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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. I have a ton of obesity in my family, so I feel predisposed to it. I've always been able to gain both fat and muscle easily. Losing has been a different matter altogether. My weight was normal as a child. In 9th grade, I started lifting weights, as part of cheerleading, and cried when I broke 130 pounds (I am 5'4"). I didn't understand that I was gaining muscle. At the end of 11th grade, I stopped playing sports and immediately ballooned to 165 lbs. I ran with an Army recruiter to drop weight, and squeaked into the Army at 150 lbs. I couldn't pass the weight requirement (which was 125ish), but could pass the body fat requirements (again, because I carry a lot of muscle). 6 years of Army Special Operations, and, even during my most intense training regimen, I never dropped below 145 lbs. I ate low fat/high-carb, which was de rigueur at the time, and was a vegetarian. Once I got out of the Army, and stopped training like a maniac, my weight just took off. Before I could even blink, I was over 200. Suddenly, I found myself at 225-230 in my late 20s. I struggled with crippling depression and anxiety. I was hirsute and had cystic acne and irregular periods. I tried every diet and workout. Nothing worked. My mom assumed that I was eating bon bons, and gave me a ton of crap about my weight. I came to stay with her for awhile, after my divorce, and, once she saw how much I was training and what I was eating, she finally conceded that something must be wrong with my body. She sent me to an endo. The endo dx me with PCOS, and told me that my insulin resistance was so bad that I was a "lean, mean, fat-storing machine." I went on Metformin to correct the insulin resistance, and began to lose a modest amount of weight. The acne began to get better. The length of my cycles became more regular. I took antidepressants for my moods. I competed in triathlons, but was still over 200 pounds and unable to lose more weight. In my mid-30s, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and ADHD (inattentive type). In addition to the anti-depressants, I was put on Dexedrine (speed) and a mood stabilizer known for weight loss (Topamax). I suddenly knew what thin people felt like. It was so freeing. I actually had to remind myself to eat. I still trained at the gym like a mad dog, but finally, the weight came off. I dropped to 145-150 -- pretty much the same weight I had been in the Army. I was a size 6. My mood and skin were great, my cycles were regular. Then, I got pregnant. I had to go off all my meds. I gained 85 lbs during the pregnancy. Boom. Right back to 230+ lbs again. Just like that. Depression was horrible. The worst. I was completely nonfunctional. It got so bad that I finally had to stop nursing and go back on my meds. Things got better. Slowly. The pregnancy weight started to come off. Slowly. I fluctuated between 175-190, depending on the cocktail of meds I was taking. Then, I got pregnant again. Back to 230 and developed pre-diabetes at 40. Stayed that way for a year until I finally went to a new endo, and begged him to put me on Victoza to try to correct the insulin resistance that had again gotten out of control. My psychiatrist also ran genetic testing. I am compound heterozygous for MTHFR, which is the worst variant. In the 7 months that I have been on Victoza (and the supplements for MTHFR), I have lost 15 lbs. I am 210 pounds, and eat a mostly plant-based diet. My moods are great. My skin is great. I ovulate regularly. The pre-diabetes is gone. For me, it is clear that this is not just about CICO. There are serious and complicated hormonal/genetic issues at play. One of the things that I have learned is the role glutathione plays in the pathophysiology of obesity, bipolar disorder, and MTHFR. For me, these are all connected, and it has become obvious that there is some breakdown in my glutathione levels. Victoza increases glutathione, so, not surprisingly, it has helped treat both my mood and the obesity/IR. Both my psychiatrist and my endo admit that we are in the infant stages of treating these conditions.
  2. Well, I'm only in my 2nd year of homeschooling a little, and have not yet come across the title, that I recall. I also went to a crappy public high school, and doubt that we read much literature of that period, to be honest. Perhaps, a regional thing combined with a subpar education.
  3. So Cal native and have never heard of Master before as a title (apart from slavery). I cannot even imagine it. As for addressing me as Mrs. Him,...barf.
  4. I bought this, plus the DLC expansion packs for Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis (per Mike's recommendation). It was about $50 all in, and will probably keep us busy for awhile. :)
  5. Eased back into it today with Beast, MCT Island, Cursive, French, and a Big Bang docu for science. Was a great first day back!

    1. SeaConquest


      Awesome! I know what you mean. It can't be this easy, right?

  6. Thanks, Mike. If you have other strategy games that you recommend, I would appreciate it. I used to play Age of Empires when I was traveling 100K+ miles per year. It was great for long flights. My son loves strategy games as well. Anything semi-educational and not uber violent is a plus.
  7. So, do you suggest the Paradox Grand Strategy Collection for 19.99, or something else?
  8. Please share what you find. I'd love to do the same!
    1. momacacia


      I see that hebrew and hebrew script book. Color me a little green--for myself, not even my kids. ;)

  9. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you take the CHSPE and still be in high school taking cc classes for dual credit? I thought you could dual enroll, but had to pay full cost (thus exempting you from lower enrollment priority) vs. enrolling for free (with low priority).
  10. No limits as long as school is done. Any griping and the electronics go away.
  11. Whole Foods every 7-10 days. I supplement with various local farmers markets and co-ops, as well as our fishmonger at Catalina Offshore Products. I buy household goods through Jet.com.
  12. Corrected insulin resistance. Cystic acne from PCOS disappeared. Retin A and sunscreen are also good.
  13. My youngest DS turned two earlier this month, and his speech is very similar. It's been really hard for me not to get worked up because older DS was talking in full sentences in two languages by 18 months. It completely skewed my perspective. Anyway, I would give it more time. It was helpful for me to actually look up the sounds that were developmentally appropriate for this age, and to see that it's really not much. It helped to put my mind at ease.
  14. I second this suggestion. You might also look at something like Mosdos Press or the Junior Great Books series.
  15. I homeschooled my oldest in Mexico for a year. Amira also homeschools in Mexico. I'm hopping a redeye tonight, but what would you like to know? I pretty much just did what I would have done in the U.S. There are plenty of ways to ship books, use online resources, etc.
  16. Vail is my favorite, but I agree that SLC has much to offer if you're looking for a variety of resorts to visit.
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