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Everything posted by sparrow

  1. I would pronounce it like "Julie". I like it. I think I would love it spelled with the "e" ;) . It's a solid name you don't hear that often these days.
  2. This photo series is beautiful! Oh, the passage of time. http://fstoppers.com/pics-reflections-portraits-of-the-elderly-as-they-once-were
  3. Please take a peek at the thread I started last week: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/479897-we-finally-know-its-dermatographia/ We finally figured it out after 13 years.
  4. Me! I'm 43 and tell anyone that will listen :) . I feel confident and in charge of my life, versus just letting life happen. I'm also in skirt phase. I'm taking dd and a friend to the beach and I'm wearing the most adorable, and COOL, cotton tank and flowery skirt. I'm going to sit on the beach, sip lemonade, and read. I only wish I had a parasol! Happy birthday! I would blow you a red lipstick kiss, but alas, I'm still a lip balm girl ;) .
  5. I had to let all the Scout mamas and dads know that we went and had dinner with ds at summer camp tonight. Is it possible for a kid to grow up in 3 days? He seems more mature! He's having such a great time and proudly gave us the grand tour. I actually think he's going to be a little sad when Saturday rolls around. I just had to share with some folks that will understand :) .
  6. I, stupidly, put up with snapping and growling for a long time. She had been warning me. She finally bit ds within a half inch of his eye. Don't wait until you're beating yourself up in the ER, like I did. (Ds was fine, btw)
  7. Oh, goodness. That tech should not be saying such things. Animals are like humans and can have diseases that cause problems you wouldn't typically see in younger pets. We had a cat die of renal failure at age 7, diagnosed at age 5, due to a non-functioning kidney he'd had since birth. His one kidney had been compensating. We had no idea. Our dog has Addison's Disease and it has caused her to urinate in the house when her cortisol is low and she needs a shot. Addison's is tricky to diagnose. We almost lost her. :grouphug: I hope you get some answers soon.
  8. I would sit down and have a serious talk with him about choosing ONE activity that interests him. Is there a good 4-H club in your area? 4-H clubs can offer several different activities and he can choose a club that focuses on something he is interested in. My son's activity is Boy Scouts, but that's it. I'm kind of following dh's lead on this because my tendency is to try to get him doing more, but dh tells me to let it go. What about diy.org? Of course, my son isn't that interested, but my daughter has done tons of projects on there.
  9. Left 54% (dominant-logical, least dominant-symbolic) Right 46% (dominant-nonverbal, least dominant-holistic)
  10. The things that immediately come to mind are renal failure, diabetes, or seizures. I don't think it sounds like a mental issue.
  11. I like the Vera Bradley Hipster because it's soft, light to carry, and washable.
  12. Yep, Epcot is our favorite, too! We spend 2 days at Epcot and all other parks get one--I could skip Hollywood Studios or Animal Kingdom, if forced to make a choice. Are you staying on site or off site? We stay off site and typically eat breakfast and dinner at our condo and lunch in the parks, sometimes dinner. We usually take a backpack with snacks and water. I like a to carry a small to mid-size cross body purse, like a Vera Bradley Hipster. I love being hands free! Read the DIS Boards and get familiar with FastPass! Really, you can find information about anything on the DIS Boards. I agree with whitestavern that easywdw.com is great for planning. I like the PassPorter's WDW book, too. Have fun :) .
  13. I did not expect to :lol: :lol: :lol: at Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, but that one made me laugh! For all the Downton Abbey fans, here's Dan Stevens reading a bit of Middlemarch :svengo: :
  14. The Buffalo Ranch in Hanover: http://www.horsesandbuffalo.net/the_buffalo_ranch_003.htm
  15. We have good friends that moved from Ann Arbor, MI to Bloomington, IN about 7 years ago. The husband is now a tenured prof at Indiana University, so they're staying :) . I guess Bloomington has a nice college town vibe like Ann Arbor. It's an hour away from Indianapolis. They do seem to get a lot of severe weather, though! He does EMT and weather spotting stuff on the side and is never bored.
  16. :grouphug: I know a lot of FD families. It's not easy.
  17. That's a great video. All of the kids are articulate and adorable! My kids reacted the same way when we discussed it, but we're also a mixed race family :) . My son also had the opportunity to express his feelings regarding having gay Boy Scouts in his troop. He said the majority of his troop had no problem with allowing boys that are gay in the troop and those that were opposed did so due to religious conviction. It led to a very good discussion, according to my son, and I'm happy he could be a part of it. The future looks bright!
  18. You can use Monistat Soothing Care Chafing Relief Powder Gel. It doubles as an under make-up primer ;) .
  19. I did that extensively in my twenties and thirties. There IS something magical about 40. Once I turned 40 the little things seemed little. I think dealing with big things, in my case, a very ill mother that passed away, among other things, really puts things in perspective. I am not practiced in the art of meditation, but there is something to be said for deep breaths in stressful situations where I try to concentrate on centering myself. Taking a walk outdoors and reconnecting with nature always helps, too. Seriously, I'm not as hippy-dippy as I'm sounding right now ;) . These are things that have helped me.
  20. I do have to ask, will it affect they friend's whole project? It's one thing to practice sink or swim for your own kid's project, but I worry when it will affect others, you know what I mean?
  21. I'm another skirt/dress wearer for comfort. I have the same body type as aggieamy and have to pin skirts at the waist :rolleyes: . I think you'll find people to be complimentary of your new look. I heard through friends that other women acquaintances think I'm rather fancy (catty, hater talk for "she thinks she's better than us") and I took it as a compliment. I typically wear skirts and cute t-shirts..
  22. :svengo: I was just responding in another thread about my absent minded ds and now I read this after dropping him off at camp 3 hours ago!? Luckily, the only thing of real *value* that he has with him is his Scout book. I'd hate for him to misplace that! I sent him with a freshly washed pack of white Hanes t-shirts. I don't care what happens to those. His scoutmaster said that now would not be the time he'd buy his son new hiking boots or tennis shoes, but that that was up to us :) .
  23. Ugh. My son is so absent minded. I completely understand. I'd probably cave and give a hint, since any time I've tried to "teach him a lesson", so to speak, it didn't help. He still lives in the fog. I'm hoping to see improvement in the coming years. Dh thinks I'm funny :lol: . Good luck!
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