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Everything posted by Joules

  1. I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but there is a selection bias in cities like NY and SF. People who have health problems that don't allow them that level of activity can't live in cities where the only affordable way to get around is intense walking or biking stretches. The healthy (and thin) people that you see walking everywhere might have been that way before, and that's why they live in a city with that culture. It's not necessarily true that anyone transplanted there will magically become thin and fit.
  2. I would take him in or at the very least call (though they will likely tell you to take him in.) That's too many concerning symptoms at one time.
  3. Agree! CICO for weight loss does work for people who are fat because they eat too much or don't exercise enough. This weight gain happens to many people when they change to a less active job or start stress eating. Other people have specific health problems that make them gain weight: medications, auto-immune disorders, etc. There is the basic conservation of energy principle at the extreme. If people are fed little to nothing, they will lose weight no matter what. But the reality of some of these diseases is that restricting calories to the level of weight loss actually makes the symptoms worse, sometimes debilitating. So using the basic CICO is way worse for health than staying at the current weight. So, I think, when people say CICO doesn't work they aren't arguing against basic physics, but arguing that (for some people) the low caloric intake required for CICO is not possible while maintaining good health, a job, a family and a household.
  4. I have one more thing to mention from my experience. I had an awesome upline supervisor. She was there if I needed help, but was incredibly low pressure. She never caused me any stress. I know with other people in MLM sometimes your upline can drive you stark raving mad with pressure to sell and participate in every single contest. It might be worth getting to know the people and structure before you sign up. (I think there is less of this in Usborne, maybe just because the personality of bookish people doesn't seem to include high pressure.)
  5. This is definitely true. I know people who pray for end times every day because in their opinion the world is beyond hope.
  6. Well, surely that is only if it *your* fault the server is down!
  7. This is all just so sad. We have a WMR (well meaning relative) that is so terrified for our souls right down. Dh tries to talk sense, but you can hear the fear in her voice on the phone. WMR got in touch with someone at a local church (that is related to someone that the family knew from way back) to pay us a visit. She must have put lots of effort into finding someone. I do not have pleasant thoughts about the shysters that are stirring up so much fear in people :mad:
  8. I'm going through the Data Science Specialization at Coursera : https://www.coursera.org/specializations/jhudatascience The courses are tough and fast-paced, but I thought the second one on R Programming would be good for ds as he goes through statistics. Many of the college textbooks on statistics use R for their examples now.
  9. I did for quite awhile. I did parties for fun, but I made money in sales at daycares and selling to libraries and schools. I'm not sure if the company still does that with consultants, but it worked out well for me.
  10. I was a little confused, too. I can see boycotting the show, as in not watching it. But are people talking about the advertisers? There are dozens and dozens of more offensive shows on TV, you'd practically have to become something like an Amish to not buy anything advertised on any somewhat offensive show.
  11. I think I posted it on the other thread, but there was a huge study that looked at weight differences between firstborns and later children. The theory is that something that happens in the womb makes firstborns more likely to have insulin resistance. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_154313.html There is definitely more to the picture than just CICO. That works great if the reason you are overweight is that you eat too much and don't exercise enough. For many people, that is not the reason. Much does seem related to insulin resistance and auto-immune type disorders, which are on an exponential increase. I personally was losing weight eating very little (800-1000 cals) and exercising intensely, until the autoimmunes turned on my connective tissue (the thyroid, blood, digestion systems and allergies weren't keeping them busy enough). That took out the exercise option, so I'm stuck where I am for now. For the pp who said one should see a doctor, I think most of us have...dozens of them. There really isn't a cure for rampant autoimmune issues, just treatment of the symptoms (with drugs that make you gain weight ;) )
  12. I think so, too. He always meant Sesame Street for kids and the Muppet Show for adults. I enjoyed the Muppet Show as a kid, but much of the innuendo went over my head. I just loved the songs. I definitely saw more when I saw them as an adult. I posted this in the thread about fall shows. Is this the wholesome show everyone remembers?
  13. Does anyone know if "in loco parentis" changes this? As long as the principal is present doesn't he have the rights/job of a parent?
  14. This link is a great article. I moved around, so I had to go on personal recommendations, but have ended up in a great practice that refers to great specialists. Unfortunately, I have a furbaby who has needed multiple surgeries. My only complaint is that I can't seem to find professionals for myself as good. I really think I would be better off seeing the vets! Imagine if your doctor told you up front what the costs are, gave you all of the information and research and let you choose the treatment options, called the next day to see how you were doing, etc (and at a tenth of the cost!)
  15. Does the pet have to stay overnight? Be sure to ask if someone actually stays with the animals who overnight after surgery to handle emergencies. I knew someone who lost a dog after surgery because of a complication and she was all alone. (I don't know if being monitored would have saved her, but it is something that I check. Plus I like being able to call the "nurse" first thing in the morning and see how my furbaby is doing. 24 hour monitoring does raise the price though.)
  16. Just got mine! I'm going up to take a shower and then curl up with a good book!
  17. I think that is just a British English thing. Don't they do that with travelling also?
  18. I remember some scenes like that from the original, like Baby, It's Cold Outside with Miss Piggy and Rudolph Nureyev: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO1t3Ar941I (ETA: when I linked a the youtube shot of a partially dressed Nureyev came up, so I thought some would rather copy and paste. I sang that song over and over when I was little. I actually sat my cassette tape recorder in front of the TV when the Muppet Show was on, so I could listen to it over and over and over...)
  19. I was looking at the Arizona online freshman year: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/23/us/arizona-state-university-to-offer-online-freshman-academy.html?_r=0 I do know a couple of students who are looking at all four years online, but ds will probably go to grad school. I would think with selective grad school admissions, one or two years online would be the max.
  20. Not thrilled with it here either, ds has started a dual enrollment honors program and is taking college honors classes, but he will have to take Saturdays in Oct and Nov to get in the Math and German subject tests. (He does have other options to show FL proficiency, but right now SAT may be the easiest.) Some of it is the study time, some is just the hassle. The Math has to be in earlier for EA so has to be Oct, but the German isn't offered until Nov. And he has to write college essays! It turns out starting a rigorous DE program in one's senior year may not be the best time. I wish I'd known about this one a year earlier (or could somehow redeclare him as a junior.)
  21. I tried to keep it gender neutral where you could still vote, since some men do change their names. I realized after that "maiden" is definitely not gender neutral. Maybe it should be "original?"
  22. Oh, I have to run off to class, but I'll read all the replies when I get back.
  23. On the thread about the use of Master for young boys, the topic of name changes came up. Kathryn asked how we know what middle name most women use: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/563108-when-did-young-men-stop-being-referred-to-as-master/?p=6564827 I knew back when I was the age that everyone was getting married and talking about it, but that was in my local area. I'm curious about this larger more diverse group.
  24. Back to the OP, I heard Master a good bit in school and church in the 70s from people who were old then. Only the very elderly have used it in speaking or writing with ds, and all of them are gone now.
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