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Everything posted by Wilma

  1. Hmmm... the girls use really nice organic expensive shampoo, and have for ages. None of them are very frequent hair washers, though. 67, what type of allergies are you thinking it's related to? Seasonal stuff?
  2. It really doesn't look dandruffy, though. It's not white and it's sort of stuck to the scalp rather than being flaky.
  3. So, well, my 7 y/o daughter has on her scalp what looks exactly like cradle cap. Not the super thick scaly kind, but definitely some stuff. I had no idea that even happened to kids who were not babies/toddlers. Honestly, I'm a little yucked about it. What should I do? Her hair is a little past her shoulders and thick.
  4. Also, try to relax. A lot of rules and regulations have to give when you're camping. Like bedtime. The campground will almost definitely still be light and noisy at regular bedtime and the first night it will be difficult to get anyone to sleep. The second night will be much better. Make sure to check with the place you're going to make sure they allow campfires and find out about how to bring/purchase/find firewood. Around here as often as not there's a burn ban during camping season and no campfires. :(
  5. Hey y'all! I've run into a bit of a thing with an evite I sent for my girl's birthday party. She's doing a smallish party at a roller rink in a week. You know how as the host, there's information about who has and has not actually viewed the invitation? It turns out that more than half of the (dozen-ish) people haven't. Would sending an email along the lines of, "hey, did you get the evite for Sweety's birthday party? We're sure hoping Suzy will be able to come!" be pushy? Or is there some better way to check in with people? At this point the event is a week away, is that too early to nudge for a response?
  6. If it's at all possible, go with another family. It's way more fun for the adults, and you'll have each other's backs if either of you forgets toothpaste or whatever.
  7. Yes!! A thousand times yes!! (And bless your heart.)
  8. My first most best toy that I'd save would be the old cushions from our living room set. Those puppies are out every. single day. in almost any type of play. Then stuffed animals. Then dress up (playsilks, a few costumes, a few hats). Then LEGO, which my kids aren't super into, but I keep hoping...
  9. Woah. That's wild! I hope you can get moved pronto!
  10. I pay bills from my bank's website. It's just like sending a check, except you don't send a check. I have a list of the bills I usually pay (utilities, water, internet, blah blah) that I select from a drop down menu. If it's one of those regular things, all the address and account numbers and whatnot are stored and I only type in the amount and the pay-by date. I can also easily see when and how much I last paid last time. I like being able to handle the bills as they come in without having the $ leave the account until it needs to. It's super-easy. Also, if you give it a whirl and find you don't like it, you can totally go back to paper checks.
  11. Bless you for being there with your friend.
  12. How can I talk my husband into moving overseas!?? I have a terrible bad travel bug and he has zero desire to go anywhere. Was expat living always part of your plan? Did one of you have to convince the other? Was it difficult to decide where to go? What do you miss most from your home culture? Do you feel weird when you're back "home"? Do your kids identify more with the culture you're currently living in, or your "home" culture?
  13. I still submit that for most people there just isn't going to be much "shooting of the breeze". It's a dead language, y'all. Useful and cool, yes. But not something to converse in regularly, and thusly not something over which to be in a wad over pronunciation styles.
  14. That sounds terribly hard. I'm sorry y'all have to walk that path. :crying:
  15. Experience gifts are great for kids who aren't as much into toys. For one of my girls, my husband made a gift certificate to go get some fruit dipped in a chocolate fountain - the kid loved it! And all of her sisters have asked for the same gift on their birthdays. :)
  16. Send them! It's lovely and you're a lovely neighbor. Kindness is always appropriate.
  17. Is the poly family aspect a major reason for homeschooling? I can imagine that a kid in public school might come across a lot of traditional families and wind up feeling weird about his/her home situation. Also, if you were somehow choosing for your children, would you choose the same lifestyle for them?
  18. I still think they'd be fine without. We've done a month-long camping deal (probably the oldest kid was 35-ish lbs?) and they all slept just fine without fancy stuff - just nice sleeping bags and their pillows and stuffed pals from home.
  19. I'd encourage you to be just as nice as you have time to! If you can take a meal, go on ahead and do it. Or drop a card in the mail. Or make a nice phone call. Just let her know that you're thinking of her and her family. That's always the right thing, isn't it?
  20. I know you said JAWM, but for me it sounds like he's considerate and wanting to be there for something that is obviously a big deal for y'all. No?
  21. Thermarest sleeping mats are awesome. We've not invested in them for the kids yet, but will eventually (when you weigh 40 lbs. there just aren't the same type of pressure points adults have).
  22. Being sick is the pits. I hope you get feeling better right quick.
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