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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I think the description you provided IS a perversion of scripture. Just as a multiple of pps wrote, men and women are equally important and our first duty, our first submission MUST be to God. I don't think submission is so far different that man is not given headship over his household, iow, I do see two extremes, both that ignore the middle ground. As for self-help books, eh, they're a dime a dozen. I don't normally read them, but I have bought a few from Titus2.com, because their family is, imo, a godly family and an example that I would like to draw from.
  2. Don't I know how THAT is.


    I felt Jinnah's pain in that, she was not irrational, she was right.

  3. I think the part of the point is to 'feed' the body you're in. You contribute to the well-being. If your church has missionaries, you're helping pay for that outreach, you're helping pay for the electricity, and other utilities that the church is using. I don't know that God would frown on it, I just don't know the scriptures well enough to come up with something on that. However, it seems to me that it would be like living in one home, but paying rent to another, iykwIm.
  4. It's the thread that will not die. :grouphug: Scarlet, maybe you should edit away the thread head, lol.
  5. In my post I was refering directly to the religious people that are persecuted by athiest governments. When you talk about athiest governments attempting to wipe out religion through prison time, torture, and murder, then it seems pretty clear, imo, that those deaths can be attributed to athiesm or an atheistic movement. I wasn't even trying to argue numbers, just pointing out that today, now, athiests are killing and persecuting people BECAUSE they have a religion.
  6. First bolded statement... I am really trying to understand YOUR pov (no one else's :p). Could you pm me with links to your responses (so I don't have to wade through all this mess and try to piece your pov together)? I tried the link, but it's just a site... did you want me to peruse the whole site? Not trying to be snarky, just want to know. Last bolded statement... that's to be expected. No worries, no hard feelings :) ETA: Perused the site enough that I believe I have a general idea of your stance regarding those scriptures. Thanks for the link. No real need for you to respond now, lol, since I think I know what you would say.
  7. Then, what do you do with the scripture? That's what I mean, do you think those scriptures are 'false' or do you have a completely different understanding of them? If your understanding is different, then could you walk me through it? I'm trying to understand :)
  8. I've gotten the 'ah' response. It comes with raised eyebrows and a 'back away slowly' sort of look :p I've also gotten some very excited responses, from those that knew my dcs. One teacher even asked to borrow SotW to help him teach his class :) It's just like the 'tude from hsers towards teachers. Some think they're all inept and some think they're all different (some good, some bad, most a mixture of both).
  9. So, then, what do you think about the submission scripture? Should a wife submit? Should a husband have headship over his home? That site is down, or was, when I tried it. You should check out the other one, wowie cazowie.
  10. :001_huh: The site I got... (christiandd) sounds more like b&d than Christianity. I mean, they even mention how gay couples can use it and how it can be female led... Sounds like an excuse to exercise sexual perversion :blink: I'm sure some practice it, I mean they have a web site... but I'd say that most would disagree. I could not imagine dh attempting to spank me :lol: Once I got done laughing, I might have to hurt him, and not in such a fun way :p
  11. There are a lot of atrocities perpetrated today in the name of athiesm.
  12. I think a pp was trying to say much the same thing. It's not so much a particular church's "fault" if someone can't come outside the abuse to get help. You could have all the support in the world and open arms to run to (and you do, in God), but a manipulative abuser can make it invisible to their victims (and they do). However, you can't chuck it all out, because an abuser can use it to manipulate. I remember reading about a child that was terrified of books. Not because they couldn't or had difficulty reading, but because their parent beat them with it. You can't ban books, because an abuser uses them to manipulate. You can't throw out the Bible, or God for those reasons either. Joanne - just saw your response. I'm just wondering, based on your posts, what you recommend? It seems like no church is good enough, no teaching is sound. Where do you go from there?
  13. It's modern day missionaries, as well as those on missions in their own countries. Dd wants their "this book is illegal in 54 countries" Bible cover :p Warning, should've said this earlier, it's not for the faint of heart :(
  14. What are you using this for? ETA, these are people in countries where Christianity is illegal/persecuted. Some of what they have is very difficult stuff. Not for the faint of heart. These folks: persecution.com https://www1.vombooks.com/ (their book site) have a magazine they send out, as well as a web site, and TONS of resources. hth
  15. I've always loved the names Jules. Dh would not even consider it, since we'd be naming our son after his mother :p Maybe I'll pass that down and get a Jules in the next generation. :lol:
  16. Here's the deal. An opinion was asked for. Opinions were given. Some were bashed pretty hard, because others found them to be "wrong." I'm defending an opinion, while being told I shouldn't attack anyone else's opinion. I don't really care if anyone agrees with me, but it really rankles me to be told that I'm wrong, or misinformed, when I have sound grounds for my opinion. Justify away! It puts magic, spell casting and fortune telling in a positive light. The Bible doesn't. That, to me, would mean it's contrary to the teachings of the Bible.
  17. The basilisk, isn't that how they get past it? The whole thing is that those types of magic are real and have real consequences. Seeing into the future, or attempting to, casting spells, all of it, it's Biblical and not in a glowing positive light. Assassins that are 'made' and have barcodes are not real. :001_huh: The premise for Hitman is very much fantasy based.
  18. They do try to fortell the future, they do contact the dead, they do some of those things that you listed in your links. Those things are very real, they aren't games, right? Kids, seeing this fantasy world, could be just as drawn into reading tea leaves or casting runes which are strictly prohibited Biblically, right? Yes, it's imaginary. So is Hitman. It doesn't mean that it will not have an adverse effect on a child's view of the world or how the child will react to the world. yid'oni The New Age practice of channeling in which a person attempts to contact a spirit in order to gain knowledge. That big mirror thing that Harry sees his parents his... sho'el 'ov Spiritualism, in which a medium contacts the dead. see above. qosem q'samim Casting stones or sticks and predicting the future by their position (e.g. I Ching, and perhaps runes, or Tarot cards). They teach a class on that at Hogwarts. m'onen Foretelling the future by looking for signs in nature (e.g. predicting the harshness of a winter by looking at moss on trees, or fur thickness on animals in the wild, or whether the groundhog sees his shadow on FEB-2.) see above. m'nachesh Snake charming. Doesn't Harry speak snake language? Isn't that one of those things that happen in the first movie? chover chavar Casting (presumably evil) spells while tying knots. m'khaseph Reciting evil spoken spells to injure others . Well, how about all the spells they use? doresh 'el hametim Any other method of contacting the dead . Yes, it's fantasy, but it plays/dabbles in very real, very ungodly behavior.
  19. She's concerned about her children's spiritual welfare. She commented on a post asking parents who had those concerns. She got blasted. She's basing her points on prayerful consideration of the scripture, I would hardly call that unsubstantiated. You disagree, fine, but there's no need for the full on attack that she's faced.
  20. Have you read The Well-Trained Mind? :p I'd recommend that first and it's usually available at the library (freeeeee!). Keeping her busy could be as easy as letting her play :) If she's anxious to do school work (my youngest is), then do "skills" that need little hands-on. For instance, ds (the younger) will sit for long stretches cutting up index cards along different lines. He's learning how to use scissors, staying quiet ;) , and he 'doing school.'
  21. I agree about not going anywhere for Christmas either... although I've done the same thing to dh this year as your dh has done with you :lol: This year, for Thanksgiving, I plan on traversing the family room multiple times, but don't plan to step outside the front door. For Christmas Eve we're driving 45 min to my sister's house :p Christmas day we stay home, unless I get bored, then I go to my parents' house. My family is way closer than dh's mother though, especially during the holidays when the roads going to mil's are jammed.
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