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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. The funniest/weirdest thing just happened. We are in the middle of moving back home to TN. To the same area we left. A few days ago, one of my dds said..."wouldn't it be funny if we could move back to our old house". Ha...yeah...kind of funny. Last night, as I was lying in bed with a sinus headache that wouldn't go away and trying to sleep...I began "daydreaming" about moving back into our old house...you know placing furniture, painting..etc. This afternoon, my dh sends me a facebook message...which is a forward of a message he got. From the current owners of our house. Offering to sell it back to us. :001_huh: It was kind of like the world slipped sideways for a second..lol. It would be SO easy to move back to that house. It has the perfect space for us. The kids would love it. All our stuff would fit :lol: But we have been dreaming of our own mini farm for years. And now have the chance to do it. AND we just signed a year lease with a friend to lease his small farm. If we moved back to our old house...the whole farm thing would go out the window. And, our whole renting the farm is a trial run. To see if we can hack it. What if we can't? Then our old house would be perfect...ish. We had lots of plans for that house. Dh would be fine either way I think. So it's kind of up to me. I feel so torn. The old house would be so EASY. But it would also be kind of like giving up a dream. (What is even more ironic....I really didn't like that house when we first bought it, but it grew on me over the years)
  2. Usually 2x a day. There are 5 of us here eating every meal, every day. That's a lot of dishes..
  3. YESS!!!! This is my gripe too. And for the love of Pete...don't wait until I have something cooking to call for a showing...:lol: I think they have radar.
  4. There are "rubber" backed rugs that are safe for hardwoods. I have one in my kitchen that has been there for over a year with no problems. I think I bought it at Target or Costco. I would definitely put a rug there. And a bench/bin thing to put shoes in.
  5. My dh and I both do that, if it is after 5AMish. I'm usually accurate to within 15 minutes or so. It is very rare that our alarm clock gets set. I don't know how...we just can. My reaction to the alarm, if it has been going off regularly for more than 5 or 6 mornings in a row (like when dh used to have to get up at 4 or 5AM)...I turn it off in my sleep before it gets a full ring out. So they don't do me any good anyway unless I put it all the way across the room :lol:
  6. :iagree: I'm way too paranoid about getting harrassed for extra cleaning fees or something :glare:
  7. I keep meaning to start this for my girls, but the years are slipping by so fast! I would crochet some washcloths. Perhaps some napkins with embroidery (but not monogrammed ;)) Collect a nice set of silverware? A great basic cookbook. The problem I run into...I have no idea what her style will be when she's grown. So things like table cloths and other linens will be hard. I'm hoping to purchase some quality household items for each girl to take with her...like cast iron skillets, a nice cake decorating set for my baker (she already has this :) ), a sewing machine for my sewer (she already has this also), and take-out menus for my non-domesticated dd :tongue_smilie:(kidding)
  8. Old Navy? They fit well for me. The quality isn't the best, but they are cheap enough for me to replace when needed.
  9. Here, I can buy brown rice for $0.99 or less a pound at Sprouts. We are moving to a place that doesn't have a sprouts. Most places I've seen do not have brown rice that cheap. I tried buying it pre-bagged at a couple of stores, usually the store brand, and it is always full of hulls and not as good as what I get at Sprouts. Is there a place online that has decent quality/price?
  10. Well, mine isn't laundry... But yesterday I finally got around to cleaning up the icing bags and tips from DECEMBER. I had shoved them into a cabinet before a house showing. Sad thing is...I didn't forget about them. I just didn't clean them. After sitting for that long...I realized it would have been much easier to clean them BEFORE they set up like concrete.
  11. :lol: We've have a Sharp for 11+ years now and it is still going strong (except that some of the LED numbers are blank) It has been moved across the country 3 times, and been abused by 3 kids. I think it's a crap-shoot.
  12. As a child I though of Him as angry and inaccessable. He was a fuzzy concept I wanted nothing to do with. (There were various reasons for this) Now as an adult...I don't see Him as only angry (although I'm sure He is full of righteous anger over many things), but also as merciful, and loving. I don't have a visual picture of Him any longer, because I know that He has many aspects that I cannot yet comprehend. Jesus pictures bug me as well. Especially when He is portrayed as a white guy :lol:
  13. I have one in 9th, and two in 7th. :001_smile: I think it is partially that homeschooling is becoming more mainstream, and it is easier to start homeschooling in the younger years than to start as a teen.
  14. Hard to say. I think it is hugely genetic, with some people having more trouble with a bad diet. My half-brother and I grew up in the same house. He has fought obesity his whole life, and is now a diabetic at the age of 29. He was in ICU for over a week about 18 months ago due to his sugar and his pancreas failing. He had asthma when he was young..but appeared to grow out of it. I have been extremely healthy most of my life, with the exception of a mild heart issue. I am overweight now, but it is simply because I eat too much and move too little. If I cut back some and started biking again, the weight would go away. We grew up eating the same junk. We were a convience food family that was never without soda, ice cream, and chips. We did get a good dose of veggies, but they were always cooked to the point that any nutrition was minimal.
  15. One thing with the dogs...by bathing them so often, you are probably making the dander problem worse. It dries out their skin. Is he on any allergy meds? If we don't keep dd on her allergy meds year round, she has more breathing issues. Allergen free pillowcases/bed covers along with frequent washing. Allergen filters on your air conditioning/heating system, and perhaps a ionic type filter for his bedroom. Dairy can make it worse in some people. Asthma stinks. We hate dealing with it too.
  16. I had my last at 24. I wish I hadn't made such a permanent decision to stop at that age. I would happily have more.
  17. Totally normal. She is most likely about to hit a major growth spurt. ETA: I missed the over a year part....Maybe a check up with a ped. just to be safe?
  18. When we lived in rural TN, we only locked them at night or when we left the house. Now that we live in DFW, our front door usually stays locked...mostly because we don't use it. The back door gets locked when we are gone or at night. We do have a gated drive and fence though.
  19. Ok...just tried kombucha for the first time. I think I like it. It is a completely foreign taste to me...so it'll take some getting used to...but I kept sipping...lol. Anyway...this is what I tried: http://www.synergydrinks.com/enlightened/synergy_enlightened_trilogy.aspx What is your favorite brand or recipe? FWIW...my kids thought it smelled so foul that they refused to even try it:lol:
  20. :lol: My dh actually enacted a glitter ban after he ended up with a suitcase full of sparkly clothes on a business trip.
  21. I voted yes, but it really depends. The three of mine have to share a phone (15, 11 and 11) They ended up getting it because there were too many times that they were somewhere I wasn't and I just felt better knowing they had a way of contacting me.
  22. If you have the face for that style...go for it! I have a friend that had her hair clipped to little more than a buzz when I met her. She had a beautiful face that went great with it. I, however, would look like a man with bOOks. It would not be pretty.
  23. If it is music she has copied from CDs, you will have to do a library share between her laptop and yours, and her laptop will have to be on at the time. Only songs that she has purchased through iTunes can be accessed just by logging into her account. I'm not sure about a single device being connected to 2 accounts....we have all our devices connected to one account.
  24. For dh, it was intermittent at first. He thought it was his bladder at one point. It was right behind his pubic bone as well. Chances are that isn't what it is...but there are so many things it could be that I wouldn't wait and see for too long.
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