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Everything posted by Joules

  1. Oh, I wasn't suggesting that "suspicious" was based on color. I was asking if the person exhibiting suspicious behavior happened to be a minority, would one be less likely to call the police (due to recent events)? I would hope that none of us would be more likely to call the police and didn't even think to ask that.
  2. I'm thinking "suspicious" is very different depending on the area one lives in. In some areas, open carry is legal and normal, others not OK at all. I was mainly interested if recent events made a difference in people's thoughts, but it is interesting to read about what is call-worthy to different people.
  3. Hmm, I'm thinking of the neighborhood watch talks by the police and the campaigns after 9/11 to get people to report suspicious activity. But, I guess in general for answering the poll, are there any circumstances that you would have called before, but after the recent events you would think twice or not call?
  4. Yeah, I guess that's how I'd define it, like the example you mentioned.
  5. Sorry, I was specifically asking about a suspicious person, not viewing an actual crime in progress. That's what I meant about investigate further to make sure there was something to call about. I'm pretty sure most of us would call on a crime in progress, though I could add that question to the poll.
  6. Spinning off the most recent shooting thread: I'm thinking back to times I've called the police and wondering if faced with the same situations today, would I still call? I know the "See Something, Say Something" campaign is still active, but realizing that if you are wrong when you call, an innocent person could die...that's disconcerting. I feel like we have a good police department here,so I'm not specifically worried, but it is a majority white area and white department,. I do feel like I would investigate a situation further rather than automatically call now. Just curious if others felt the same way. Edited to add: Suspicious person is too questionable to define, so how about: Are there any circumstances that you would have called before, but after the recent events you would think twice or not call? I'm just really curious if any police-calling behavior has been changed by the news of late (by news of late, I mean cases like Tamir Rice and the therapist this week.)
  7. I "liked" this for the sentiment, not what happened to you. This can't be said often enough. When you talk about other people, it affects the people you are with. I have relatives that do this, and I never want to be with them. If they are talking about other people like that around me, what are they saying when I'm not around?
  8. I've always been fascinated by this, too. I'm in the southern U.S. and people can be super judgey, but I never quite got it. So a girl goes to the beach one day and wears a swimsuit and that night she goes to a party where her dress is criticized for being too short and too tight and her character is impugned. But I'm thinking (since a very young age), but there was more showing earlier today and the swimsuit was tighter than the dress. I wondered why on earth does location or event make a difference? "Appropriateness" of clothing is such an odd concept. I do try to conform, mostly not to embarrass my mother back then or dh now. It's hard though when it's strictly academic, and you don't see the appropriateness that others do. (I loved the "social conventions" answer for Sheldon on BBT, because that's exactly what I had to learn.) I often wish there were just Garanimals for grown-ups. I simply don't care what other people wear. My favorite places are ones where the dress is so diverse that no one will care what I am wearing either.
  9. There are plenty of dogs with allergies, so you will have no trouble finding a food that meets your daughter's needs. You will just pay more for it. Go to a specialty feed store and you will find lots of options. None of those three things are necessary for a well-rounded diet, the nutrients could easily be gotten from other ingredients. I started making my own food during the massive pet food recall years ago, but it was an enormous job. You have to be so careful to balance nutrients, particularly for a small dog. I think it's worth the money to just get a good food. I couldn't do raw. I simply couldn't stand the idea of the dog touching me with raw chicken or beef on its paws and face. Maybe if I had a strictly outdoor dog? I have an allergic dog. One upside is that if you feed them dog food free of common allergens, they will be less likely to develop allergies. Look for treats without the allergens, too. Dog biscuits were giving me hives from handling, so I had to find wheat-free ones. On the other issues, I have one elderly (13.5 yo) and one with multiple health issues. I find dog ownership completely exhausting. I can't imagine even considering it with the ages of your children, but YMMV.
  10. If either have had any time in the military look at Aid and Attendance benefits. It doesn't take much to qualify, much less than VA benefits. My dad's reserve unit was called up for only three months, but it was war-time so he qualified (even though they stayed stateside). Spouses qualify for benefits, too.
  11. GS camp was a nightmare for me, pretty much for all of the reasons mentioned, but the sleep was number one. I was usually in bed by 8 or 9 each night. Staying up until 11 was unreasonable, particularly after full days of activities. I got the fact that I couldn't go to the cabins alone, but I asked if I could just rest on the picnic bench with the group, and that was unacceptable. Then I started dozing off in evening activities and got yelled at every time. They never called my parents, even when I was injured and they dropped me at the ER where I ended up spending the night going through a whole battery of tests alone. Needless to say, ds never went to camp.
  12. Kohls has some sweatshirts each year with different designs, like this one: http://www.kohls.com/product/prd-2390965/womens-mccc-holiday-crewneck-sweatshirt.jsp
  13. So many videos we've seen lately of "resisting arrest" are actually videos of people being tased. When you are electrocuted, your arms and legs flail around out of your control. You can't cooperate then or for quite a while after. I'm also beginning to suspect the phrase, "Sir, what are the charges?" is considered resisting arrest by some police (particularly if uttered by a person of color.) I can't like this, but I feel that way, too. The news has just made me so sad today. I thought all of the videos and attention this issue was getting would result in better police behavior and training. I am thinking I need a media fast :crying:
  14. I wish you well. With my dad, all he wants to wear is work shirts (blue collar Dickies), but they were getting stained and ripped, because he is still active. Fortunately, you can buy more just like them. Unfortunately, they are not soft like the ones that have been washed and worn a thousand times. He would throw away (or give away) the new ones and go back to the old. So the last batch I bought, I started washing with our laundry. Before I gave them to him, I threw those shirts in every single load I washed for over a month. They were probably washed a hundred times considering how much laundry I was doing at the time. It worked and I was able to slowly "disappear" the old ones. Used clothes might work for you, but we do fragrance-free detergents here. I was never able to get the smell out of thrift store clothes. If she isn't sensitive to smell, it might work though. Anyway, whatever you are able to sneak in, try washing it to death first.
  15. I talked to one college where that was handled by the residence halls. The director of residence life was the one and only person that could grant an exception to the residency requirement.
  16. I don't know much, but would it work better to clean it when the leather is really hot again? Maybe the Dawn could get into the pores after several hours in a hot parking lot? When I started googling "getting sunscreen off," it autocompleted with "leather seats," so you are not the only one. The other thing I thought is are you sure it is a stain? I'm sure the leather is dyed black. Is it possible that whatever was spilled bleached it a bit? Maybe you need to look at covering it rather than cleaning it. I would think that car manufacturers might have stuff to match, like you car buy for leather shoes or purses, maybe?
  17. I would be hesitant, too. Dealing with a parent with dementia colors everything I see, but I keep thinking about all the micronutrients that your body and brain are missing as it feeds off only fat. Yeah, we can take multivitamins, but there is so much good in healthy food that we haven't identified yet. I just think the long-term damage to the body and brain would be hard to calculate. I know staying obese is bad, too, but... If drastic measures are necessary, I would think the bariatric surgery would be safer and quicker and much less likely to cause long term problems.
  18. And the rubbish!! Just took a walk and there are cardboard remnants everywhere. I started trying to pick some stuff up, but my back can't take bending down that many times. I need a stand-up dustpan or one of those sticks they use in the park.
  19. I hate it, too. And my poor furbabies...I'm amazed the older one didn't have a heart attack. This was the worst year, and I knew it would be. Holiday falls on a Monday, so it was Friday, Saturday, Sunday, AND the big blowout last night of fireworks. If history holds true, there will be a few leftovers that need to be used, but we are through the worst of it. I pray for rain every Fourth...to keep more people inside and to reduce the risk of fires.
  20. The lawyer has probably already mentioned it, but I have another suggestion. Go ahead and have him write down everything he remembers about last night, including times and all details. It's easier to remember things right away. He may have texts or calls that help him pin down times. Things like: what time he had his drinks, what time he ate at McDonalds, what time he started feeling sick and exactly what his symptoms were, etc.
  21. Excellent idea. If he's coming down with something it can be documented. He also may be able to run more drug panels to corroborate no history of drug use.
  22. If he has a court date, it is likely that he is charged with something, though I would guess it is a traffic violation and not a crime. If his job might be at risk, I would go ahead and get a lawyer. I would think it would be worth whatever it costs. And, if he really wasn't using, it sounds like food poisoning or a stomach flu. I couldn't pass a balance and coordination test after violently vomiting with food poisoning, even with no drugs at all.
  23. Definitely agree with this. Two weeks is about the sweet spot for me, too. I can't stand spending the money on myself. It feels decadent, but it is absolutely a medical help when it comes to pain and reducing auto-immune flares.
  24. I know the eldercare situation is very difficult for siblings. I'm interested in experiences from those who have BTDT and come out the other side. Did your relationships recover?
  25. I'm watching Person of Interest and suddenly imagining Amazon's shipping computer developing sentience. It uses the data to determine what you *really* need and sends it to you. I could see weekly episodes based on that.
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