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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Good for you. He'll be touched. Fwiw, I don't do graves either, for all the same reasons, but I've gone with other people because I think we should focus on the living and it means so much to them.
  2. I usually pray for wisdom, self-control, and strength. I thank God for His blessings (specifically and generically), ask Him to look over/help/whatever whomever needs it at the time (specifically and generically), and ask for His protection over my family. Then I thank Him again for knowing all the things I forgot and finally, I sit quiet for a bit. I think we're supposed to raise things up in prayer and we should ask for the things we want or need, but we have to acknowledge that God will do what's best.
  3. You're so right. I'm wanting to chop off my fingers to keep from responding. It's so obvious. Arg.

  4. Greek, and we added it six months into Latin. (Eventually we want to throw French or Spanish into the mix too.)
  5. I always gushed out of the unused one, so I would have baby on one side and a bath towel stuffed over the other side (other moms had burb rags, I had to bring bath towels and grocery bags to stuff them in once I was done and they were soaked). I could not imagine just letting fly like that.
  6. That's what has been bothering me since we started. I thought the curriculum was all of what you were doing (ie, our third grade curriculum includes blah blah blah). Here I thought I was wrong all along, because people talk about their math curriculum, their science curriculum, etc.
  7. Had this boy done it again, at the youth group? IOW, were there more victims?
  8. Pqr, thanks for posting the reports. Interesting side-effect (or my psychic premonition) The next time someone tries to break into his house, none of his neighbors are going to call the police. Since he's already had an attempted break-in, I'm not surprised his neighbor would call the police. I'm also not surprised that the police would arrest him for being so "disorderly." I don't think race had anything to do with this, outside of why Mr. Gates would've responded in such an overly dramatic way.
  9. I didn't think they were sealed if that was the case, but I don't know enough about this to just toss that out there, thank you for clearing that up for me. If all this is true, then why wouldn't it be okay to charge him as a juvenile?
  10. (picking up spoon) When it comes to their own kind though, they do attack with the intent to dominate (inserting into pot) and they do hurt with the intention of maiming (stirring), right? And lol, at the stirring the pot, but I mean, they do, don't they?
  11. We don't have it, can't afford it, and if we could we'd probably opt for an emergency account like a pp mentioned. When we had insurance, we used the bejeemenies out of it and once it ended, we figured out we were paying out the nose, anyway. We go to the county medical center, they have sliding fees, but normally we opt to pay full cost, if only because I appreciate the care and consideration they give and I know they don't get paid half the time by other people. IOW, I don't mind paying extra to help cover the folks that can't pay at all, but only because it is superior care from kind, caring people.
  12. .:*:party: Congratulations! :party:*:.
  13. :iagree: I was not trying to dismiss the victim, but I guess I've always seen law/criminal justice/etc. to be more black and white. This is the crime, this is the punishment and because we don't want to step outside of the bounds of law, the victim is a witness, but not the reason behind the punishment. IOW, you're punished for what you've done, not who you did it too. I guess I was overthinking, as far as whether or not he should be considered an adult. Thank you, and esp. for your "long story." It's good to know that something can be done and that I'm not completely mislead in thinking that for some of these criminals, they are just misguided kids. I'm sure his sister would not agree, she'd probably sound more like pqr. Heck, I don't even know where I stand now, but I found your story comforting in a wierd way :) The whole thing is deplorable.
  14. It also says that parents should not provoke their children to anger. And it also says that Christianity can cause a rift between family members. Kelly, you have to stand up for your home and your dh. You are right.
  15. :iagree: I think people might take it differently if it wasn't "played" so often. The fact that we call it a race card and discuss about when to "play" it speaks for itself. We don't take it seriously anymore. The boy called wolf. Nmoira (I hope I spelled that right), by randomly pulled over, what do you mean. The police had no reason, they just turned on their lights and pulled them over? Isn't that illegal? I thought they HAD to have just cause.
  16. I see. I worry, though, that when the "good guys" stop recognizing their relation (as a species) to the "bad guys" that the lines between good and bad blur out of sight. I've never heard of a person lowered below human status when it was not for the benefit of evil. Not to call you evil! That came out wrong, but I'm not sure how to fix it and I'm hoping you'll understand what I mean and please don't take it personally.
  17. ??? what happened ??? Also, is the damage done to the girl the most important thing? I mean, isn't justice supposed to take precedence (sorry for my spelling) over the victim? The damage is done, but what of justice? pqr - normally, I agree with you. In this case, I think lowering them to the level of "animals" is just lowering yourself to their level. They aren't animals, imo, they're human beings and humanity should be part of the equation.
  18. I was under the impression that if you're tried as an adult, your punishment is as if you were an adult, iow, you would go to prison. Would he be put in juvi until he was of age? I can see the unsealed records as a benefit for society.
  19. It's good to know there are set rules, it all seems so arbitrary when you read about it. That's comforting.
  20. Oh sweetie! In that case, your dad GAVE YOU AWAY to this man and for them to make you choose would be forcing you to walk away from them. You can say that and if it comes up, or if your father is nasty to your dh, then you should. He needs to learn his place, better now than later.
  21. I think it was very short-sighted of him. He should've considered the ramifications before he spoke. Then, I think GWB would've been better off quiet for most of his presidency too.
  22. In that case, I would say: Dad, I stand by what I said. I'm hurt that you would react that way and the only thing I'm sorry for is your behavior. If you can't love me enough to understand this, then you owe me the apology. Kwiech, I hope it all works out.
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