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Everything posted by JVA

  1. Have you ever read Ann Voscamp's blog- 'A Holy Experience'? http://www.aholyexperience.com/ This interview of hers really encouraged me about being thankful in the midst of difficult circumstances. We've been out of work before, too. It's hard.. just plain hard. God hasn't left you and will continue to provide. :grouphug:
  2. I didn't read the replies you got, but when I hear this- this is what I usually recommend: 1. Get your child/children examined by a Developmental Optometrist. This is not your typical optometrist- they are looking for how the eye processes images. Check here for more info and where one might be near you: http://www.childrensvision.com/OD.htm 2. The Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Spaulding. Hands-down the best book out there. It's not especially user-friendly so look around for guidebooks that have been made to go with it. I taught all 5 of mine to read this way and used the Sanseri guide. (Some kids need the phonics rules and some do not. They are all there in this method to take the guess work out of it) The Riggs Institute has a good guide, also: http://www.riggsinst.org/ I hope things will get better for your child. Blessings on you.
  3. Hello. :iagree::iagree: And Samuel was brought to the temple and Eli when Hannah finished nursing him- maybe around 4 or 5? I nursed a lonngg time, too, and hate people's ignorance. But, it's just that- ignorance. And in your case, bad manners. So sorry for you. Keep at it! You're doing a wonderful thing for your little one.
  4. I agree with all the advice you've gotten. So sorry you're having to deal with this...nasty, huh? Your hubby and kids come FIRST - like everyone else says. I've had some experience with this, too and found these to be very helpful. They gave me tools to work with the manipulative, narcisisstic personalities. I hope they will help you, too. Your library probably has them. Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend The Mom Book by Cloud and Townsend :grouphug:
  5. We've had to put up boundaries with some family, too. Unfortunately, there's a person on EACH side...but, things more peaceful and now they know that they can't walk on us. You showed that you took the high road, Marianne, and are a lovely example for me. :grouphug:
  6. We wanted 6 or 8...but with my fertility issues, we are satisfied with 5. Each pregnancy and new baby is an absolute miracle. I will never tire of seeing pg moms and little ones. God has RICHLY blessed us....in children, love and material needs.
  7. NEVER. My mother and sisters think everything I do is wacko....totally different views on almost everything. My dad loves them unconditionally. The inlaws are know-it-alls and I learned a LONG time ago to keep things to myself/dh. Sad. Wish we had more supportive family. Count your blessings.
  8. I'm very happy for you and your husband. Good things are in the future!
  9. Gosh- I don't know many of those songs! This puts me in a happy mood- young, talented fellows singing a happy song. (Yes- somewhat cheesy- but fun) O Sole Mio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOuJ0l57RAI
  10. Another helpful book (written by the same authors) is The Mom Book. It describes different mothering personalities and gives you tools to work with them. It help me know how to work with my cold, detached 'mother'. They have the narcissist and china doll mother....quite interesting. Sounds like your dh needs an education about all this.
  11. :iagree::iagree: Can't agree MORE. It is your dh that needs to grow a pair and get his parents OUT. He is enabling them and forcing you to be the 'bad guy'. Not fair. Hope it improves soon. Haul him to a counselor so he can hear from someone else that he is part of a co-dependent relationship. So sorry you're having to go thru this. :grouphug:
  12. I laughed when my OB told me that- since I was 39 , having our 5th. I have several friends who have had babies up into their 40's. Not a big deal, really.
  13. Oh my WORD! HILARIOUS!! I'll have to show it to my 20-something dd AND dh.
  14. We live here, too, and I'd agree to SKIP the zoo. It's mediocre, at best. I agree with the Air and Space Museum- it's fabulous. My dh works at the Capitol and the new Visitors Center is WONDERFUL- there is not wait and lots to see/tour before you actually go into the Captitol. The Rotunda and the artwork and history make it my fav place downtown right now. (We're actually going on a tour with David Barton of Wallbuilders tonight- I'm SO excited!)
  15. SPRING. Hands-down. There is nothing/nowhere like Spring in VA. Got the pictures to prove it.
  16. You should check out the bags at Thirty-one. They are a woman owned company with great patterns and lots of sizes of totes/bags/purses. http://www.thirtyonegifts.com/
  17. Trust your 'momma gut', sweetie. Keep them home. Even if she gets upset,- better that than being worried the whole time they would be gone or worse........
  18. This is one of my all-time FAVORITE videos! It is such an uplifting reminder of who our Saviour is. Thanks for posting it. Good to let others know about Mr. Lockridge- what a man he was.
  19. You have a balanced and wholesome approach to her, I think. I'm glad you dh is going to intervene. The cultural differences and personality can probably account for her prickly nature and not picking up on cues from others. You've probably heard of the Boundaries books. If not, I would suggest a read through. The fact that you and your dh are on the same page and he's willing to confront his mother is a longggg way in the right direction. http://www.amazon.com/Boundaries-No--Inspirio-Zondervan-Miniature/dp/0762421029/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1300645335&sr=1-1
  20. Just wanted to say that this book changed our marriage and MOSTLY me! My dh is naturally sweet, loving and encouraging- I had a lot to learn. I highly recommend it. What a great wedding present. :)
  21. Well, thank you! A friend just became a grandma to a Caedmon. (like Caedmon's Call, I think) Pronounce it like 'KAD-mun'. Neat. Very British. Some other ideas: Graham Broderick Drew Corwin Griffin Sheldon Owen
  22. I like ALL of those..... they're kind of different and yet not weird. Our boys' names are: Morgan Cameron Austin Carson
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