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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. Congratulations to your dd! He's filled out a few online today and yesterday. I'll suggest that he make calls the end of this week.
  2. My newly graduated 17yo ds is looking for a job. If he wants to apply at a chain which has online applications, is that the best way to do it? Maybe I'm old fashioned, but it seems like showing up in person and asking for the manager might be the best bet. Or maybe do the online application, and a couple of days later call or go in to talk to the manager? Help! What has worked for your teen?
  3. Oh, darn. The last thing I intended by my post was to make anyone feel bad. :( :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. Well, I don't like to get into this too much on a public forum. :blushing: But I'll just say that probably none of us here on the board look like those women. And yet...our hubbies still like tEA. A little enthusiasm goes a lot farther than just having any body type.
  5. I've used the Crystal stick with success. I'm currently using a homemade concoction that contains: coconut oil, cocoa butter, baking soda, & essential oil. It's very effective against odor, and with the cocoa butter the baking soda isn't as irritating. BUT I'm with the other poster who switches to commercial anti-perspirant in the summer. I can wear the natural stuff all winter long, or even in the spring/summer when I'm just at home all day. But if it's above 75 degrees and I'm going to be out & about, I switch. I was given a sample of a "clinical strength" anti-perspirant recently. Wow, that stuff works great. But then I read that the clinical strength formulas contain even more aluminum than regular commercial deodorant. So that won't go into my regular arsenal.
  6. Oh, that's kinda funny. When I saw your post, I thought, "She must be in North OC, because those South County gals are the stuck-up ones." :D I was guessing you were in South County. :) But then PatchiSusan threw me off. So I don't know...I guess the moral is that you can find genuinely nice people and stuck-up people anywhere.
  7. I'm always surprised when I hear people say the OC is too image or status-conscious. We are not like the "real housewives" at all! I was chatting with 5 other women recently at a homeschool event when I suddenly realized, "Hey, 5 of the 6 of us raise chickens!" Right here in Orange County. (I was the only one who doesn't; don't think the Landlord would appreciate it as livestock are specifically prohibited in our lease)
  8. The Getty is free - you just have to pay the $15 parking fee. There's room to roam in the gardens if your littles get bored in the art exhibits. Ditto for the Getty Villa, which is beautiful, and especially relevant if you are studying/have studied the ancients recently.
  9. That was cute...but did anybody else see one in the sidebar? I wonder how there were so many talented people at that wedding reception?
  10. I admire your group for being willing to work hard to raise the money for their trip. It sounds like they did some things that were really helpful to the community, and were deservedly paid for it. But why call me a hater because I don't like being accosted at the grocery store? I typically will give a smile with my "No, thank you!" Did you teach your 4-H group that the mean smiling lady secretly wants to turn them loose on the streets to become hoodlums? :confused:
  11. I hate it, too. If I see the vultures scouts/cheerleaders set up outside one door of the grocery store, I'll use the other door to avoid them.
  12. I use whitepages.com, but I don't know if you mean something more super-secret that might have unlisted numbers?
  13. Me, too. I have 2 small ovens right now. Some of my baking sheets don't fit. I can't bake a Family-sized pizza. I don't know how our landlord thought this was a good idea.
  14. Yes, some foods are much easier to eat in secret. I miss my walk-in pantry. So many opportunities...
  15. I remember it but can't help you find it, sorry! About 2-3 years ago I bought a metal divided lunch tray from an Indian store after reading her blog. My teen son LOVED it and used it daily for a while. :) I think she's also the one who recommended Tierra Farm products which I ordered & loved. So basically her blog cost me quite a bit of money.
  16. Yes, I think it will be too mushy when thawed. I wouldn't serve it to anyone except my kids. :)
  17. I like the pudding-y creamy filling. Not too mousse-y, nor do I want it too rich & dark & heavy. Luby's is the best I've ever had. Try making it at home to experience the perfection.
  18. Oh, that makes me mad! Why can't manufacturers just raise the prices already! We *notice* when you reduce the package size!
  19. Are you kidding me? All these years I've been calling Dr Hive, and now this?? ;)
  20. So many recommendations for the French Press I can't quote them all! We actually have one which my dh uses. I think the coffee is too muddy. Perhaps it's because we're not using the right grind? I grind at home, but next time I'll grind at the store & see if that makes a difference. Or maybe I will try the Aeropress which sounds like it might remove the sludge better. And recommendations for the cone filter, which is what I mentioned I've been using. Sadly, I'm not as enamored of it as some of you. The coffee is just too weak - it doesn't get a chance to "brew" during its brief stay in the cone. Cold brew: I just googled this and will give it a try.
  21. :grouphug: Going low-carb has really made me think a lot more about the social, emotional, & cultural aspects of food. For example, this coming weekend, sugar and wheat products are SO important to the Easter traditions in my family. (Why we need carbs to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus is a mystery, but, there it is). I hope somebody chimes in with advice.
  22. I've just been wondering the same thing. I've been low-carbing for 2 months but went carb-crazy for 2 days in a row last week. Lots of wheat and sugar. The effects weren't pretty. :(. And I've never had problems with either before, so it surprised me that I now seem sensitive to either the wheat or sugar.
  23. What a great idea. Not sure I'll join you, but I wanted to recommend Fernando Ortega's renditions of hymns. I have a couple of his CDs and have also seen him lead worship in person. Marvelous!
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