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Everything posted by Joules

  1. That's what we've always been told. Though keep in mind if she doesn't have continuous coverage, she may have to pay that penalty come tax time.
  2. I'm going to be so happy in April! I'm working on my taxes now, putting estimates in for everything, and listing what paperwork I'm missing. I've kept good track of everything this year so I'm feel comfortable that my estimates tomorrow will be good. I did the forecaster, so I'm not expecting any need-based aid, but it's required for merit aid, and it's one box that I can get checked (since I can't write the essays, or fill out the scholarship forms, or write the LORs).
  3. This is my first year, so I'm trying to prepare for filling out my first FAFSA this weekend. When I went to the site I discovered the pdf of the 16-17 form is available so I'm going to use it to start gathering everything I need. I thought other newbies might want to take a look, too. https://fafsa.ed.gov/fotw1617/pdf/PdfFafsa16-17.pdf I've found drafts for the 1040 here: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-dft/i1040gi--dft.pdf https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-dft/f1040--dft.pdf The schools say to file right away. I'm assuming estimates are fine. Does anyone have advice to the contrary? Am I going to mess things up if I don't get the numbers perfect on the first draft?
  4. I'm SO happy for you. I spent the day yesterday looking at unacceptable options, but I learned lots. Found a person that is sort of a headhunter (the word we'd use in IT) for retirement facilities who is going to help come up with more options. I also learned that what is defined as assisted-living is defined by state law, so since I was looking in a border area, that made my search even more confusing!
  5. It's probably a no-fly zone for helicopters and small planes because it is so close to the airport. They don't want anything else in the way of planes landing and taking off, so there is a perimeter off-limits to other aircraft (like news choppers.)
  6. I'm so happy for you. We have a unique situation, also, and have been struggling for about 6 months for an answer. I have this week off, so I'm going to spend it all visiting doctors, facilities, and other professionals for opinions and suggestions, just me. It's too much for family member to deal with. That will happen when I have two or three excellent choices. This thread has been really helpful! Thanks to all!
  7. I'm shopping for a place right now and wanted to comment on the above. I'm finding that I need to ignore the label and ask about the services. In one place, "independent living" still included every two hour bed checks (even in the villas) and "assisted living" meant a staff member had to be in the apartment during showers (for safety). In another, "independent living villas" were completely independent except for life alert buttons and bracelet, and "assisted living" at the base level meant they just check if you miss both breakfast and lunch. There was such a world of difference that I found the labels meant nothing to me. This is a completely frustrating process, particularly when the individual is between levels of care (or asynchronous in needs.)
  8. Ds was a preschooler when he figured it out, asked point-blank, and I wouldn't lie. I quickly discussed with him "The Secret of Christmas" that he was now privy to and that he should never ever tell anyone else unless he was absolutely sure they knew the secret, too. It lead to a couple of years of him asking me, "Does X know the Secret?", but he never spoiled it for anyone else. It was actually quite funny, because he played along with adults discussing Santa and then later would ask me if 50yo Aunt Joy knew the secret :lol:
  9. Our old Ford dealership had a drive-thru for service. You pull in the garage, talk to the service person and then they pull it out. I pulled in, talked to the guy and then went to get in the car with my mom and ds to head back home...and took the keys with me. Had a voice mail when I got home to come back! They weren't too happy with me.
  10. That is so cool! It sounds like you have done this before, but I feel pulled to mention, when you let her fly about be sure it's not in a place with hot lamps (particularly halogens, but maybe even incandescent).
  11. We had the station wagon with wood paneling in lime green, https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c0/ca/5b/c0ca5b79c6c911d965e08008f9011221.jpg two VW Beetles and a big Ford pickup through my childhood years.
  12. Change -ds will be going to college -I will be getting a full time job (for the first time in 18 years) -dh is getting a new position at work -a move is likely
  13. I just eat it, so I can throw out the container. I never realized it was an issue to be concerned about. I'm thinking I might overeat a bit when I clean things out on trash day ;-)
  14. Our acceptances have been a variety. One, a state uni, first sent an acceptance, then an automatic scholarship, then an invitation to compete for full ride. One of the privates sent scholarship information with acceptance, and the other sent an invitation to apply for scholarships a couple of weeks after the acceptance.
  15. I really liked the coursera class, but I'm already a programmer. It's actually a free class, you only need to pay if you want the certificate. There are quite a few college stats books that include R code throughout the examples. I looked at some through the college library. I'll see if I can find titles when I'm back home.
  16. My favorite for younger or sensitive is Death in Paradise. I loved that. I also really liked Bletchley Circle. The crimes are gruesome, but you don't see much. The worst part is that it is so short!
  17. I loved Life on Mars, but I wouldn't recommend it to a non-adult. The language and violence are quite intense, and if I'm not mistaken a couple of less than subtle sex scenes. I cringed lots, but when we finished both series, it was worth every single minute. (Can't wait 'til ds can sit through the whole thing!)
  18. Yes, very dark and disturbing. And the actual crime is shown in the last episode, enough to be more disturbing, because you are so invested, but you have to watch because you've gotten that far. On its plus side, the characters are incredibly real and the cinematography is beautiful. I've haven't suggested it to my 18yo yet, but he specifically asks for "not too depressing."
  19. I'm just following this thread without much to contribute, but what do you mean by the bolded? That we once viewed adoption as a good thing and now we know better? All of the adoptions I have ever seen have taken children from a bad situation to a better one, so I'm confused if new research is saying otherwise.
  20. In the past year we have had strep throat, flu, and pneumonia all verified and all without fever (different family members.). I don't know if it is just us, but fever is no longer a reliable indicator. I let ds's strep and dad's pneumonia go on too long because there was no fever. I'd go to the doctor.
  21. I have been annoyed with the "please apply" mailings we are still getting from schools he applied to EA. Every time one of them comes, I think that it could be an acceptance. None have had "Yes" on the outside like that one though.
  22. Hardest I've laughed in days :lol: Wish I hadn't been drinking my coffee! I will think of this poor man as we wait to hear from Oregon!
  23. My dad took up painting when Mom died. He started by taking classes at Parks and Rec. His teacher recommended this book for him and he really enjoys it: The Big Book of Painting Nature in Oil Schaeffer, S. Allyn
  24. I can't bring myself to "like" your post, but I agree. We've seen a couple of open-carry issues in the counties north of us and I'm pretty sure they would have ended with more than just a conversation if the carriers weren't white.
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