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Everything posted by Joules

  1. Nope, unless you have a professional telling you that it is a huge problem, my vote is that you take care of her during your 12 weeks however you see fit. What works for one family may not work for another. What is important is that she is cared for. And honestly, if you talk to the professionals, they will likely say consistency is hugely important and a facility with regular visits is better than moving every three months. If Jill is having a hard time, it is probably because of MILs trauma due to being moved. It takes MONTHS for someone with even mild dementia to adjust to a routine. I might need a spin-off, but I wonder for anyone BTDT, do sibling relationships recover post-elder care? Do you really *ever* want to see them again once the older generation has passed?
  2. (((Hugs))) to you, Laura. I have relatives in Scotland. I hope that the independence is revisited and Scotland can join the EU easily.
  3. Don't know about the emotional issues, I haven't seen that. But the name mix-up is SO frustrating and ongoing, I could really do without that in my life. Your future dil won't know the difference, but if she did, she would thank you for not making your son a Jr.
  4. That brings back memories. I probably saw that 30 times in the theater. I spent lots of time at the movies as a kid...they were air-conditioned and my home was not. Georgia summers are rough.
  5. Looks great! It's not at our local theater, but not a bad drive away. I may go see it tomorrow. (Dh is out of town, ds is lost in a book, and I'm taking the weekend off!)
  6. Thank you, Creekland! A couple of hours ago I stood looking at the poster thinking it looked like the stupidest thing ever, but I went. It was awesome. Haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
  7. I'm feeling the same way. I see the exact same things here and am so disheartened to see it victorious in a sister nation.
  8. Just a tip on this. I felt the same way, but realized at some point that his voice changing was making him sound more snarky/angry than he was. I had to take a step back and start really listening to the words, because the other verbal cues were inaccurate. That alone made a huge difference. I'll read the other responses and see I have another new thoughts.
  9. We saw a wonderful preview this week of Kubo and the Two Strings: It's from the small company that made Coraline, Paranorman, and Boxtrolls. It's not out until August 19th, but still a summer movie.
  10. I really wanted to see Nice Guys, but it left the theater before I could get around to it. Did anyone see it?
  11. I'd have to know how it ends before I take ds to see that one, but it looks good.
  12. I don't have a crystal ball, but I worry that when the economic impact hits, it will be the middle and lower class that gets hurt. The people with money will be fine either way.
  13. Yeah, and maybe, just maybe, those who were selling the Brexit should have made clear plans ahead of time for how this would play out. I mean, if you didn't have plans for how it would all work out, how did you decide that it was a good idea in the first place? And, it should go without saying, that voters should expect that politicians lay out their exact plans for accomplishing their outlandish claims and promises of how it will all be so awesome.
  14. I can't imagine that they wouldn't have already tested, but I have to ask: Celiac?
  15. I'm betting there are some people in the UK who are really wishing they took the trouble to go out and vote!
  16. Yes, I've been following the issue pretty closely partly because of the parallels with things here. Those are my primary news sources though I hit the websites of the more regular stuff: CNN, NBC, and FOX every day. Brexit has definitely been covered, but not the main headline.
  17. Yeah, I had to be dragged with the promise of lots of popcorn, but Favreau is of our generation and loved the original. He both paid it respect and put his own new thoughts into it. (Ooh, it's hard to discuss movies without saying too much in case people haven't seen it yet. I keep deleting!)
  18. I definitely think that there is a lesson to be learned here. There were an awful lot of people thinking, "That will never happen." This was high stakes and over 25% of voters didn't turn out to a vote that was lost by less than 2%.
  19. Yes, that's it. The link I posted above has a chart that notes which things need prescriptions and which don't. It is from ADP, but I think the rules are the same for everyone since they come from the IRS. The cart just makes it easy...well, as easy as anything in the medical billing world is!
  20. Look at the chart here starting on page 4. I'm hope there are some things that you already buy. http://www.spendingaccounts.info/PDF/eligible_expense_guide.pdf
  21. I love the movies and am hoping to see as many of the good ones as I can this summer before ds is off to college. I really like Rotten Tomatoes to get an overview, but I'm looking forward to everyone's thoughts here. We saw Jungle Book and highly recommend it. Ds and dh had to drag me, because that was one I didn't want to see. I was still in love with the first. In the end, I like the second one better, particularly the ending. We had a good discussion about that. We saw Warcraft yesterday. With a 29% tomato rating, it wasn't on the top of my list, but it had an 81% popcorn rating. The huge difference piqued my interest. Ds and I really liked it and hope there is a sequel. I think it was a brave way to start a movie franchise, but I don't want to give too much away. It's not the best movie out there and has flaws in most every area, but overall a solid enjoyable pic. I get why the reviewers didn't like it. One big reason: They are comparing it to LOTR! GImme a break. It's an origin story for a video game, not classic literature! (Oh, we are DragonCon and RPG aficionados, so YMMV. We have never played WOW, though.)
  22. I think this is the fundamental problem. I would explain exactly that to dd: "Dad can't control X and Y, his world is falling apart, and he is grasping at anything he thinks he *can* control. I'm sorry you are getting caught in the middle." If it were reasonably true, I'd go so far as to tell her that her dad doesn't really think she is trashy, he is just lashing out. IMHO, he is completely in the wrong here, but if he is going to continue with his tantrums, dd needs to understand that he is human and where it is all coming from (I'm just assuming she knows what is going on with the rest of the family.) And, as I said before, your dh needs to face up to what's *really* bothering him, and I'm almost positive that is not eyeliner!
  23. I don't see how the 10k is going to give him more time unless he plans to quit his job. Those things take lots of time, have homework, and usually involve a commute. Might he try a couple of months of going to the public library and studying on his own during the hours he would have been in bootcamp? Those camps don't magically give more hours in the day and often you don't get your money back if it turns out to be too much.
  24. Oh sorry, my answer is "no connection at all." I meant he needs to deal with what his real concern is rather than some weird spurious association that he has, but the first step is recognizing that association. Hopefully, even he would see the ridiculousness of the equation if it was put in front of him.
  25. Yeah, I think for many parents anything can replace eyeliner in my equation above: long earrings, short skirts, lipstick, certain music Parents are really worried about things down the line...drugs, pregnancy, etc., but they are terrified to entertain that and focus on anything that might imagine could be a precursor.
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