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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I think most of the burial issues are cultural, not religious (ducking). As long as we're not eating our dead I think we're alright ;) A pp poster already said this, but I'm going to repeat it :p Heaven and hell are outside of time (from my understanding). The same way that God is not bound to time, once you leave the earth (spiritually) you leave time. It's not like suspended animation (where you're frozen, but time goes one), but outside of time itself. So, either way (because I always assumed we went straight to wherever we're going) there's no long wait, because there is no time. :grouphug:
  2. The link definitely gives a more in depth picture of her. I'm not sure that it changes my opinions on anything :p but, I know better what she thinks of herself and what she was expecting as a reaction to her book. Thanks Asta.
  3. I agree with you, that Jesus would (and probably has, and probably will) weep for this woman. I think the jump to calling T's post judgemental was a little hasty, imo (lest anyone think otherwise :p ). If you agree that abortion is murder (I know not everyone does), then this woman would've murdered multiple times. The fact that she plotted these murders (planned to get pregnant in order to have another abortion) and the sheer number of abortions would make her, at least in my understanding of the word, a serial killer. She killed for the rush, she killed so she could play God, she killed for all the reasons I have read attributed to serial killers. :grouphug: I do not have a gift for spiritual discernment, I can't read this woman's heart. I will say that the book, for whatever reasons she may have for writing it, is going to garner her quite a negative reaction. I would've thought she'd expected that. The surprise they, this woman and her husband, mention floors me. Now, had T said, she should burn for eternity, or had she mentioned something along those lines, that would be judgement. I didn't see where she mentioned that. Of course, I'm not a scholar, I could be all kinds of wrong ;) You should pray for her! And, if she does repent, then of course she'll be forgiven. :grouphug: I'm so sorry this got so hard :(
  4. Sorry. Line crossed. I really, really, really, cannot stand to "hear" sarcasm, regarding sexual abuse of boys. Yeah, I'm a girl, but I've known boys/men who were abused. This idea that because they're sexually active they can't be abused, which I am inferring from your seeming incredulous response to the stats in conjunction with their sexual activity, is flat out wrong, cruel and one of the biggest hurdles that men face when trying to get past the sexual abuse in their past. Why don't you just say they liked it? What, you think they can't be abused? A boy can't be raped? Yeah, they can. There are lots of toes being stepped on here and I really think if you want to debate the merits of boys or girls claiming sexual abuse or any other type of abuse another thread is necessary. How. dare. you. I'm so HAPPY for you that you lived a good life, that you did not face or know anyone who faced abuse, but ENOUGH. There's no need to debate the merits of abuse claims wherein people are not being named, accusers are not being outed and charges are not being filed. If it makes someone feel better to say, "Yes, my parents beat me and they didn't think it was wrong, but it HURT." Then keep your disagreements to yourself. THEY went through it, not you. Enough.
  5. What sort of response did they expect? Aw, gee, I'm so sorry you chose to do that, let's get a cup of coffee... or... Wow, that's way cool, glad you're recovering! I just don't understand any aspect of this.
  6. For a long time I assumed that everyone was abused at some point in their life. Dh did the same thing. I mean, everyone I knew had been abused at some point. Not that everyone was in a household where that happened, for most of those that were sexually abused it was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The first time I can ever remember someone saying they'd never been abused, at all, I was totally shocked. I can remember thinking, what planet are you from?!? I don't disagree with the stats on here. I would not be surprised to find out that LOTS of hsing parents were abused as kids. The overresponse, I'm going to be the greatest parent EVER, makes perfect sense, to me :p It's funny, dh and I know a lot more people, now, that were never abused as kids. We want that for our kids! My goal is to have dcs that grow up one day and say... "Of all the close friends that I have, of those in my family, to include cousins etc, of those in my wife's family to include cousins etc, amongst those with who I roomed for 4 years at college only one (two if I loosen the definition) was abused." Of course, none would be better ;) , but I couldn't imagine only knowing one or two people who were abused.
  7. Yes, investigate, but don't publish it until you have some REAL proof and use DISCERNMENT. Having gotten tread on by such people, I just wish our authorities were more willing to say 'no.' These same two girls (not the little sister) nearly destroyed a neighbor's marraige by making prank phone calls to his wife and himself. How no one could see that they were using sex as a way to destroy people, I just don't know.
  8. I would've gone with A. Cola is a specific kind of drink, cucumbers are a specific kind of vegetable (or fruit, whatever :p). I would not have gone with water, liquid, if only because I think water can be a liquid, but does not have to be (it could also be a solid or a gas) and since liquid is a state of being, it would be different than the sort of comparison between something specific and the category it comes from. Clear as mud, lol
  9. I could not agree with always. I knew a girl growing up, that everyone knew was a liar. She lied about everything, even silly things there was no reason to lie about. She was also manipulative (that doesn't feel like the right word, but I'm guessing you'll know what I mean). She charged a friend's father with sexual abuse. After she did, her little sister did, then her 'best friend' did. He did not do it. It was pay back, because his daughter did not want to 'be friends' anymore. You can guess the ages, from the terms used ;) We were all very young. Now, her parents and the other girl's parents report this, charges are filed. A psychiatric evaluation is done and the first girl is taken off the witness list. Why? Well, because she's a pathological liar! He will never get those years back and his name is mud here, that will not change. I will not get those years back, and I'm still accused of telling lies for him. His daughter will not get those years back, either. All because no one wanted to take any chances that this girl was right. I do think there has to be discernment, there HAS to be someone willing to question the veracity of these claims, because so many lives are affected. Not just the accused, whose life will never be the same, but the accused's family and friends as well.
  10. That's been my experience as well. I'm friends with most of the local cops, a dispatcher, and nearly all of our EMTs/Paramedics. I have seen the jaded, everyone is guilty of something, but (BUT) they don't condemn everyone. IOW, everyone's guilty of something, but that does not mean everyone is a criminal, iykwIm. I've btdt. Dd fell off a pull-up bar and smashed her nose :( The trauma of the fall (black eyes and grossly swollen nose) was nothing compared to the sneaky, scary questioning of the hospital staff. They asked us (my mother, myself and my sister, yes we travel in packs). Then, they asked dd. Then, they asked dd again, on the way for X-rays. And again, during her X-rays. And again, coming back from her X-rays. She was terrified. By the time we were reunited in the ER, she was sure that she was guilty of something! She just knew she was in deep trouble for falling off the pull-up bar. Can you imagine, my 5yo dd felt guilty and bad for getting hurt. She ended up, for the last round of questioning we were all together, crying! The questioning can be pretty darn abusive, imo/ime. I disagree. There are people with addictions/substance abusers that are not abusive to their children. Really, why not just say anyone guilty of anything in a court of law? I mean, why should speeders have kids? They endanger their childrens' lives every time they get in the car. There is abuse by strangers. Sexual abuse is easy to lie about and difficult to disprove. It stinks that there is a hesitancy there, but what do you do if it was a lie? What do you do if an overzealous prosecutor pushes it all the way to a jury trial? Aquittal, after those charges are published, means nothing. That person's life is effectively screwed.
  11. You need to move here. Then, we could take turns sending kids to each other and 'getting our learn on' while they're gone :p
  12. I would probably buy Singapore, MUS, Saxon and print out all the pages for MEP... oh and get all the manipulatives. Then, I would do what I do now :p Hop around between them all, finding what ds needs and teach with whichever one teaches that particular thing in a way he understands best ;)
  13. I think it's because the one that actually apologizes and shows they CAN change, leaves them with the question of... why did you do it at all? My mother forgives her father (ETA, he completely denies any wrong doing), but she still blames my grandmother for having married him in the first place.
  14. markers :glare: Pipsqueeks/pipskweeks/something like that, they're made by crayola and just small enough to hide in a pocket. Dh has left cigarettes :mad: I think my least favorite thing would have to be paper, of any kind.
  15. Two, my mother and her father, Mom was diagnosed with depression, but he found peace in another woman. Mom can still be mean and thoughtless, but she stopped using everything in arms reach to beat us with. He was an incredibly violent abuser. My mother still has bruises (where there was permanent damage). However, once he left my grandmother for "the other woman" he hung it up. His younger three children, from that second marraige, still don't believe what he put their older half siblings and my grandmother through.
  16. I'd say there is a difference between Satan talking in our minds and possession. My understanding of possession is that you have to allow it to happen, you have to invite the demons in. Now, this may not be in so many words (please, come possess me!), it can be done through various choices of various paths. For instance, when dd started showing an interest in ghosts a friend of hers explained how to let a ghost use your hand to write out messages. I explained that inviting something to use your hand did not mean they would stop at your hand. IOW, you already gave permission for them to 'come into' your hand. What's stopping them from taking your whole body? I do think that much of what Satan does relies on us to dwell on it. I don't believe he's knocking around in my brain telling me things, I do believe that I am thinking too much about things that should not concern me.
  17. Oops, I answered this in your other thread... Satan puts the temptation in front of us, but we're the ones that dwell on it. It's like a button with a sign that says, 'do not push, but know if you don't it will haunt you for the rest of your life.' Well, there's no magic there (I'm borrowing from C.S.Lewis), but the temptation and the idea that you have no choice are there. How long you dwell on it, how much you let it eat at you, those are all up to you. I believe that's when you give permission for a spirit/demon to enter your body.
  18. That was the part that concerned me. You can be tempted by your own thoughts. Think of it this way... you're on a diet and someone puts a giant dish of your favorite fattening food right in front of you. They are not putting the thought, 'one bite won't hurt,' into your head (that's all you), but they have put the temptation infront of you. Don't push your dh away. Us bc if you're not sure, but don't allow the fear to hurt your marraige. Satan can screw things up in subtle ways. You're confused, that's okay :) Perhaps the attack is not on your womb, but your marraige?
  19. We use Mind Benders, but I'll look into the Fallacy Detective stuff and logic class. He does not have the writing endurance, iykwIm, to write long papers. We're working on paragraphs where his handwriting is consistent for now ;) Thanks for all your help. It's hard to figure out what to do in general when they start to move ahead. For math, we started using remedial lessons for high schoolers that are available at our library. So, he's doing some algebra, but he doesn't know it. Reading and the rest, we just move with his level. When it comes time, though, to bump up everything... that's when I panic and want to revert back to typical old 3rd grade :p
  20. Mere Christianity The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe The Well-Educated Mind
  21. Are you talking about the Marine Corps Museum up by Stafford/Quantico? That place in INCREDIBLE. The littles, mediums, and bigs LOVE it. Highly recommended :)
  22. So funny, I just asked the exact opposite question. If they're at logic stage mentally, but not at that age, would you bump up everything, nothing, or just add in logic??? :bigear:
  23. Would you, then, start them in Logic once they could do that? Would you, also, move their other subjects ahead. Meaning, would you use TWTM's format for logic stage, making history waaaay more work :p , or would the other subjects be taught the same, with the addition of logic?
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