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Everything posted by Callie

  1. One more thing is I wouldn't call it fattening you up, but I'd considered it ruining your health. Have you explained about amputations or blindness that could come later in life if you have metabolic problems.
  2. This says it much nicer than I did. I wouldn't even eat a bite or two if it sets in motion problems. I have to eat a strict low carb/no sugar (of any kind) diet because a pre diabetes. I was diagnosed in my mid 20's (I'm now 45). I pretty much ignored it because I was thin and felt o.k. most of the time. It caught up with me at about age 43. If I eat sugar/flour/potatoes etc. I feel horrible, sluggish, feet & hand numbness and the list goes on. I can't imagine my loved one pushing food on me that makes me sick. I'll admit though that my dh & I have a relationship where I could tell him to 'get real' about what he was doing and that would be the end of it.
  3. So you've explained repeatedly that it makes you sick and he continues? I'd just not eat any of it.
  4. I use TT. I normally keep a gallon of Gold Label (has a coconut flavor) & a gallon of the Green Label (no flavor) on hand.
  5. Thanks. Off to read.
  6. I agree. I eat no grains, potatoes, sugar etc.
  7. I am eating a general low carb diet along the lines of Taubes. Can someone link me or give me info on what percentages of fat, carb & protein I should be shooting for? I just started a My Fitness Pal account and would like to track. I'd be interested in what a variety of others are aiming for. Also can I change the plan on MFP? They said I should aim for 185 carbs per day. Thanks Callie
  8. I just wanted to add that going grain & sugar free has been the best thing to happen to me. I knew I felt bad (tired, lifeless, depressed, sickly) but the energy and just overall feeling of well being has kept me going. I started by searching lchf here on the forums and adding links posters provided to my favorites. We just went cold turkey no sugar or grain one day. I hate to sound like a broken record but I felt so much better in just a day or two I truly had a hard time believing it.
  9. They be fine. I fry bacon & eggs most morning on mine. Tonight we are have hamburger patties & caramelized onions cooked on the top and roasted cauliflower in the oven of my Bakers Choice.
  10. You can cook anything on it. I have a Bakers Choice that I cook on all the time. I sometimes use cast iron, stainless and even Paula Deen teflon pans. You can make toast on the stovetop using a baking sheet. You can 'bake' biscuits or cornbread on the stovetop by flipping them once one side is set and browned. I'll answer any questions you have just ask.
  11. I purchased about 20 towels at Sam's Club a little over 5 years ago and they are still in great shape.
  12. I think I'll try them this weekend as I have some bananas to use. I don't have any coconut flour so will try with all almond. Or possibly whiz some unsweetened coconut in the food processor and make flour. I made the Cheddar Bay Almond Flour Bisquits last night and they were a hit. One dd said they were the best thing I made in the last month. I actually think they were tastier than a biscuit made with white flour. Callie
  13. Back to Eden garden. You can watch the film for free at backtoedenfilm.com I think.
  14. This describes my conditions. Something to consider op is that a shopping trip will turn into an 5++ hour event. A trip to Aldi and Walmart means I drive 1 1/2 hours. Then the time to shop as I try to combine all my errands because of gas prices, weather conditions and just plain how long it takes to get anywhere.
  15. 20 minutes from the nearest small town (Save A Lot, library, some locally owned small business) 45 minutes from medium (Walmart, Kroger, Aldi etc) 90 minutes large city (Sams Club, a mall, etc) I live in a rural farming community.
  16. Yummy lunch today. Shredded cabbage (raw) topped with: 1/2 an avocado crumbled bacon turkey breast shredded swiss homemade ranch Callie
  17. This. I'm not close either physically or emotionally with any family members. I chose a different path and I'm o.k with it. I wish them well and harbor no ill will but my feeling are neutral otherwise. Kinda like when you hear something about an old acquantience. It has taken me a long time to get here. Callie
  18. Baked chicken breast topped with bacon and this yummy onion/blue cheese sauce http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2009/09/grilled-ribeye-steak-with-onion-blue-cheese-sauce/ and Trader Joe's green beans steamed and tossed with sauted mushrooms. Callie
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