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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I only put that, because sometimes my responses have been nitpicked half to death over having left out something that I considered to be completely irrelavent. Basically, if they chose to abstain, or other measures to lessen the likelyhood of an additional pregnancy (there's so many "methods" out there), I don't believe they'd publish it. For once, for them, I believe it would be a personal decision they'd keep personal, iykwIm. I don't follow the Duggars at all, except on here ;). It's sad and terrifying to have a child so early. Sad, if only because of the barrage of doom and gloom you get from others that aren't willing to offer congratulations (only statistics on how much the baby will be effected). They definitely deserve some congrats on a new wonderful life! And, if there were mitigating circumstances (other than age or wear on the body), then there's no reason to believe they would try to hold off on number 20. I didn't realize there were other 'issues' with this pregnancy unless this last page when someone mentioned gall bladder. If that's the case, then I'm not sure why Mrs. Duggar's age or anything else came up. I mean, if it's caused by something else, then why drag those things up? Sort of like pointing to someone's love of dancing as the culprit of a broken ankle, after they'd been in a car wreck. Please note, my response is only something I've mulled over in the past with my dad (whose father committed suicide). They aren't meant to be offensive, especially to women willing to submit to God in such an incredible way as those with full quivers do. ---------------------------- I wonder if it could be counted as suicide? Smokers are killing themselves. Gluttons, drunkards, et al. are slowly killing themselves. I would imagine anything not in moderation could be seen to be killing yourself. I have always wondered if those things weren't related to suicide. I don't believe it's a real sin at all, but I do wonder, if you push yourself to the brink of destruction. All the same, that particular act is one that, is really in the hands of God. Can you bless yourself to death?
  2. I don't imagine they'll be as outspoken about holding off on having children as they were about having so many. It wouldn't surprise me if they simply said they were trying, but the Lord hadn't blessed them with another, yet. IOW, not too worried about reactions to their not having children, since (excepting if they went on birth control or were sterilized) no one would be the wiser.
  3. AUGH! Yes, it's libRary, that drives me nuts too! :lol:
  4. AH, then the scripture is as much for her as it is for you :( :grouphug: I'll pray for him, his doctors and the two of you that will be waiting.
  5. Okay, I was worried when you said it was bad, really bad, iykwIm. My first thought was, the poor kid is bleeding is out! Shew, alrighty then, you're probably fine ;)
  6. Esio Trot and the Min Pins (may've spelled that wrong) by Roald Dahl. The kids were completely engrossed in both stories. We also really enjoyed Ralph S. Mouse.
  7. Does it look like this? If he's bleeding under his skin, which is what a bruise is, but I mean really bleeding (hematoma) then you should take him in tonight. Normally, the thigh is the most dangerous spot for this, but I would be worried about losing too much blood :( Sorry to be the worry wart.
  8. ETA, how stupid of me! I'm sorry these things have happened. :grouphug: Miss Manners' Basic Training, Talking It is a breach of etiquette to not offer consolation or congratulations at times when they are in order. IOW, while you may think that an "it's all for the best" is helpful, it is actually rude. A simple, "I'm sorry" will suffice quite well. I just read through that last week (this week I'm learning communication). It's not just Christians that are doing this wrong, it's a nation wide epidemic! All that to say, if I could afford it, I would give that book to everyone I know for Christmas. She recommends, "I'm sure you mean well" or "I'm sure you want to offer condolenses" to all of us clods that much up the simple apology :( As for the scripture quoter... maybe you could just quietly pray the whole time? I mean, they would not interrupt you for that. Maybe you could mention they would be much more assistance at home on their knees than there, reading.
  9. I think some people are starting to believe that is the correct way to say/write it :( I read somewhere that after reading something three times a person starts to believe it might be true, after more repititions they just take it as an actual fact. It makes me shudder to think of what facebook, and other like it, are doing to our society. There (over there) Their (their house) They're (they are) I see all three of those becoming 'their' all over facebook. My well-read uncle does this ALL THE TIME. It kills me.
  10. Ducky! What a beautiful little fur ball! I've never had one, but I've held them at the pet store and they're so soft and cuddly! I think space was the issue for us. I believe they need quite a bit of room to roam, but I could be wrong ;)
  11. You could just try hand washing it in the sink or tub. Soaking with an odor eliminator... it really seems like baking soda should do that, but I don't know so if you want to try do a test FIRST. The other poster had a great idea with the pillow case too, that could work. For anything, though, I'd try to test a small amount first.
  12. Ours is way different, more for income reasons than anything else. I'm going to make some lap books for Luke, which I need to get on if I'm ever going to finish. They will be new to the kids, so I'm hoping Luke will believe they're from Santa. I think, this year, we've focused much more on the giving aspect of Christmas, the spiritual versus the commercial. We still haven't gotten a tree and now the dcs are wondering if Santa leaves presents if there is no tree (would I be wrong to say 'no, better luck next year' JUST KIDDING, sort of). It's a Dickens Christmas for us. It's the best of times, dd joined our church, we're closer to God, the kids understand the 'reason for the season.' It's the worst of times, utilities are hanging on by a thread and I have not been able to buy a single thing. Now, I just need a few spirits at the door and it will all be complete. I will not let the uckiness of our finances take away the hope and goodwill this time of year is steeped in. Dd is strong and she knows the burden right now, ds is so full of hope it almost hurts. Ah well. Who has time to worry with all this school work?!? LOL.
  13. Ah, then it makes sense I'd never heard of her. Thank you!
  14. :confused: Who is Julie? (lol, because I am Julie, but I'm guessing you'll know what I mean) My brother is raving about this movie and I have no idea what on earth it's about. Any one want to give a spoiler?
  15. I just started blogging again today... so it's not much of a progress report, but it does give an idea of what we've done since May :p
  16. Thank you! I knew I'd read that all over the place, but I've read so many of his books for adult lately, that I couldn't remember where I'd read it specifically ;)
  17. I agree, but again with a caveat... hopefully one that does not come across as brutally as the last. It's because God is all powerful. He can use sinners or saints, He can use anything and everything to His purpose. IOW, I don't see it as the church being superior, so much as God wouldn't allow anyone to mess that up, and could use anyone to make it as He wills it to be.
  18. I'm sorry, that was not what I meant, or how I meant it.


    I'm sorry.

  19. Ack, I didn't mean to call you blasphemous, I meant that saying that anyone besides God was responsible for the Bible was! I'm so sorry! Need to see a specialist to get my foot removed from my mouth now :(
  20. He had started out in church, but from what I've read it was a sort of vague, may parents are therefore I am situation. His mother's death and subsequent events led him to athiesm. It seems to me that he wrote with Christ in mind. And, I wish I had time to dig up quotes, I could've sworn I read that the intention was to make God and everything else more attainable and understandable. Yes, it's a parallel universe where Jesus is a lion and God is his father over the sea. I still don't know of any secular resources though :p
  21. http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=525361&item_code=WW&netp_id=377702&event=ESRCN&view=details On sale, $1. I love it, the other family I gave a copy to loves it too! It's Christian. I'm not sure you'd find a secular guide, if only because the parallels are Christian. It was written as a sort of children's guide to Christianity and God.
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