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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. That makes me think it might be a regional thing. In Northern VA, as a kid, we said the pledge at the beginning of the school day, but for Brownies we never said it. I don't remember saying it much there at all. Once we moved down here we said the pledge at anything where there was a flag to pledge to. Baseball games, school, community meetings... if there was a flag the first part of any gathering was a pledge.
  2. It seems like most meetings (town hall, school board, scout, 4H, etc) have always started with the pledge. This Sunday, at church, we stood and said the pledge in honor of Veterans Day. I don't think it's gone up any, or if it has I haven't noticed. Here, nearly everything opens with the pledge :p
  3. Maybe it's time for a light sex-ed? At that age/maturity level (physically) it's difficult to figure out why those things are so exciting (iykwIm) and then, why Mom and Dad get so worked up about it. I would be careful not to accidentally venture into the realm of sexual feelings are bad. IOW, dd might think she is being punished for the feelings/curiousity/and the excitement they arouse, rather than the breach of trust. A talk about the natural reactions of bodies, hormones, and how things change at dd's age could help. I also agree with the pp that said these things are private, imo that's something that needs to be covered. Also, with the books... I've been cleaning out my shelves, because the kids are starting to get more voracious with their reading and, frankly, I have books I do not want them reading. So, off with the books I don't want to share :p Maybe she's ready for a romance or two? Not the Fabio type, but the Jane Austin type. Books where 'making love' means creating love, not sex ;) Then you could feed the dreaminess, while making sure the morals stay intact.
  4. Not at all, I was answering a Christian and did not see any reason to qualify my answer. I never meant to insinuate you couldn't reply to the thread, simply that my post was in response to a Christian poster. Sorry to've offended.
  5. Slow on the uptake today, it just has not been a good one ;) Right, thank you, okay! Not necessarily, but it doesn't matter, because I was wrong :lol:
  6. MeanestMomInMidwest, asta, and Audrey, I was asking, from a Christian perspective, another Christian. Of course, I would say that the true God is Christ. I was enjoying the conversation, having not made the Adam & Eve first marraige connection, so when mommaduck said it wasn't necessarily Judeo-Christian I was curious as to whether or not God having been the Judeo-Christian God would've made it a Judeo-Christian ceremony. Thank you for defending the world against overt Christianity. At ease :p Chicken or the egg then? IOW, were Adam and Eve Jewish? :lol: I'm loving this thread, there's a lot to think about here.
  7. If anyone calls animal control, are they going to assume it's you? If so, I'd go ahead and call. Is the dog pen why you call them idiots? Just curious.
  8. I would really really really highly recommend you draw your living room (including doorways!) on graph paper (make it to scale). A pp mentioned opening the sofa up, reclining the seats to make sure you have room, do that too! We bought a sofa that technically fit :glare: Until we considered our doors and walkways. The graph paper (for us) made it easier, we drew in our furniture and doorways, so the next time we had a clearer picture of where the couch was going to go.
  9. I like that part of homeschooling best ;) Ds and I have grown a lot closer learning together :)
  10. I would recommend picking up Writing with Ease and First Language Lessons. It seems like grammar and writing skills are lacking :( Don't worry though! I'm sure that those programs could get him up to speed! If you're completely adverse to that, then I would say start with having him narrate to you while you write it down. Together, edit what he has said and have him copy it.
  11. (I deleted where the dhs got mixed up :p) I agree, she does not seem healthy. I hope her therapist reads that article, so they can put her back on the road to recovery. I think writing is theraputic, until you turn your journal into a soap box. Once you start preaching, you stop recovering, assuming yourself whole. Hopefully this dh won't be lulled into a false sense of security and will keep a close eye on his dw. Not just for the kids, but for her own sake. She still needs help.
  12. I think it was a pertinent question for both sides, though. Obviously you made those of us that are pro-life reconsider our outrage, even if it didn't change anything (seems like we're still outraged), it did make us consider why 15 would be worse than 1. Personally, I had not considered that before you asked your question. I thought it was a good question for everyone :p
  13. My 3 yo is in the tub :glare: It's the only way I can get quiet. Would you believe, he killed his brother's triop yesterday? Why? He said it was mean :001_huh: I'd nap... except that he's in the tub... but I think I'M the one that needs a nap today.
  14. Or sick and twisted. There's also an idea of... how LONG has this been going on?!? How did no one notice or CARE? That's the general response from serial killers in a neighborhood. No one noticed that person was nuts. No one noticed the bodies. All those people died without anyone doing anything. The numbers almost take away from the individual wrongs. IOW, you read about one person dead and it's very sad. You read about a bus load of folks dead and it's stunning. You don't know or ponder too much the individual losses. It's a giant loss, a sucking vaccuum. All that grief, all that loss, in one big punch.
  15. :iagree: That's what I thought too. I hope she's still getting help, because it doesn't sound like she's mended yet.
  16. Somehow I forgot this... now that Luke is 3 it's all coming back to me. I've gotten very firm when folks just HAVE to come visit, or really just HAVE to talk to me RIGHT NOW. Incredibly, I haven't missed anything terribly important by cutting them off and telling to come back later :p Oh, and :lol: @ your story :iagree::iagree::iagree: (that means I agree emphatically ;) )
  17. For the numbers... Miquon recommends making flash cards of the numbers. Put a dot at the starting point (where you would put your pencil when you draw that number). Have her trace the numbers with her finger, that will help cement it, and have her say the number out loud while she traces. Luke was having problems with numbers and we started using Miquon. Slowly, but surely the counting and number recognition are starting to iron themselves out. (Yes, he is much younger, but I think it would work just as well for your dd. The Orange Book is K) :grouphug: You're doing fine! She's little, she'll catch on :p (For reading I'd recommend Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading, we use it and LOVE IT)
  18. I agree with Jean. No need to make it into a class, just correct when you notice it :) Think of it like correcting her speech. You would correct her grammar or enunciation, even if you weren't teaching her those things in a class, iykwIm :p
  19. 1. I CAN teach math :p I do not need to spend a small fortune to do so. 2. Three years old is the worst age ever.
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