I'm in remission. I got really very sick before anyone knew what was wrong, nearly 20 years ago now. I was treated with PTU and beta blockers. After about 18 months, I started having liver issues so they took me off the PTU expecting my thyroid to go sky high and do radiation. But it didn't. My TSH stayed undetectable for years, but my thyroid levels were normal. I've six more flares, usually during stressful times in my life, but beta-blockers have helped, in addition to chilling out. We've debated on surgery, but mostly we just manage. I think my story is unusual, but I wanted to share to say there are many ways that this can go. I've seen quite a few endos, some are completely pro-surgery, some pro-radiation, and some a mix. Some are willing to try the meds and see. Don't be afraid to get a second opinion and push back with questions. But get on meds if you want to wait on a final treatment or for a second opinion appointment. Untreated, Grave's is very dangerous.
  12. Thanks to all. I'm sorry I can't share details, but it went as well as can be expected. It's going to be a long few months ahead for me. Keep me in your thoughts.
  13. Thanks so much everyone...at more peace now. The next couple of hours will be hard.
  14. I'm not a religious person, but I need some good thoughts/positive vibes/prayer or whatever you have to give this morning. I've never asked to be lifted up, but there is something this morning (10ish east coast US) that I need the kind of strength for that I have never needed before and am not sure I have.
  15. I have that more with word and number puzzles than pictures, though not as great as dh. I can also just glance at text, and typos jump out screaming at me. I can tell you one career that it is a boon in: computer programming. Being able to look over someone's shoulder and instantly see a bug is a great help teaching programming. I do have to step back a bit to find bugs in my own, maybe a form of diffuse focus? (As far as I'm concerned programming is just an advanced form of logic puzzle!)
  16. You're welcome. I definitely feel more comfortable that it is legit since the university gave me the information.
  17. Sorry that I wasn't very clear. What I was taught was very different from the reality of the theology...that was the point of my comment on my naivety. I guess it was just a personal comment (though others may come from a similar background) on growing up in a church that viewed Christianity and the Christian God as loving and kind.
  18. "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.†I grew up in the church and was always taught the rainbow was a reminder that God loves us all. It always seemed apropos on the LGBTQ flag to me, because I thought Christians needed reminding of that sentiment. In hindsight, I had a very young and naive view. Christianity just isn't what I grew up thinking it was.
  19. I'm sitting waiting for ds to finish a CLEP test. The administrator brought me a flyer for modern states to let me know he can take future tests for free through their program. It's a non-profit piloting a "freshman year for free" program. She said that they will even pay the college $30 administration fee if I submit the receipt. Even if the review classes aren't perfect, saving $110 on the test is awesome. I came here to post but found this thread already started.
  20. So after all of the medical procedures, medications and massive auto-immune flares, I'm stable (but not feeling great), but my hair is in crisis. I know it seems silly, but when I feel bad, it makes me feel a little better if I don't look awful. I used to have long straight 70s hair, but coarse and thick. About 10 years ago, it became curly, so I gradually learned to deal with thick curly hair and embrace the curls. About six-eight weeks ago it started falling out in clumps and breaking easily. It's still coarse and curly but in a brittle way. The rate of loss has slowed, but now some is growing back so it is a million lengths and a total frizz-fest. Dh knows someone who had a keratin treatment and suggested that, but I have the added inconvenience of being allergy to all fragrances (and lots of other stuff). I'm a bit terrified of going to a salon clutching my epi. Now, I get it cut at Great Clips and repeat "only water" over and over. So what suggestions do y'all have? Specific products? Kinds of treatments? Anything I can do at home or do I need professional help? I am going to get it cut shorter though I'm not thrilled with that because it's always been long and I have prednisone moon-face right now.
  21. I love seeing all of the movies filmed in the Atlanta area nowadays. Ds is at Georgia State and I volunteer down there a good bit, so most of the settings were very familiar. They use campus quite a bit, because ds gets notices about which sidewalks and roads are closed for filming regularly. I've got to think it's a huge boon to the film department there. (I grew up fascinated with movie filming, because I was right in the midst of the filming of Smoky and the Bandit and thought it was the coolest thing ever...) Another bit a trivia about Baby Driver that I didn't know before, but makes so much sense in hindsight: It was written and directed by Edgar Wright (from Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz).
  22. I want to see this, too. I want dh to take me for a date night, but I want to make sure he'll like it. Anyone?
  23. Me too! I feel like an idiot when someone is running for the elevator and I'm trying to figure out which button to push. After shutting it in someone's face a couple of times, I've just taken to sticking my arm in the door to trip the sensor. Would it really be that hard to have the words too?!?
  24. I vote for the "college trip.". Your ds is active and involved with life. Trust me when I say that by the time you think he is the right age, he will have too many commitments to do a great college trip. Here's what I'd say "Dad and I are taking ds on a college trip from date to date. We are going to drop by Universal on date and we'd love for you to bus down and meet us for the weekend."
  25. Will you be using the Common App for some? Many colleges have a certain number required, but you can attach additional ones. Others only allow a certain number to be attached. Be sure to check with the university before you sent extras. One college told me they accept only one. Once that one arrives and is in your file, any additional ones that arrive are trashed. Then you are left hoping the one you really wanted arrived first. It's good that you are figuring out wording for EC vs academic now. If he is applying to lots of schools online, it will help him with the online applications which have separate sections for each. He can do lots of copying and pasting. I like regentrude's suggestions. One way to think of EC vs class: The class is the things that are required for the grade, and the ECs are things you do with that talent/knowledge that aren't required for the grade.
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