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Everything posted by Joules

  1. That's a weird feature?!? So I can pay the same and just take my meds only 20 days that month? How does someone 85yo ever figure this stuff out for themselves?
  2. Any chance anyone has experience with this? I have to sign up for a relative, because his retiree insurance was dropped. There are lots of choices at our zipcode with widely varying costs. I can put in his current prescriptions, but that seems like a poor way to choose since it could change during the year. For those of you out there caring for the elderly, are there plans you love or hate? I see plans by: Aetna Conventry UnitedHealthcare Cigna Humana BlueCross BlueShield TIA
  3. Meditation, if I can manage. If I can not quiet my mind, paper and pencil puzzles: crosswords, sudoku, etc. Something really difficult so my mind is involved helps. NYT or KrazyDad's math puzzles are the best for me.
  4. :grouphug: , Scarlett. I know this must be hard. I don't have any better advice than what you've gotten here by people in the know, but I'm thinking of you.
  5. I think homeschool applications take longer at some schools. UOregon sends homeschool applications to "scholastic review" which seems to slow them down. Someone has to read all of that stuff we sent, as opposed to just looking at a GPA from an accredited school. I don't think you have to worry. There is just some poor soul designated "home school reviewer" with a huge pile of our hard work to go through :lol:
  6. never mind, the conversation has moved on
  7. :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry! That is really terrifying. I hope the surgeons are able to figure out the right answer for you soon.
  8. I don't think so. The only downside I have ever seen to taking the test early was one student who developed test anxiety, and I think might not have if there had been another year of maturity allowed.
  9. Jodi, I don't know if you've read this on the other thread, but it was my epiphany as to why the word is so bothersome. and my further thoughts: No one in the know really commented on them, but since this thread has moved in that direction, I thought I'd share and see if anyone here thinks I'm on the wrong track.
  10. I know someone who was recently denied long-term care insurance due to medical records. It was a case of "it could be or could be the early stages of lupus." Letters from the doctor didn't help in her case (and other options were to expensive.) If it is something that might get you denied for insurance, I'd go ahead and ask for a change.
  11. Thanks, we visited last year and really loved it. Even with the scholarship I don't know that it is possible, but we'll see. Their acceptance letter was awesome and made ds feel really good. Last night was a happy night!
  12. Never again :grouphug: I looked for a board smiley to represent the feeling. I think this is close. Imagine smileys of all colors (and religions) huddled together in solidarity.
  13. :hurray: Willamette University with scholarship (and an awesome letter about his essay!) Oglethorpe University (no info on money yet) Still waiting on the biggies (but he is thrilled right now about Willamette!)
  14. But I don't think anyone is doing that. Note that option has no votes in the poll. I just included it because I've heard people joke about it. I don't know anyone who's really done it. Most people when forced to pick a ballot only vote for people they would consider in the general election. In my case, if I hate both (or all) the candidates and would never vote for either, I would just skip that race (even if it wasn't a partisan primary.) We can leave things blank.
  15. Yes, absolutely go as soon as you can. It's uncomfortable to talk to an outsider about family things, so the nervousness is normal. In other words, not a sign you shouldn't go. It sounds like she needs help (and if you haven't already consider a doctor's appointment in addition. With so much on food and eating, there may be underlying medical issues.)
  16. Fortunately that has not been my issue: either ALL of the local candidates are Dem or ALL are Rep depending on the county (iow, the county is so one-sided that no one would consider affiliating themselves with the other party.) ETA: We don't register as a particular party. They just ask you to pick a ballot when you come in. When I first started voting, they always said not to worry about which party, just choose the one with the candidates you want to vote for. I think it is a weird system.
  17. Yep, I guess you could write in, but the local election ends up being lots of races with one candidate each.
  18. Yes, I was really asking what would you do if you are put in this odd voting situation. Say I am Rep. Two candidates for sheriff (and every other office) are on the primary Dem ticket. Let's say I have a definite preference and like one of them. If I skip the primary I get no say, because the elections are pretty much over in the summer primary (occasionally there is an odd token candidate in the other party, but usually not.) Actually I am independent like Creekland, so would have had no say in local elections in either county, if I had chosen not to vote in primaries. I wish more local elections were non-partisan.
  19. So if school board positions were decided in primary elections of a different party, you'd just skip voting?
  20. From umsami's thread: If you ever wondered if you would have spoke up against Anti-Semetic talk in 1930s Germany... This is an interesting question. So I have lived in multiple counties in my state, some Dem and some Rep. All of the local candidates run as one or the other depending on the majority in that county. Local races are decided in the primaries. So if I wanted to have a say in the sheriff's race in the old county, I had to vote Dem in the primaries. If I want to have a say in the local races here, I have to vote Rep in the primaries. This makes for interesting ethical decisions for people who are voting cross-party (and it's been discussed from both sides.) Please don't mention specific candidates or parties, but if this were the way voting worked in your state, what would you do (or think is right)? Vote in your own party's primary even if you get no say in local elections? Vote cross-party and skip the questions for the national party, since you know you will never vote for one? Vote cross-party for the one who you would really be most likely to vote for if that was your only choice? [ETA: I mean as if these were your choices in the general election] Vote cross-party for the least desirable candidate hoping the worst will win the nomination and your party will win the election?
  21. Sounds wonderful! I won't quote the whole thing, but the bolded might be my favorite. I'm putting NZ on my list. I'll have ds start looking at universities there now. Maybe he can do two years here and then transfer?
  22. This is (hopefully) my biggest faux pas. Kids on playgrounds have always been little monkeys to me. Just because of the way they climb. A while back a councilman, mayor, or something was in hot water for using the term to refer to kids on the playground, and it was the first I'd heard of it. All those years and no one told me that I was offending half the people on the playground every time I hollered "Come on, little monkeys!" I'm very careful now, of course. It worked out for ds who was getting a little old to be referred to as "baby monkey" every morning anyway. :)
  23. I think labeling things is important to make people aware of them. We do need to discuss these important issues. I just think in this case the word chosen was unfortunate. It implies there is always ill-intent, even when there is none.
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