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Everything posted by Wilma

  1. Thermarest sleeping mats are awesome. We've not invested in them for the kids yet, but will eventually (when you weigh 40 lbs. there just aren't the same type of pressure points adults have).
  2. Being sick is the pits. I hope you get feeling better right quick.
  3. Super salad! It's salad, but with crumbled bacon and hard boiled eggs and everything else I can think of.
  4. Is there any possibility of a carpool situation? I'd be way reluctant to pull him even if it's only the being-part-of-a-team he's into and not so much the baseball.
  5. Ooh! Here's another one. How do you handle hand-me-downs? What is your clothing passing-down strategy? And how do you decide on who rooms with whom? Do the kids choose?
  6. What is the most outrageous thing a complete stranger has said to you about your family size? How about a friend/family member?
  7. Flowers? Flowers are always nice. Or babysitting + a gift certificate for a nice dinner with the hubs? Or a gift certificate for a professional photo session for her family?
  8. I think healthy foods for everyone. Only have good options in the home, and let him eat as much of that as he wants anytime he wants. Make it a non-issue, as much as possible.
  9. Did you and/or your husband grow up in a large family? When you thought down the road, did you imagine yourself having a bucket-full of kids? Are things easier now, or was it easier when you had only the first couple of kids? (I have 4, and for me it's boatloads easier now than when they were 2 kids.)
  10. Unless you're planning to befriend the ancient Romans, it probably doesn't matter much at all.
  11. I let go of mine a few weeks ago and for me it was surprisingly feely, too! Mine went to a nice local family from Craigslist - they were happy and I was happy/sad.
  12. Holy smokes! Way to go, y'all! A 36!! Maybe a, "usually when people share good news, the other person says 'congratulations!'" text to your rude brother. I'm with the gals who guess he's feeling defensive about his/their parenting choices, particuarly in light of y'all's smashing success.
  13. Ooh, I hope I wasn't supposed to have tipped the window installation guys.
  14. Wow, thanks! I'm going to grab a set and hang on to them for a birthday kid. Would a 5 y/o be able to manage them, do you think? Or better for a kid turning 9?
  15. Ack! I have four kids and 0 things for their four baskets. I had ought to do summer shoes x4, but it turns out they have preferences and stuff. I wish there were a real Easter bunny to take care of this for me!
  16. Girls do like snap circuits -- in fact, a body could generalize and say that people like snap circuits. They're fun. Or maybe a neat board game? Ticket to Ride is a big hit here.
  17. Are you talking about socialization as learning to be social and fit into society? Or do you mean socializing, as in enjoying the company of others? Those words are vastly different, IMO. I have social needs, but I do not need socialization.
  18. I think talking through the what-ifs might be helpful, too. Saying hey, if somehow a tornado does wreck our house, we'll be sad, but then we'd go stay with grandma and grandpa while we get things fixed up. And we pay our insurance company every year so that if our house gets wrecked, they'll help us fix it back up. So we'll stay here in our safest place, and probably everything will be a-okay.
  19. I like Mabel Rose better than Mabel Ruth. But honey, name your child what you want!
  20. Yep. Someone else's prying wouldn't okay deceit, for me. "I'd rather not talk about that now," or, "why do you want to know?" or, "let's talk about something else" would not share the information, and would not be deceitful.
  21. I wouldn't. I get the most adorable notes from my 4.5 y/o - they're entirely unreadable until I sound them out and then it totally makes sense. They're precious. I would not / do not correct her spelling one bit. If she asks, I'll help her work it out, but otherwise not. We'll do spelling lessons when we get there, but I'll not critique her personal writings.
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