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Everything posted by Innisfree

  1. Oy, her reading... Yes, I think dyslexia is a possibility, but the testing disagreed. She loves to read, but has had longstanding issues with sounding out unfamiliar multisyllable words. We have spent time and tears on this, but have mostly chosen other hills to die on for now, since she has a large reading vocabulary and does not encounter many unfamiliar words any more. Early testing showed some phonics skills were very far behind. I worked hard on phonics, and by the time she was tested for dyslexia (CTOPP?) they said her phonemic awareness was too high to fit dyslexia. Frustration tolerance is part of it. She has very limited patience for slowing down to sound out a word.
  2. Thanks, Jean. That's been my position so far. I just periodically wonder if I'm doing the right thing. She does not have a good understanding of how things like this are perceived, as I'm sure you understand.
  3. If your young teen had several words that they consistently pronounced incorrectly, plus a very minor speech impediment, would you continue to encourage help after they reject it firmly? As an example, think of per-na-ment instead of permanent. She also has a bit of a lateral lisp. Basically, she ends up sounding much younger than she is. But she no longer looks like a young child, and her speech is becoming more obviously inappropriate. When she was much younger, she was evaluated by a school SLP, who said she did not qualify for speech therapy at school but gave us materials to use at home. At the time she had not yet received her ASD diagnosis. The speech practice led to terrible meltdowns, and we dropped it. Similar story once we did get the diagnosis, only then the SLP said in front of dd that the speech problem was minor enough that we did not need to do anything unless dd wanted to. Dd is adamant that she does not care. But every time we see a professional for any sort of evaluation, they bring it up. I was just listening as dd chatted with a friend in the back seat, and several times during the twenty minute ride, the friend corrected dd's word choice or pronunciation. Dd still didn't seem to care. But-- am I being negligent if I let these things persist? They will color how people view her. But insisting on speech therapy would mean a big, ongoing battle. So, wwyd?
  4. We have had good luck finding high-quality, reasonably priced furniture at some local antiques malls. Thrift shops can be good, too, but there are a few dealers at the local antiques malls that carry really good older pieces. We probably couldn't buy new, lower-quality for the same price. I think people expect antiques to be expensive. They often aren't. Now, these aren't eighteenth-century pieces, but good, forty- to ninety-year-old colonial-revival style pieces. There's a good bit of Victorian stuff around, too.
  5. Do you know if any of these kids have been in a head-start sort of program? It sounds like they need something of the sort, and perhaps evaluations for special needs and early intervention. It must be heartbreaking to watch.
  6. Nexgard here too. It works for us, and although our vet likes Seresto, she doesn't see how much time dd spends snuggling with her dog. I can't bring myself to use a collar for that reason.
  7. Innisfree

    New Dog!

    What a sweet looking girl! I'm so glad you found her.
  8. I am so sorry. I can only imagine how heartbreaking that must be. All of you, and especially Jenny, will be in my thoughts.
  9. He is adorable, and I can tell he'll be much loved!
  10. I'm so sorry. Holding you and your sister in my thoughts.
  11. The original colonies had long, separate histories and cultures before the Revolution and before the Constitution. Think of the different countries in Europe uniting into the European Union: obviously the divisions there are longer and deeper, but the thought process was similar. There were disagreements over how much power and authority should be given to the federal government as opposed to left to the states. States were very unwilling to sacrifice local control, because different regions had different needs, histories, cultures and resources. The eventual decision left all powers not specifically awarded to the federal government as belonging to the states; hence, the various later strong feelings over the concept of states' rights. This is all long ago, but state identities remain strong and distinct. Voter decisions in states may be quite different, and the impulse to keep control over many issues at state level remains powerful.
  12. Something in the mint family, like maybe coleus, was my thought too. Does it have a square stem? You can feel the "corners" if it does.
  13. Years ago, there were a couple of quiverful families who attended our local pool. This was before I was homeschooling, but I was curious, and I got to talking with one of the moms one day. She was very open about not registering. I got the feeling that it was actually a point of pride for her: the government has no business being involved in their family was the general theme. She had no idea who I was, other than just another mom hanging around the pool. So I know some people are not exactly hiding this choice. Personally, I think I like the idea of newspapers identifying whether families are following state laws if the matter comes up. I might privately consider careful, diligent unregistered people who teach their own children to be homeschoolers, but for public discussion, I think I come down on the side of not identifying them that way unless they are following the local laws.
  14. Well, I have very little experience of Busch Gardens in particular, but we've generally found spring and fall are by far the most comfortable times to visit the area. Spring tends to have lots of school groups travelling to the area, so I'd argue for fall. Still a few school groups, but not as many, and cooler past September. I'm not sure what BG's hours are like then, though. eta: At least in Colonial Williamsburg, crowds drop off very fast once public schools open at the end of August. I'd assume the same would be true at Busch Gardens, but maybe they're only open on weekends then, so still crowded.
  15. Okay. For what it's worth, I know you mean well, and you already know what I think. If you really want to provide a good outdoor shelter, make it a heated, air conditioned shed or outbuilding which will be comfortable, safe and suitable for your girls to spend time in, too. Maybe a study space. Then they can really hang out with the dog, regardless of weather. It still won't be as good as being in the house, but far better than a doghouse arrangement. Editing to add, also, think about a middle-aged rescue dog for whom this situation might be an improvement on the alternatives, rather than a young german shepherd. Good dogs are out there, they just take some effort to find. And... Editing again... It is not treating a dog like a person. It's treating a dog like a dog. The nature of dogs is to be social and highly focused on interaction with their humans. In the past, when dogs spent more time outside, they were alongside people who worked outside too.
  16. I think this is sufficiently important for you to ask yourself whether getting the kids a dog is worth making other living arrangements. Adults who have veto power over living arrangements deserve respect. Kids have needs and passionate desires. Animals have needs which deserve respect, too. If the three can't fit together, consider which needs to be shifted. But not at the expense of a vulnerable animal. Which is more important, your need to maintain this living arrangement or your kids' desire for a dog? Either one would be a more valid place to take a stand than getting a dog but leaving it outside.
  17. Agreeing with everyone else. Making a dog live outside, away from its people is really not fair to the dog, unless its pack is really the livestock it guards. I think you've said you work full time, right? And your kids have various activities. Under that scenario, you'd be stretched to provide enough time for a young dog even if it lived inside. A german shepherd needs a lot of exercise and training. But you might be able to manage it, especially with some doggy day care, if the dog lived inside. Then it could cuddle with kids while they study and sleep. But outside? You're talking about making a highly intelligent, highly social animal live a lonely, boring life. It will develop behavior problems, because its basic needs cannot be met in that scenario. Not a good lesson for your kids, not a good thing to do to a dog. Also, the question of the dog's lifespan is important. What will happen to the dog when it is, what, six years old and the kids go off to college? I know you'd provide basic care, but dogs need more than that.
  18. Thanks, everyone. You're making me feel better about the possibilities here.
  19. This is exactly what I'd like to do. Maybe I just need to hear that it's okay as an option.
  20. The legal state requirements for homeschool do not define any particular standards for graduation. Homeschoolers must either pass yearly tests or show adequate progress in a portfolio review, but there are no particular standards outlined for that portfolio. So, assume that the standards for public school students to graduate are clear and at least somewhat rigorous, but the standards for homeschool *graduation* are not defined at all. The only standard is "adequate progress", which I know is interpreted very differently by different homeschoolers. The community college does not require high school graduation of any sort. They have remedial courses for those who need it, and test to place people at the proper level. So, the only question really is what standards I decide I ought to enforce. It's hard to imagine telling dd she isn't going to qualify for a standard diploma. But I also don't want to award one of it's not appropriate. This is purely theoretical at the moment, but she's approaching eighth grade, so a trajectory is visible which will require some hard decisions.
  21. Yes, our locality, and maybe state, does require the algebra 2. This is where we will be throughout her school years. What I'm trying to figure out is whether that means, assuming we continue to homeschool, we need to be just as strict.
  22. For example, if local public school students are required to do math through Algebra 2, would you feel that you could not award your student a standard diploma without passing Algebra 2? Assume multiple documented disabilities which affect academic performance, but not intellectual disability. Not 2e, though, either. Further education goals would be some community college for career certifications or, as a stretch, maybe an AA degree some day, but not a typical 4-year college plan. Honestly, though, I could see this kid finding a basic job after high school and continuing with that long-term. I'm trying to figure out where we'll be several years down the road, so maybe the algebra will end up being manageable. But if not, or if, say, typical lab sciences turn out to not be something we can do, how much flexibility is generally accepted for homeschoolers? I know that in practice, there's a huge range. But I'm trying to figure out what is responsible and moral. I think the best path for this student would be a firm grounding in math fundamentals and personal finance math, and more time spent on work experience and addressing areas which are weak because of the disabilities. I can do that. But at what point does it mean issuing some sort of non-standard diploma?
  23. Yep. I had this exactly. It does last for years, and it is very, very hard. I still tend to shy away from threads like this-- I think I'm traumatized, lol. For me, both parents needed significant help, in different ways, for years. My mother had dementia, with accompanying hallucinations which were beyond awful. My father was lucid, but in pain and physical decline. My toddler was an undiagnosed force of nature, who was a fifth grader by the time they died. They finally died nine months apart, with dd's diagnosis coming in between. It was ... quite a year. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. It changes us, I think. I know what you mean about never being able to do enough. There is always more they need. But then, finally, there isn't anything more you can do, and you wish you could.
  24. Sure, I essentially agree with you. I did say the onus is on the parents to check the email. Expecting that on a daily basis is reasonable, as is calling g them at work or wherever if they haven't responded. The only reservation I had was about shaming them publicly in a meeting. I guess I was trying to say that yes, you are right, but if that isn't working, maybe the folders or something else would. I can see that in your situation the folders would not be a solution
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