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Everything posted by Joules

  1. I actually haven't read about that...off to the google...
  2. I am taking as much magnesium as my tummy can tolerate now, and I added back the vitamin D yesterday. Only my D levels went down, not the calcium.
  3. Oh my gosh...that is SO helpful. I've just scanned it, but I'm in the A confusion area. The best part is the malignancy chart...that is definitely not me :thumbup: They have done an ultrasound and I'm in the watch-and-see stage. They are still debating taking the thyroid out, so I wonder if they can poke around while they are in there for that?
  4. So I've had high calcium for over a year. I've been tested and scanned multiple times for one obvious...a parathyroid problem, but it's fine. I've been taken off both calcium supplements and vitamin D, since they can cause higher results. I already have osteopenia, so I hate not taking calcium. In my most recent blood test the calcium was 10.7, not super high but high, and the vitamin D has tanked to 36. My vitamin D was in the single digits before supplementation. The other obvious is cancer and they have recommended colonoscopy, mammogram, etc. I have a whole host of autoimmune diseases and wonder if this is just "one of those things." Does anyone have any experience with hypercalcemia from other causes?
  5. Ds is done with finals and recovered, so I got to go to the movies!!! We saw Thor Saturday and Coco Sunday. I LOVED them both. After the past few months I really needed feel-good fun movies that made me laugh and they fit the bill. Jedi is next weekend. I really want to see Jumanji, too. I loved Central Intelligence and, well, I can't miss anything with Amy Pond :-)
  6. That's my female Standard's name!
  7. Not having been there, the facts don’t scream grooming to me. But my personal opinion is the focus on men being uncontrollable and women being at fault is pretty sick to start with. So personally I would be taking dd to (what I consider) a healthier environment to mature. Again just my two cents. I would focus on the last one if I talked to anyone. Ask that a policy be made to bring any concerns with minors to the attention of the parents first. You could say, “Particularly in this current environment, it does not look good from the outside for a grown man to comment on the sexuality of a pre-teens clothes.†This doesn’t accuse anyone, but makes it clear that this could look bad.
  8. I would say that I've found, "Thank You" is actually more appropriate about 30% of the time for me. I do use "Excuse me" sometimes, too. I know it doesn't speak to everyone. I was just hoping to share with those it would help. There's nothing wrong with the different cultural uses of "Sorry," but for some of us with a history of abuse, groveling becomes a natural state, and it's good to think about how we use the word. (Somehow I didn't want to say it that in the original post, but I wanted to clarify.)
  9. My son used Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning text as part of a Coursera course on psychology. Unlike many open source texts, it was well-written, accurate, and full of videos and activities. It's completely free as a guest. It's a semester college course, but you could pick and chose chapters to get it to a high school semester pace. https://oli.cmu.edu/jcourse/lms/students/syllabus.do?section=d9fccbb80a0001dc0f69305a7182b1fc
  10. I feel like I am always apologizing and found these comics eye-opening. I'm saying "Thank You" much more. http://www.upworthy.com/an-8-part-comic-for-people-who-say-im-sorry-too-often?c=ufb8
  11. I'm adding to the chorus. Bosses are always nicer and more reasonable before they hire you, this will go downhill fast.
  12. Yes, this semester would have been much easier if he had been "mentally prepared" and known he was taking two additional classes. Sadly, he was very sick the first week of school and wasn't with it enough to consider drop/add. By the time, he realized what he was in for (lab syllabi would have been nice!!), it was too late. He definitely would not have taken both Chemistry and Biology the same semester. But it's all over now :thumbup: We don't know what the grades will be, but we are way passed thinking about GPA and instead just relieved that it is over (we know he passed!) I braved Atlanta snow (the worst kind) to pick him up at school yesterday, so he could relish in being done at HOME!
  13. It popped, we always have enough moisture in GA! It won't kill me, but it has no flavor. Pretty much like eating the old fashioned, healthy rice cakes in flavor and texture. It still doesn't have any smell, so quite unappetizing.
  14. It’s snowing and I started a movie since I don’t go down to move ds out of the dorms til this afternoon. I am craving popcorn, but the kernels I have expired June 2016. They don’t smell at all, which I guess is good and bad. Would you pop them?
  15. Thanks! It helps to know this is normal. He just has one more of these to get through, but he’ll be prepared this time and pick his other classes accordingly. I was a physics major and none of the one hour labs were like this. Yes, they were lots of work, but not like this. Mine required notebooks and lab reports, but nothing close to what he is doing. Plus, in our case, at least, the material was more integrated so we covered the same concepts in lab and class. We had labs at the upper level that required this much (and more) work, but we got more credit hours for them.
  16. I’m not sure if things have changed since I was in college, but I would like a reality check on freshman/sophomore Chemistry and Biology labs. Ds isn’t pre-med, but he has to take Biology and Chemistry for those majors for his degree and they are full of pre-med students. He is so regretting not taking the AP tests! Both classes are 4 hour semester credit, ostensibly three for the class and one for the lab, but the workload has been so much more for the labs. The classes have: Three hours in class 4 exams Weekly quizzes Online homework’s from their textbooks A project/paper and presentation Final exams and departmental finals The labs have: Prelab reading and notebook preparation (checked at the beginning) Three hours in lab Lab notebook calculations and write-up (checked next lab) Term paper (Like a journal article on an experiment) Power-point presentation Quizzes most weeks on the previous labs A midterm A final We tried to schedule him for a light load this semester since he was working in a lab for the first time, but in the last two weeks for 3! classes he has had 7! exams, two final lab notebooks and a term paper due. Just keeping up with what is due when is crazy! Is this normal now? Is this a pre-med thing? He took calc-based physics and astronomy with labs freshman year, and they were relatively normal, with the workload consummate with one credit hour.
  17. My Hello Fresh box was a victim yesterday. It went out on the truck all day and then was taken back to the shipping center last night. It's supposed to be delivered today. It wasn't exactly cool in GA yesterday, so I'm not sure it will be edible when it gets here tonight!!
  18. I thought the same thing...they could probably hang out in the US for a months-long trial, because LOTS of people would be willing to pay for them to come and testify!
  19. I've never used my 6 qt Instant Pot. The store was out of the GF side dishes that I was going to buy for tomorrow's lunch, so I'm in a panic. Does anyone have a tried and true GF starchy/savory food recipe that a newbie not-very-talented cook could pull off without a trial run? It's just 6 people, but leftovers are fine. All I have right now is a sliced turkey breast and a peach cobbler. :eek: I have to go to a luncheon today, then shop, and still make the pumpkin pies and some sort of veggie!
  20. I have a couple of coupons for a free week of Hello Fresh. If anyone is interested, PM me.
  21. I haven't changed my behavior. I've always been a bit of a worrier. I always know where the exits are and actually listen to the flight attendant's safety spiel. After an incident, I guess I'm a little more aware of the possibility and being prepared, but I still go and do all the things I did before. Like others have said, I'm way more worried about ds getting back and forth from Atlanta several times a week in his car than I am about him being a victim of a random shooting at one of his events. These one time things just can't be predicted. I can see how it was different with the DC shooter since that was ongoing and everyone was looking for a pattern.
  22. This is how I see it. This isn't a coupon that gives a discount, that expires or goes to waste if they don't use it. It is money. It is $100 that she would have had for her next family vacation. So, in this world where hotel rooms are only $100, her family would only get to stay 3 nights instead of 4 nights on their next vacation. If Person A has more money that Person B and is fine paying $150 to B's $50, I see nothing wrong with that, but it is what is actually happening. ETA: If Person A insisted on the hotel based on points, and it was more expensive, I agree that something should have been worked out to compensate B for the extra cost.
  23. Because you lived in the 80s? Because it's just THAT good? We didn't watch it for quite awhile, but person after person told me I had to, so I finally gave in. What convinced me was the I didn't believe the three people that were pushing so hard could EVER like the same TV show. I was an idiot to resist. Of course, I was the one who thought a TV show that my sis described as "space cowboys" sounded stupid. It was two years before I saw Firefly! The problem is shows as good and unique as these defy description, so it's hard to tell someone about them and convince them to watch.
  24. My dh is in India for two and half more weeks!
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