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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. It probably has something to do with competing for affection/attention :( Don't most colleges still have the option for same sex dorms? I though coed was was just an option, not the only one?:confused:
  2. They do, but ime it doesn't work for swimmer's ear. I couldn't get the pain killer drops to stay down (we used hp and alcohol for drops to dry my ear out). On the label: Similasan, Healthy Relief: Relieves pain, soothes & calms "Homeopathic, Earache Relief" ear drops Active ingredients (homeopathic): Chamomilla HPUS 10X Mercurius solubilis HPUS 15X Sulphur HPUS 12X Manufactured by: Similasan AG, Switzerland Made in Switzerland Inactive Ingredients: Glycerine
  3. When my parents moved out here there were two persimmon trees next to the house. We'd never had them, never even SEEN them. My dad said they were great, go knock ourselves out and eat ourselves silly. Yeah, they weren't ripe :glare: I thought my face was going to turn inside out and haven't tried them since ;)
  4. Another vote for letting it dry out (never tried the rice, but I'll keep that in my memory bank :p). Had a friend that dropped hers on the way into work. It sat (on) in a puddle (in the rain) for a few hours before anyone noticed it. She took it apart (removed sim chip and battery) and let everything dry and it worked fine (till she forgot it on the roof of her car...).
  5. Sounds like my older ds. Taking him out of ps has really toned down most of this behavior. He still assumes that people are laughing at him if they're laughing and he's in the room. He is still very self-conscious (but much less than this time last year). :grouphug: Have him evaluated if you want, but it could just be who he is. Ds is learning how to bend in order to have friends and relate to other people. Church has done wonders for him. Giving him plenty of alone time, and lots of love time, and some social time (40/30/30) has helped.
  6. Baking soda (one tsp or more) and warm water (one of your smaller cups will work, she should be able to drink the whole thing easily). It makes you burp, a lot. If she's got an upset tummy and a lot of gas this will work :) Now, my dd will take a bicarb and initially it makes her stomach hurt worse (gas build-up) until blast off :p Wait a few and see if anyone hops on with a million reasons NOT to give your dd one... We use them all the time, but I'm pretty out of the loop about home remedies that go out of fashion.
  7. Lol, I just meant that it cannot be perfect, someone will know some reason why this is NO GOOD ;) Dh has a friend at work who got his stuff snipped about a year ago... he's still has problems with pain (which means there's been a drastic cut in happy happy fun time, iykwIm). His doctor (who is no help) said this happens once every so often, he's sorry, but there's nothing to be done :001_huh: Needless to say, you could not PAY dh to get a v.
  8. OP, so it just blocks off your fallopian tubes? I don't see a downside, but just wait, I'm sure someone will ;)
  9. Awwww. Sorry, this whole thread is adorable... :grouphug: We live and learn, right?!? Happy Thanksgiving you sweet people you! Even if you aren't American, :lol:, there's the thing I always forget, egocentric as I am. I'm off to enjoy the warm fuzzies while they last :p
  10. Oh, okay! I just had visions of the kid getting a rap sheet for something that, while incredibly stupid, did not seem outright malicious (more of a boy doing something rediculous that he probably knew was not right, but would not mean to actually hurt anyone). It's really easy, ime, to set up a visit. All the officers I've worked with have been enthusiastic :) ETA, where are you at? I could probably find a site and link it, if you'd like :D
  11. Wow! Oh, I heard about those toilets :glare: Sounds like fun ;)
  12. In VA, the state police LOVE doing this sort of thing. They'll even give you a special agent to show various CSI techniques. It's part of the community outreach programs nearly everywhere, and these guys (and gals) KNOW what they're talking about. The kids and the parents learn so much from their presentations.
  13. I don't believe the authors (of which she was speaking) molested anyone. It was advice they were giving, not (I believe) from personal experience, but from their reading of the scripture and their opinion of marraige vs parenthood, forgiveness vs consequences.
  14. Are you considering 'turning him in?' This sounds like a boy game that got out of hand. Do you even know if the knife was a knife (like something sharp) or a "knife" like something from a Pirates play set? I DO think that having a friendly officer come to play time to discuss with ALL of the kids safety issues and the like would a. be wonderful, b. loved by the kids, c. educational, d. impart wisdome they ALL need.
  15. I would want to give them a chance to see the absurdity, and back-handed nature of their "compliment," before I went flouncing away. Tossing back an equal, but opposite, generalized statement has a tendency to let the other person see the ignorance and rudeness of their own statement. It also keeps it light, meaning you can laugh it off and move on. Later, perhaps they'll reconsider such snide remarks in different situations, now you've given them a life lesson in thinking before they speak and considering qualified statements before they blurt them out.
  16. I have a good friend that's a different minority (than hser) and he tends to respond to such 'compliments' with, 'well, all white people are racist snobs, except you, of course!' Funny to see how quick someone goes from high and mighty, to offended, to understanding, repentant and embarrassed. :)
  17. Check your movies! Lots of them have a Spanish Audio option (and French). My kids LOVE watching the movies with English subtitles turned on, in another language. Now that dd is learning French she can pick out a stray word here and there and it adds to the excitement. Also, you could check around on your tv for channels that come in other languages. There's plenty of stations geared for the Mexican population around here (I make the distinction, because I believe it's a different dialect than Spanish - sort of like American English vs English). The game shows, Sesame Street, etc are all exciting to watch, even if you don't know what they're saying. Once the kids learn some Spanish it would become even MORE fun :) hth
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