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Tita Gidge

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Everything posted by Tita Gidge

  1. I think those lessons are important in and of themselves, but the greatest gift is a level of confidence in being able to call upon that lesson and ACT. Bravo to that young man, what an awesome demonstration of courage and skills! Thanks for sharing that news story :)
  2. We use different forms of addressing, depending on the relationship. Same as most people, it seems. Family friends, my friends, and any adult who knows my kid well enough to pick the right ice cream flavor go by (some version of) Auntie or Uncle. Most of my friends are Tita or Tito, even those who aren't from my culture :laugh: and most of my husband's friends are Auntie or Uncle. If someone was MY Tita or Tito, they are also (now) my kids' Tita or Tito. My husband's sister insists my kids call her by her first name only. It makes my kids feel weird, so they try to avoid calling her anything to her face. When referring to her, they call her Dad's sister. Her husband likes being called Uncle and encourages their kids call me Tita. I love that those two little white babies call me Auntie in my own language! But I'd have been happy with just Auntie, too. This beggar ain't choosin' - I'm just glad they're not calling me by my first name only! Titles are important to us. We always use a professional title where applicable (Father, Doctor, Professor, Sgt., Coach, etc.) and a personal title as the default (Mr., Mrs., Miss.) Acquaintances and New-To-Us-People are in this category, usually other parents from our extracurriculars. But also teachers, anyone we pay a service for, my work colleagues, and parents of the kids' friends*. I still call my parent's social network by Mr. and Mrs. LastName, unless they're inner circle (and thereby Tito or Tita). Most typically we do Title LastName, but we're open to Title FirstName. I don't dwell on it much, just play it by ear. *Each kid can use a more familiar name for his friend's parents, but the other kids in my family are expected to use the personal title when referring or addressing that same parent. Personal title can be Mrs. Lastname or Miss Firstname, depending on the parent's expressed preference for last name or first name. If the mom doesn't like Miss, the kids will use her first name to her face but will always refer to her as Miss Firstname because that's just what feels more right to us. These were not hard-fast rules that we spent a long time formulating. It's just how I grew up, so what I defaulted to with my own kids.
  3. We've always eaten it without anything on top :) Chocolate chips inside have always done the trick! You could always melt some extra chocolate and drizzle it over, but that might be overkill. I don't think anyone anywhere ever goes wrong with powdered sugar, either. In sum, ... I don't know but here's a bump LOL.
  4. What a fruitful mission you've had so far! I sometimes think that these missions do more for our own good than they do any one else's. Sounds like your experience reflects that, too. I'm off to check out your blog, sounds like a great read :)
  5. We use mechanical pencils. Those erasers always seem more decorative than functional :) So we almost always use separate erasers for the life of the pencil. Every once in awhile the kids bring home a free pencil from the dentist, library, or Halloween party. Once we sharpened one. (They usually get donated LOL)
  6. I have more purses and bags than most sane people. I have a preference for messenger bags and sling bags for daily use. I like that bag. It is a bit bulky IMO for everyday use but I'd bring it as a carry-on and use it on vacation. I'd use it as a purse if I were spending the whole day out (beach, sports tournament, all-day errand running), but not for an everyday purse. I think I'd be more likely to if it didn't have the water bottle pouch. I don't know why, but that feature doesn't do it for me. I do love the sling style for everyday use, though. As to making it more girly ... I'd probably veer more to the foliage green. But if you're set on black there's always puffy paint LOL. Or embroidering something personal and feminine on it. What most appeals to you about the bag? I wonder if there's something similar out there.
  7. Me, too B) With my husband, people tried so hard to give me space. They'd visit, but keep it brief and sometimes conversation floundered because they didn't want to burden me with their problems nor talk up their good news lest it come across as minimizing his medical situation. Their intentions were sweet, honorable, and so loving. But so far off from what I needed! I DID want to hear what their kids were up to, what vacations they had taken, and all of that - good and bad alike. I welcomed their vents and struggles, and relished their good news. When my life was falling apart around me, I needed others to recharge me - with presence, with words, with distractions, with reminders of life beyond our current situation. I decided to go back to college just to get that needed stimulation and interaction. In hindsight it might've been cheaper and just as effective to buy a round at the pub every Friday night instead LOL. Lots of opinions to share there ;) Quill, I'm glad your mom's in great spirits and that your ears are getting a well-deserved rest!
  8. I relate. Too well LOL. I definitely know what I do NOT like, I only wish I knew as well what I DID like! Good luck finding that perfect name :)
  9. THAT is love :001_wub: Googled it. Buffalo, NY? This may be worth a side trip next time I'm working on the east coast. Wonder which would kill me first, the ridiculous curiosity or the inescapable smell of factory-fresh Cheerios ...
  10. Can you maybe do a google search narrowing it down to the WTM website? But I use MUS and can't really ever find what I need here, either. FWIW.
  11. Congratulations to the family! I can't decide which is cuter, those squishy cheeks or that fluff of hair on his head! Love love love the little ones. Enjoy your grandson.
  12. Great. Now I have to find a toddler so I can sniff and see if I can smell the meaty smell, too :rofl: Guess we're going to the park tomorrow!
  13. Drake Wyatt Nolan Owen Emmett / Everett Landon Ted/Theodore Spencer / Spence Townes Colton / Colt Gage Pierce Ellis Carter / Carson Truman Cole As for my daughter, they sent me a name form. I filled it out, sent it back, and they then recorded the name on her birth certificate. Couldn't have been easier :)
  14. Cheerios. I was so glad when my youngest graduated from the Cheerio age. She never had them, but every other toddler and preschooler we came across (parks, restaurants, planes, even church!) would have them, drop them, try to share pre-wettened ones ... ick ick ick. I hate the smell of Cheerios.
  15. Definitely agreeing with this. You know the old joke about Ginger Rogers doing everything Fred Astair did, but backwards and in heels? Same goes for the catcher doing everything the pitcher is doing, but squatting and sometimes ill-fitted gear. My BIL is a surgeon and says kids under 18 are his fastest growing client group :( It made sense once he explained it, but I really hadn't thought about it befoe. I notice a number of kids switch between catcher and pitcher, now that he brought it to my attention.
  16. My kids love Asimov, and all started on him towards the end of elementary school. Not exactly the classic literature recommended above, but there it is! LOL
  17. I haven't, but my kids aren't externally motivated and it's never been a problem getting them to read. I have to fight them to put books down, in fact. But in your situation I'd totally consider it! How old is your son? I like the idea of typing out a small review or answering questions. Maybe pick up a teacher workbook type thing at the library or bookstore and flip through it for ideas. Depending on his personality, maybe he'd like to do activities like Venn Diagrams, character analyses, setting compare/contrast, etc. as a way to demonstrate his reading time. They're set to every level for early elementary through middle school and would take nothing more than few photocopies, if that.
  18. We had a way easier time naming boys, which is awesome since we ended up with so many. We have just one daughter, and she was a week old before we decided on a name for her. The boys were all named before the pee dried on the stick LOL. Any names or name types you like or dislike? Give us some parameters :) And congratulations!
  19. I'm Catholic. We've always given the priest a donation or stipend for things like these. When possible, we give to him with a card at the end of the ceremony. Sometimes it's more appropriate to later drop it off at the rectory or parish office. I'd think for a baptism, a nice card with appropropriate donation could be handed to him post-ceremony. If it were me, though, and he would be joining us at a party afterwards, I'd probably drop if off at the rectory the next day. I'm Asian and we're weird about gift giving. ;) ETA: it sounds like he's not merely performing the sacrament, he has also vested time and energy into preparing her for it. I don't know how Protestants do it (well, I live down the road from a very popular televangelist and he ain't hurting for a donation for services performed IYKWIM) but it sounds like a small church would offer the pastor a modest income and he's not in it for the bucks. I think a donation would be appropriate and appreciated. But I say that as a Catholic unfamiliar with your denominational norms so take that for what it's worth LOL.
  20. I delegate. Your two oldest definitely can take a meal, and many 9 year olds are also capable. I tell you what, it won't be fancy meals but it won't take long for them to realize the time, prep and energy that go into cooking for a family. When they're on the receiving end of the complaints and pickiness, they'll come to appreciate what you've been dealing with and hopefully change their own tunes. It takes maturation and experience for them to realize what they're doing (to you), and to grow out of it. Or to at least be less annoying about it. One may not help being a picky eater, but one can learn to not complain about what is being served. One may not enjoy cooking, but one can learn to appreciate that others may not enjoy it either - and again, can learn not to complain about what is being served. One may also learn that when one is willing to take charge of a meal, one has more power over ensuring the meal meets his or her picky preferences. And when one is less willing to take charge of a meal, one comes to realize he has less power over ensuring the meal accommodates his pickiness. It's not a punishment. But you CAN turn it into an exercise, an experience, a shared responsibility.
  21. Happy Birthday to your sweet little blessing! I hope today is as fun as you imagined it would be, surrounded by the best things in life - family, love, and celebration :)
  22. I love an alliteration, so I think Genevieve J*** sounds lovely, especially since the first name has so many syllables separating it from the J of the last name. My friend's sister is a Genevieve who goes by Janie. I don't like the alliteration as much with such a short first name, for some reason. I think if you start early with the Ada, most people won't even realize she's truly an Adelaide - unless they have access to that information, such as a medical office, school, scouts or sports (someone who sees her birth certificate, e.g.). Gidge is a made up nickname, but so many people assume it's my given name because it's all anyone ever calls me. Excepting teachers, medical staff, coaches and anyone who has ever issued me a paycheck LOL. My friend's middle name is Adeline. She hates it. I think that probably influenced my own opinion of it being less desireable to Adelaide. Not a horrible name, but I prefer your two original choices :) Either one will sound lovely. Clare Bernadette sounds very old school Catholic B) We were all named after Saints, and have one of each in my family. My sister Clare always went by KC because she hates her name. Bernadette goes by Ettie and doesn't really put too much energy into caring about her name one way or the other LOL.
  23. My general rule is when the child is taller than I am. That has generally worked out to about age 12. I'm 4'10" give or take an inch, depending on how my posture is on any given day. It varies LOL. I only weighed more than 100 pounds if I was pregnant. My boys have all hit 100 pounds around the age of 12. If I'm only taking 2-6 of them, they can all ride in the back; I like having the front space all to myself. If I'm taking more than 6 or just one, I begrudgingly allow the front passenger seat to be used. I'm a total space hog. I make sure my passenger seat is pushed as far back as it allows. It's more comfortable for the boys, any way. That hadn't occured to me until I read a thread like this somewhere online. Maybe it was here, I don't remember. I worry about myself and airbags. I'm very short and sit as far up as the seat allows. My older boys do a lot of the driving. Even when I carpool with friends, I'm happy to offer my car and gas but prefer they do the driving. My friend bought the same model car as mine because she learned to love it after driving us around in it so often!
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