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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. That was hilarious. Do you recall how much you paid for those fine accommodations?
  2. I'm glad you've had that experience - it's what we were expecting when we bought our Honda Odyssey in '01. One of the worst purchases we ever made. I drove it for 11 years, always wondering if it would get me to my destination without some major disaster (typically transmission related). That van, and a Chevy Beretta (what was I thinking there) are why I answered "miles" and 70k-100k.
  3. My house is very quiet. Pretty much everyone who comes over is louder than we are. :) Sometimes it drives me a little batty (teenage boys playing load video games and talking/laughing loudly), but other than asking them to hold it down if dh and I are headed to bed, we try not to let it bother us. I'm glad they're here.
  4. Oh, I almost always forget to check the bathroom. It's usually freshly cleaned (by either me or a dc), but, especially if the dc cleaned it, something is missing like a fresh hand towel, or even the soap. (they put the soap dispenser in the medicine cabinet to get it out of the way when cleaning the sink). It's embarrassing for me when I realize it later, and I also wonder, "Why didn't my friend(s) ask for soap?" Do they think we don't use it? :blushing:
  5. Agreeing with others who say they use both. Why not? I love books, but like the Kindle for free books. I get library books, or the occasional free book that catches my eye on Amazon. One thing that's been a crushing disappointment in the "free" category is the lack of selection of books in Amazon Prime. So much garbage that they probably can't sell anyway. :thumbdown: Other than free books - Rarely, when I need to purchase a book, I'll purchase it on the kindle because it's cheaper than the physical book, and not something I want to physically own. (My dc have used it for some required school reading).
  6. Yes, when we were homeschooling those grade-level policies drove me nuts! I understand with English/Math etc, but with something like theater, how could multiple grades create a learning problem? We even ran into this occasionally on a field trip, with the venue insisted on splitting up age groups to schedule the trip.
  7. If you have Fox News Channel - Megyn Kelly has been hitting this story hard for the last few days. She's had the parents on for interviews (purposely breaking their gag order; at this point I guess they have nothing to lose). The parents seem like reasonable people and I can't believe they have lost their daughter for so long over this disagreement. I think it's government gone crazy.
  8. I'd return it (but still feel funny, like you do!). I think their 90-day electronics policy is designed to make it easy for returns for situations such as yours, but to weed out the scammers who were using electronics for a year and then returning them to buy the next, newest item!
  9. This thread hasn't been bad as I expected. We've had some doozies in the past - those in the makeup camp ascribing slovenliness to those who don't wear it, and those in the no-makeup camp ascribing shallowness to those who do wear it. I don't understand why it's a high-emotion topic.
  10. I feel like such a lightweight. I only have 70 items in my "saved for later" list. But I'm pretty good at sweeping it out regularly, otherwise it's too hard to scroll through when looking for the item I actually want. It's fun to sweep out the old items and think, "Oh, yeah, that's when I considered a [whatever] phase" [fabric dying, bird watching, etc]
  11. Ditto for white carpet. I've never made the mistake of buying white furniture, but I can't tell you how many houses I've lived in with carpet in shades of off-white to cream to light tan. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The house we're renting now has all hard floors, so I bought area rugs in - you guessed it - off white! The one in the family room already got replaced after just one year, with a dark tan jute rug (Yay! - getting smarter). The 4 in the bedrooms are faring a little better. I feel your pain.
  12. Oh, how can that make you feel better? Didn't you have to watch that creepy short film version of it in junior high? {shudder}
  13. Is it raining there now? I'm in the OC where it's been drizzling a bit all day, and now is really raining! :hurray:
  14. Are you a Costco member? My favorite panties for working out are sold in a multi-pack there. I don't know the brand, but they are a hipster (hiphugger - whatever) style and they are made out of stretchy cotton, probably with lycra for the stretch. They stay put and don't chafe.
  15. The florist wouldn't leave the flowers outside to be ruined. If nobody's home, they'll try later. I know the place I order from requests a phone number for the recipient, but I don't know if they call ahead or not! I've only received flowers by home delivery a handful of times in my life and don't think I've ever been called in advance. But maybe with the weather they'll do that instead of making multiple attempts.
  16. That's what I was thinking. Because the viewing is late afternoon/early evening, my dh will probably go with me. He's only met my friend once, but wants to offer condolences also.
  17. Interesting, I hadn't thought about that. Although it looks like there will be a plenty of people at the funeral, even though it's a weekday, because I've been to his FB page and he had a lot of friends who say they are coming. It seems you are all split as to which I should attend! Since it's not inconvenient for me to attend both - I might just do that. The funeral home for the viewing is literally about a mile from my house, so it would be easy to drop in to pay my respects. And I just feel the funeral is important, because when my mom-in-law died in 2012, I was amazed at how many people attended her funeral - it was literally standing room only.
  18. Someone I know just lost her young-adult child. Although we are not close (only see each other occasionally), I consider her a friend and want to support her at this time. I had planned to attend the funeral but just found out there is also a viewing the night before. I've never been to a viewing except as a family member, and neither has my dh, who thinks they are mostly for closer friends & family. What do you think?
  19. In-n-Out Burger. One time we asked a cashier, "Why are all In-n-Out employees always so happy?" and she replied, "Because it's a great place to work!"
  20. I scrolled through that page and found it fascinating, because I usually don't think of books that show up on the NYT Best Seller list as being "literature". (50 Shades of Grey?) But if you go back to the 40s and 50s - the classic novels of today were the bestsellers of yesterday! John Steinbeck, Daphne Du Maurier, Thornton Wilder, Ernest Hemingway, etc. Some of the books listed are their lesser-known works - Du Maurier shows up a LOT; I had no idea she was so prolific.
  21. I wore pantyhose with peep-toe shoes to a semi-formal wedding last year. I was the ONLY person at the wedding wearing them, including the mother of the bride who was wearing an above-the-knee dress, and would have benefitted from them! I should have known better - I'm in SoCal.
  22. That's too bad. I locked my keys in the car one time, and there just happened to be a truck with a AAA logo parked nearby. I asked the guy for help and he was happy to do it. He took down my card info, so I'm certain he was going to charge it to AAA, and wasn't just doing it out of the goodness of his heart.
  23. In addition to social media, contact the BBB, & maybe your state's AG. I'm not sure what they're doing is legal. If they purchased a business, they purchased all of the assets AND liabilities. A gift card is a liability. They owe you the balance!
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