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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Our church recently did an 'inventory' of spiritual gifts. What amazed me was how more collected and "right" I felt once I knew where my strengths were and had concrete things to do with them. Maybe something like that could help? Also... some choice reading in the greatest book ever written with some heart to hearts with the author always helps ;)
  2. :( I think the biggest problem is that it leads the victim to question God's approval of themself. That box isn't made by submission, or God, or scripture, it's made by the abuser. They are, from what I've heard, generally skilled at using anything to create a cage for their victims. :grouphug:
  3. I don't know, it does seem like some of the responses she's garnered were pretty judgemental and from what I've read of her posts, she's just defending her pov. Maybe she got a little defensive? Poor poster's been called everything but a moron. I don't blame her for getting a little zealous in her responses. Maybe, if everyone agreed that there's no need for debate there wouldn't be one? Eh, just a thought.
  4. Ok, agree. I also think that other 5% should be remembered and not beaten over the head with it. Ime, folks with anything under the average range feel bad enough, without having to be reminded of it every.single.time they go to school/work. :grouphug: It just hurts to see the smaller percentages forgotten about is all.
  5. First, tell him you read it. He might get angry, so apologize (and mean it). After that, discuss it! Dh has "married" friends that screw around. We've discussed it, he knows how I feel, I know how he feels and we both act accordingly. Yeah, that would freak me out big time.
  6. Perry - I think there's a difference between "haven't learned" and "haven't been taught." Imo, there's a reason why we have averages, it's to say what the median population is capable of. When we demand that everyone do what the median population is capable of, we ask too much from some and not enough from others. I've known adults that could "read" if you stood over them and threatened their life :001_rolleyes: They're technically illiterate, but they were taught. It's just not for some people, imo. Granted, I've seen kids that were tossed aside, because no one thought they could, but I've also seen kids having it pounded into them when they couldn't.
  7. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

  8. I'm adding you to my 'things to be grateful for' list. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

  9. Husband and wife are supposed to be one flesh. It's a different dynamic than parent/child. As one flesh, one person, you are connected in a way that is very different from any other relationship that could arise. As one flesh, you have a duty to put your children on the right path. I believe, the issues arise much further back (in the h/w relationship) than at the birth of their children. If the marraige isn't founded on God to begin with, then the foundation will need work, iykwIm. As for marraige being permanent, it would seem the scriptures are quite clear. If you're speaking of a Biblical marraige, then 'let no man tear asunder what God has joined' (loosely quoted). Marraige is meant to be permanent. I know you aren't coming from a Biblical viewpoint. I'm not trying to 'school' you or anything :p Just trying to clarify from my little knowledge of the scriptures. I don't believe that having a 'godly' marraige, without God is possible. I am sure that women can submit without it and men can be the head of their homes. I know folks can raise their kids without it, but I do think that for a marraige to be 'godly' it needs to be so completely for it to work at all. IOW, you can't half a** it, it's all or nothing. The problems pop up when you only do whatever is easy, without the study, prayer, and submission to God.
  10. Interesting quote I ran across and now keep on a post-in on the cover of my Bible: Church is not a showplace for saints. It's a hospital for sinners. I read a bit about hypocrasy and church goers and the explanation was... we're all human, we're all sinners and if we remember that then we can look sadly, but lovingly on the failings of our church family. Then, we can offer help. Seeing the church dynamic as a body that requires the good workings of eachother to endure, adding in the idea that we need to help eachother keep to the right path, can make the hypocrites become brothers that are being mislead and need help, not a cold shoulder. This is not meant to be judgemental or anything, I've just been learning and growing so much lately and been so blessed by my new church that I'm bursting at the seams, wanting to share. :grouphug:
  11. My gramma says: Sit in a straight legged, straight backed chair. Hold the baby so they're on your chest, hold them firmly (don't squeeze, but hold tight) and support their head. Rock, so that the legs lift up in the front and then clomp down. You HAVE to support the baby very carefully, so they don't get tossed around. I don't know how this works, but my gramma swears by it. It's either the thumping, or the hard rocking. My mother says: lay the baby face down on your thighs (works best if you can turn their face and lay their cheek on one thigh with their belly between your legs, keep your legs together, but let their tummy go into the crease between your legs, iykwIm). Bounce (gently) your legs and pat their back (like you're burping them). I've gotten some solid burps and gas out of this position with my littles. If it's their tummy, this seems to work). Me: get a sling and strap them on. Lol, I'm lazy and carrying them (with a hands free sling, not one with leg holes cut out) seems to sooth them, while letting me get things done. Hth.
  12. I don't know what's worse, enjoying a thread and having it gone in the morning, or watching a thread explode into ugly and finally disappear. The mods know what they're doing ;)
  13. I really can't recommend "Roar" enough (for Christian families). I love the Chronicles, always have. The connections and lessons they give really add to it. I think I learned more about God between "Roar," TMN, and TLtWatW, than I did in all the years of church attendance as a kid. I can't speak to ds, but I do believe it's given him a better grasp on a lot of the heavier ideas.
  14. :party:Happy Birthday! let me know how it goes, my dd will be 13 Dec. 16 :scared:
  15. Interesting aside... In the Chronicles, Santa is used to represent the Holy Spirit. He gives gifts that the kids need to face what Aslan has in store for them. I just found that very interesting and wanted to share :p
  16. I played 'Magic' in high school :p It didn't make me crazy and I didn't end up killing myself or anyone else ;) I do, however, totally understand how a parent could see wisdom in 'protecting' their kids from those things.
  17. I agree. I understand what the other poster is getting at and I'm trying to clarify for her. I think back to the D&D days, when kids did have a problem drawing a line and I can understand a parent saying, this is not for my children, because it could warp their world view. There are parallels that could be inferred that are contrary to the teachings of God. If a parent prefers not to give their children access to these parallels, before they feel they've learned enough to see through them, then I completely understand that pov. I believe her point was its effect on children, though. I doubt she's worried about her own reactions to it. :p Even the original question, I took to mean as it refers to our kids. Granted, if I don't want my kids watching it, then nine times out of ten I shouldn't watch it either.
  18. I think the idea is not to show your kids that it is ever okay to stray from God's plan, iykwIm. Creating an alternate reality where there is no God could teach them to fantasize about the freedom of living without God (if there's no God, then I could be a magician and it would be alright!). It's not that anyone is mixing fantasy with reality, rather looking at the fantasy in question and trying to see what/how it teaches our children about life in the real world and how its lessons can be related to real life. Does God want my kids fantasizing about flying around on brooms? Does God's will fit into that at all? If those are the sorts of questions you ask yourself, then HP might not fit into the 'reality' you are creating for your children.
  19. Ah well. I don't believe I called the person a pedophile, they molested a child... so... a child molestor and they repented and turned away. They were forgiven and aren't treated any differently for their past transgressions. It was his father's wife. That is the scripture I was thinking of when I first posted, mostly because it said to remove them. Thanks :grouphug:
  20. Same page. Dh nags the kids :glare:, because THAT is helpful! Half the time I want to tell them not to do it until Dad learns to ask nicely....... He'll joke about me being a nag, but when the kids start it up we all know where they get it from.
  21. Okay, I can see consequences. Yes, bingo, there goes the lightbulb. Consequences, from love, can be harsh and long term. I suppose that a person COULD balance the love for Christ (thus the love for the sinner, even one of such gross proportions) with a loving desire to help them maintain their repentenance by removing any obstacles that could lead them back to that temptation, ie children. I suppose the basis I was missing was the love that needs to be involved. Thanks, all of you, for working on my wiring and getting my brain straight :) :grouphug:
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