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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. I second Plan to Eat! I love it. So easy to import recipes from other websites, add them to your calendar, and get a shopping list. I've had a membership for a couple of years, and have already renewed pretty far out because of Black Friday. :)
  2. I wouldn't. The other musicals you mentioned are for children & families. Wicked was written for adults. I don't remember anything really bad in it - it's just not a children's story.
  3. Yes, I'd cook it today as long as it smells fine.
  4. We were posting at the same time - yes, we're going to talk to the shop. :)
  5. OK, we are going to call the insurance company. (ours). I've been searching online for info, and apparently we have no recourse (mediation, etc) with an insurance company that's not ours, except to sue. One thing my hubby is going to try first: We are supposed to take the estimate to the body shop of our choice, and then they get reimbursed directly by the insurance company. If they have any questions before they start the work, they are supposed to call the insurance company to work it out. So, my hubby thinks the body shop might be able to convince them "it can't be fixed this way." He'll head over to one this afternoon.
  6. I wonder how much of what you saw was because of previous competitive playing/drilling, and how much was just natural talent. Some kids can pick up a ball and immediately know what to do with it. Me and my kids...not so much. :) Which is why I like running as a sport; at least I can put one foot in front of the other.
  7. The neighbor's son backed into my dh' new-ish truck (it's one year old). They offered to pay out of pocket for it instead of filing insurance, so my husband got 3 quotes. All of the shops said that the side panel should be replaced, not repaired, and quoted >$2k. When presented with those figures, the neighbor decided to file through their insurance. But now their insurance adjuster has said the panel can/must be repaired, and authorized cost of under $1400. We have no idea what to do next. I don't know how to fight someone else's insurance. Do we file through our own and let them fight it out for us? Contact the insurance commissioner? ??
  8. I'm sad that I can't pressure can right now. The stovetop in the house we're renting is glass, and apparently using a pressure-canner is a no-no. We have a big outdoor camp stove that I could use on the back porch, but we made the mistake of getting rid of our propane tank when we moved, and I don't feel like paying $45 for a new one. Just feel sorry for me. :)
  9. Oh, I was going to say it's menopausal. :) Because I'm like this, too, but it didn't happen until the last couple of years (I'm mid-40s). Maybe if it's not pre-menopausal, it's still hormone-related though?
  10. I don't agree with Milovany's position on nude art, but I don't think the way she edited that quote deserves a piling on. She obviously meant it playfully (the winky-face gave it away), and she clearly said she edited it so nobody would mistake it for the original, and she used a strike-out which isn't exactly a sharpie-pen.
  11. I totally agree. We have studied art, and been to some fantastic world-class museums. I can't imagine hiding a Rubens from my kids as we go through the gallery. Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think classical nudes appeal to the prurient interest.
  12. 1/1 - groceries $21 1/2 - returns at the mall -$158 refund! 1/3 - groceries $95 Discounted movie tix $17 1/4 - dh haircut $21 dh staple-gun staples $4 I didn't spend anything today. I went for a long run down at the beach and afterward, I really really wanted to stop at my favorite place for a milkshake & chili-cheese fries. But I didn't want to spend the $9 or so it would have cost, and I also didn't want to come here and admit I spent $9 on chili-cheese fries & a milkshake for breakfast!
  13. Oh, I LOVE shopping at thrift stores. I have found some lovely things like you just did, at a super-bargain price! But I need to stay out of them. Honestly, I can go in and spend $10 which seems like nothing...but then the next day I hit a different store and spend $10...etc, etc, etc.!
  14. I was going to say the same thing - start with Pinterest. Click through to the links to see if you like the source. I've found some great food blogs that way, and some great decorating blogs. Here are a few of my decorating faves that I've saved to my Feedly: http://www.beyondthescreendoor.com/ http://shabbynest.blogspot.com/ http://www.inthefunlane.com/
  15. I don't have one (like Cat, I just use a stovetop pan or griddle). But I had to ask... does anybody else think of Michael Scott every time you hear "George Foreman grill"? :)
  16. I keep a jar of TJ's organic sauce on hand for emergencies, and we don't add anything either. But we almost always make our own - it only takes 10-15 minutes and is so much better. Even my teenage son will make it instead of using jarred sauce. (diced onion & garlic sauteed in olive oil, puree some diced tomatoes, add that with some red wine and tomato paste, season with oregano, simmer for as long as you feel like)
  17. 1/1 - groceries $21 1/2 - returns at the mall -$158 refund! 1/3 - groceries $95 Discounted movie tix $17 So I'm ahead for January. :)
  18. Upon further thought, now I feel guilty for encouraging someone to spend 33 non-essential dollars in a low-spend challenge thread! Sorry!
  19. Did you ask for a deal before canceling, or were you completely committed to canceling? Last year I got 6 months for $33. But when that expired, the best I could do was $96 for a year.
  20. I agree. Maybe for both you & dh, but not for all.
  21. I don't, but my hubby sends innuendos & slightly risque comments. Nothing too naughty, but it drives me nuts because my kids (young adults) will occasionally use my phone. He says they won't know what it means - he is living in a fantasy land there. Anyway, I delete as soon as I get them.
  22. I haven't ordered in a while. But I used to order bulk beans and grains, and in-season organic produce. Don't order anything too delicate for the produce - potatoes, apples, etc. should be OK, but I wouldn't order softer fruits & veggies anymore because I had to call a couple of times for refunds on those. Which is a pain, because they don't actually refund - you get a credit on your next order. Also, if you have a local source for organic produce, that might be a cheaper/fresher alternative anyway. A friend of mine (here in California) ordered carrots from Azure. She got the same bag of grown-in-California carrots that she could have purchased at her local Costco.
  23. I wonder why they don't want to go through ebay? You should go through the official process. I think you'll at least get your seller fees back.
  24. Does anybody else use a pressure cooker for their beans? It makes it so much easier - you can have beans with dinner even if you forgot to soak. (Although they turn out better & cook faster if you do remember to soak them most of the day). And has anybody else noticed that the price of dried beans has almost doubled in the last few years? The little one-pound bags are now $1.69 in my area! Even bulk prices are $1. I can't order from Azure right now (lost my convenient pickup point) so the best price on anything is the 10# bag of pintos at Costco for $8. I need blackeyed peas for New Years Day and had to pay the $1.69; ouch.
  25. For the Caribbean I'd go with a bright pretty orange or pink. (I can and have). It will look great no matter what type of sandals you wear! Enjoy!
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