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Everything posted by Innisfree

  1. There does not seem to be any pre-update content in any of my clubs, and any which have not been active since the update have no content. They function, though, although members seem to be sadly depleted in some cases. I think some people have been having trouble getting back on and some have privacy concerns, since there was a lot of uncertainty about what was going on with the clubs and how much was publicly visible. A separate issue is that private groups are apparently invisible unless you are a member of the group. If you should be a member, but can't see the club, you might need to contact either the group's owner/moderator or the site administrators.
  2. I was just coming to post about dd's Kolbe chemistry class. She has taken the regular, (OK?) class, not the honors, because she did not have the prereqs for honors. This frustrated her, because she's generally good in science. She's gotten A's and enjoyed the class. She likes the teacher. But... today she was signed up for the SAT Chemistry test, so last night, at last, she looked at the review book I had purchased from the College Board for her. Obviously she should have been reviewing sooner, but it's been a crazy spring here, and she didn't. Turns out that all year long, the teacher has been letting them look up information which the College Board expects them to have memorized. So she is going to have to spend the summer learning all this and take the test in the fall. I am fairly provoked with Kolbe at the moment. I had the impression that these were rigorous classes, and maybe they are at the honors level, but apparently not otherwise.
  3. On the mobile version, touch the time posted under the icon for the person who posted last, on the right hand side. I don't know about the full-size version.
  4. Can you see other clubs? For me, if I go through the three lines in the upper right corner, then "browse", then "clubs", I get a long list of clubs. There are ten pages of them, and the one with the most recent activity seems to be on top. This club was on page nine, but after I posted on it, it jumped to the top of page one. For me, there is a check mark on it, which seems to indicate that I'm a member. Under that long list of clubs, on the first page, there is a list of my clubs. It's all very convoluted.
  5. Kbutton, if the group you mean is the Middle and High School Learning Challenges, I can access and post in it, but there aren't any current topics or activity. There seems to be a lot of confusion still involving clubs, who can get to them, etc. ? Maybe I'll go start a thread there just to see who is around and has access. I'm concerned that a lot of people have disappeared during the upgrade.
  6. I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking of him, his family and your dd.
  7. My feelings on email were probably permanently warped by one of dd's preschool teachers. She was probably great with the kids (she actually taught another class, not dd's). But she was an older teacher who seemed like a dragon to me. At that time, we had only recently actually gotten a home computer and thus email. I guess we'd had them for maybe two or three years, but the computer was only there for amusement, and we literally had no one who communicated with us via email. Our jobs had never made use of it; it was just this sort of superfluous form of communication hanging out there. Only junk came in. I was in my thirties, mind, and dh in his forties. Email had not been a part of our lives. So then dd went to preschool, and they sent some important notification by email. And when the teacher confronted me I stammered out something about never checking email. And she glared at me and repeated "You never check email?" i mean, yes, I'd given them the email address, but then I'd also given them our street address. I didn't really expect them to turn up at either! It was very traumatic, lol. I think it clouded email with shame for me forever. If I could, I'd just avoid it.
  8. I loathe email. Loathe it. It can be useful, yes, but the junk so vastly outweighs the important stuff that I tend to think nothing of any importance will be there, then miss the one thing I needed to see. And I do try to unsubscribe to stuff, but there's always more.
  9. If he seems insecure or anxious, and trying to keep people happy for that reason, then I probably would worry. This situation with the bedrooms would bother me more in that case also, because I would want him feeling safe in his position (emotional more than physical) in his mother's house. He needs to feel included and a part of the family. I guess I'd really just worry less about the bedrooms than about his feeling safe, loved, included, and able to advocate for himself if he feels the need. And it sounds like you're saying that is your real concern, if I'm understanding correctly. So maybe that would be something to talk over with his father. If needed, the two of you could find a way for him to practice advocating for himself. I agree that's an important skill.
  10. I think this is where I'd consider possibly putting some energy, rather than the immediate situation about the rooms. Being easygoing and not particularly introspective is fine. Does he seem to be unhappy about things and uncomfortable speaking up? Is he suffering because of this, or because of other situations where he does not express opinions? Or is he just happy fitting in with the situations he lands in? Does he really not know how he feels, or does he just not have strong feelings? The first might suggest a need for some sort of help; the second does not. I'd spend a while thinking about this, preferably with his father's input, before I decided there was a need to fix anything.
  11. Fern Rose/Rosalind Briar Bramble Persephone Flora Demeter Althaea Since her first and last names will have two syllables each, I'd tend to choose either one or three+ syllables for the middle name.
  12. The only time I've ever had a vet initiate discussion of euthanasia was when an elderly golden retriever mix had both lost control of her bowels and lost the use of her hind legs. We had been treating other issues for years at that point, and her hips had been wobbly, but at this point she could no longer stand. For a generally happy, active dog who just had some superficial wounds and a fungal infection I would not expect that discussion, even if the dog is getting old.
  13. I haven't seen his social media posts, but BBC's article seems to make it clear that his neurological and/or mental health issues are real. Quoting: Minassian had previously attended a school for students with special needs in north Toronto, former classmates said. He would be seen walking around Thornlea Secondary School with his head down and hands clasped tightly together making meowing noises, Shereen Chami told Reuters. But she said Minassian had not been violent. "He wasn't a social person, but from what I remember he was absolutely harmless," she told Reuters. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43875321 Me again: As the parent of a student with autism, which I am not suggesting he has, I'll also point out that anyone with mental challenges or reduced social competency is extra vulnerable to social pressures they may not fully understand. For example, assessing another person's motives may not be something they are equipped to do. There may also be other areas where they have issues. Compare, for example, the shooter in Tennessee, who was clearly delusional in the past.
  14. People who commit vile acts in the name of terrorist groups/ideologies and people who have mental health problems are not mutually exclusive groups. I would argue that, on a Venn diagram, there would be significant overlap.
  15. I like to just go to the library and drag home a huge pile of books at first. That helps me get ideas; then I can start to think about narrowing down the choices by considering each family member's interests and priorities. We (mostly I) have been planning our first major family trip all winter. I love travel, and love planning. So I've been hanging out browsing on the Trip Advisor forums, and reading travel guides, and generally daydreaming and surfing the internet. It's been many years since dh and I were overseas, but we've both enjoyed trips where we pick about one city or town for each week we have available. We choose places with plenty to do, but not capital cities all the time. Smaller places can be more relaxing. We don't even try to do everything, or plan a full itinerary ahead of time. We can see a castle one day and a Roman villa the next, spend time in a museum, but also browse in shops or markets. Day trips add variety. As long as we're in interesting places, it's all good. So, in planning, I've made sure we have ways to see things that interest each of us, but I've left the details open for now. We'll do some things that each person cares about, and we won't see everything anywhere, but that gives us an excuse to go back someday.
  16. I'm so glad your 16yo is feeling better today! Don't worry about complaining here; we all serve as sounding boards for each other. Homeschooling and having kids with serious special needs can both be very isolating situations. That's one reason I love this board-- it gives us a very welcome chance to connect with others when it's hard to get out physically.
  17. Not a bit creepy, I'd say. Even as someone not on Facebook, I often find that an organization or small business uses Facebook as their only website. I check out as much of that as I can see. While I haven't looked for individuals there, I would assume they mean it to be public if it can be seen.
  18. First, hugs. I am so sorry things are so difficult. Next, have you been able to try genetic testing? Might that help identify which medicines might help your son instead of making things worse? I think you do need to identify some sort of help. Have you looked into developmental disability waivers? There is a long waiting list here, but your ds would surely be a strong candidate for assistance. Here, that would get you respite care, at a minimum, plus other services depending on your situation and your son's age. You probably have already tried that route, though. Is there something like a community service board? Social services? A church which could help out, if you trained people to help your son while you get a break? I wish I could come offer help in person.
  19. Okay, thanks, everyone! I won't worry, but if she wants to get on Instagram or Snapchat, I'll be supportive. I appreciate the information.
  20. Now that you mention it, yes, she does text. That would probably be her preference.
  21. Okay, so a prospective roommate isn't likely to be plunged into despair and foreboding if dd doesn't set up some kind of account? ;-) She'd certainly answer letters/emails, get involved in planning the dorm room, and so on.
  22. Chris in VA's post got me thinking. In a couple of years, older dd will be getting ready for college. None of us have ever done social media, other than WTM for me. No Instagram, no nothing. I haven't forbidden it. Dd just hasn't wanted to. Is that going to set off alarm bells for people?
  23. Yes, I am going to do a short, trial boarding no matter which place we choose. I want the dogs to be familiar with the place, and hopefully not feel too abandoned. Maybe they'll remember that we did come back for them last time, when we are gone for longer during the vacation. Or maybe it will just make me feel better.
  24. Okay, thanks everyone! I'm going to try to visit again later today, and if that goes well, I'll book the family place. It's the one I was leaning toward, but I appreciate hearing everyone else's thoughts.
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