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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Isn't that interesting. The rep I spoke to made it sound as though, once ds was in a class he stayed in that class, without any chance to advance, except between years. IOW, he could test out of the next years class and skip a grade, but during the year he would be stuck. Huh :confused: Who would have thought their own rep would have made them sound so different than their actuallity?
  2. ETA, I get it now, it just keeps you from having to switch screens I guess? It's quicker than otherwise.... LOL, ahhh, it's all starting to make sense :p
  3. I'm wary of nursing homes. Ime, they can be very emotionally painful places. We go caroling with scouts at the local "home" and it's heartbreaking to hear the "residents" crying out for help :( I had one kind gentleman mistake me for his daughter. I held his hand while we sang and the nurses thought it was so kind of me that no one bothered to mention he suffered severe alsheimers. He didn't want to let me leave and the boys found it rather unsettling. I felt horrible. I walked him back to his room, but the snow had just started and I had to drive home still :( Good golly if I could've taken him home I would have. I find those places simply heartbreaking.
  4. Ds started doing this once he became overwhelmingly bored in school, as well as finding that his teacher disliked his quickness. At one point, my normally well-behaved son responded to the teacher's question, "aren't you going to do your journal work" with "no, it's stupid, I quit." :( In his, ds, mind he had been trying to tell the teacher he was bored, but all the teacher heard was ds "showing off." I would check to see if your son isn't just bored to tears. I don't know about the new TWTM, but in the last version, Jessie Wise wrote about her son becoming a non-learner. If you haven't read it, you and your dh might take a look. If that is your ds she's describing, your dh may come over to your way of thinking.
  5. The best place to look would be, imo, local churches and scouting programs. If there's none of that, maybe calling social services would help. It seems they would know the local organizations, if only from directing people to them, or having people sent there from them.
  6. First, I multiquoted everyone (by clicking that + button that turns orange). Now I'm going to manipulate what you said, because I think that's what you mean by saying "excerpts." All I will do is backspace, or else highlight with my mouse over what I want gone and hit space bar. Maybe it's your cookies? That is definitley wierd.... Is all this what you meant? Or am I totally off base? And delete some of the quoted text, or even make another piece of text [---quote=(whomever you want to put as being quoted, don't use the parenthesis, just add them after the equal sign)] blah blah blah [-/---quote---] I put in the dashes so you could see what to type, but the dashes aren't actually in there when you want it to quote... iykwIm.
  7. My resolution is better planning and more creativity. Things should be way different. I want Luke to have more craft experiences and I'm planning out a better defined schedule for him. Andrew is going to cool his jets on history now that we've caught up (:party:) and we're going to go back to doing the projects for that. Basically, I want to make it more fun and less work :p Which means WAAAAY more work for me, but hopefully more enjoyment for the boys. I will also be attempting lapbooks, I hope, I think, but goodness they look complicated!
  8. In the bottom right hand corner of each post there are three "buttons." One says "Quote," the one next to it has a plus sign (if you click on that and it turns red, then when you hit "post" you will have "quoted" that. You can click that on as many posts as you want to quote and when you hit "post reply" or the bigger "Quote" button they will all show up), the next one is a "quick reply" button (never used it, don't know what it does ;) ).
  9. Yeah, I'm in VA too. What I meant was, once you're placed, it's like in ps. That is your grade, period. That's the impression I got from speaking with them when I first took ds out of school. We were going to use K12, but once I spoke with their representative, she said it was not what we were looking for. Ds would be a 2nd grader (or higher, depending on how he placed) and he would have to stay at that level. I'm sure you can skip grades in between, or at least I would guess you could, since you can in ps. It's just the dc in question is, according to the OP, very far behind. It doesn't seem that K12 would allow her to catch up, it would just keep her at grade 3, iykwIm.
  10. I wish I could, it's still snowing here, we have over a foot! Unfortuneatly, I can't find the chord to connect my camera to the computer. Believe you me, it's be.a.u.ti.ful.
  11. I'm not sure that K12 will let her excel or catch up. When I spoke to them, the lady said it was basically ps online. IOW, no flexibility, no chance to accellerate classes. I would recommend TWTM, because it outlines how to homeschool. FLL would be nice, if she can afford it. Then, and I really can't post this enough, search the library. There are resources there, really. Especially in the adult section, we live in podunk and our tiny little library has a decent section on hsing, afterschooling, supplementing, and then adult refreshers and education. All of those can be used. Also, if your state has Standards of Learning, she can use those to guide her. Here they are really specific. I've found them to be a good guide (especially for language skills and math) so I can tell if ds is at level or not, and what we need to cover so he meets the minimum requirements.
  12. These two ladies have much less wordy approaches (than mine) and I'm sure they'll work as well. I've also started cutting off "friends" or relatives as if they were my children. "You should..." "Excuse me?!? We do not treat other people in such a manner!?!" Can you tell I've been working through Miss Manners' Basic Training :lol: :iagree: :iagree: Are you looking to adopt a younger sister? My family is alright and all, but life would be so much easier if I could just sic you on people :p :grouphug:
  13. They've gone much too far. If they feel the need to be rude and cruel regarding yourself and your family, then it could be time to make a definitive line between what you will speak about and what will abruptly end a conversation... "I know you wish us the best. Thank you for your loving advice and kindness. I know you mean well. That being said, I cannot abide continual disparaging remarks to be directed at or about my children. Perhaps we can speak later, once you've collected yourself and can be kind and respectful. I love you. Goodbye." :( I'm sorry they're being so obtuse and vicious. You need to protect your dcs though... what if they heard what Grandma and Auntie really think about them? :grouphug:
  14. Dh always said that's why new clothes smelled. Sheets too. Sheets. Death shrouds? He really creeped me out with that little tid bit. Formaldahyde... on... your... sheets.
  15. I have, I found it terribly uncomfortable, my b00ks wanted to flip the whole shebang down to my belly button and I kept worrying about wardrobe malfunctions.
  16. I commented there (had to delete twice for incredibly stupid spelling mistakes). :grouphug: I'm so sorry.
  17. Thank you. I must not have been clear and I do appreciate you backing me up.


    Thank you, again!

  18. I liked Laura Corin's explanation better. Wiki is overthinking this one :lol: ETA, did I just step in it?
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