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Everything posted by athena1277

  1. Soooo many of my curriculum choices for this year are geared twords 3 or 4 days per week. I trying to juggle how we need to do this so we a)cover what we need to before the end of the year, b) don't cover it all by January, c) don't end up with too much to do in any particular day, d) have a schedule that will work if we do 4 or 5 days in a week, without getting "behind". All that being said, here's what I am thinking of doing. Please tell me honestly what you think! Everyday: Math - R&S 1 Reading - Elson Readers Handwriting - RH Spelling - RS Phonics - ETC4 Day 1: Grammar - FLL Science - God's Design for Life Spanish - the Easy Spanish Day 2: WWE (2 lessons, one narration, one copywork) History - SOTW (covering 1 chapter per week, hopefully) I would alternate the Day 1 and Day 2 subjects so some weeks we might do either Day 1 or Day 2 three times in a week if we do 5 days. Basically I want to be able to just "do the next lesson" each day and not have to worry about getting it done by the end of the week. Does this sound reasonable? If not, please give your suggestions. THANK YOU!!!!
  2. I start in July (this year we are starting the 20th) and go until we finish in April or May. I like to start early so we can take days off when we need/want to. We had lots of 4 day weeks last year. I just kept going until we got our required 165 days.
  3. Wow, thanks for all the great replies! We are definitely going to be looking into these and wearing out the library card! :hurray:
  4. My dd is 6, about to start first grade, and has become a total bookworm this summer. The beginning reader books are a breeze for her. She recently discovered the Magic School Bus chapter books and loves them. At first she picked them out for me to read to her, but then discovered that she can read them herself. At the rate she's going, she'll have read them all soon. What other chapter books would be appropriate for a 6 year old? I don't care if it's just fun-to-read fiction, I just want her to keep reading and loving books!
  5. If autism is caused by vitamin D deficiency, then wouldn't there be a noticeable difference in the number of autistic children in Northern vs Southern climates? I've heard many times about general vitamin D deficiency in children in colder climates who sped much of the year with their skin covered against the cold. Where I've lived in the deep south, this is rarely a problem, because most people get plenty from the sun.
  6. I'm getting ready to start FLL with dd for 1st grade. There are 100 lessons, but a school year is about 180 days. Do you do it every other day? Do one lesson a day til it "sticks"? I see where I could very easily go through nearly the whole 1st and 2nd grade lessons in one year, but I know I don't need to rush. I'm not one to plan daily lessons for an entire year, so I have to know how to pace it in the beginning. Help please!
  7. I think I would say "That would be cool, son, but we just don't have space for a drum set. Is there a smaller instrument you are interested in?" Of course, if you have a big house that might not work. :D
  8. I only have the $$ for dd to do one sport/class/activity this fall. I'm wondering about the classes for homeschoolers that the National Zoo offers. They don't have the class info up yet, so all I know is that they have them. Any info on costs, types, length of classes, like/dislike, would be so helpful. Thanks!
  9. Most of our troubles with his glasses have been with the cables breaking. the current pair has a warranty on the frames, but we moved, so we can't get a new pair. They are also scratched (my fault, not his), even though the dr says the scratches aren't affecting his vision. I'll have to discuss it with Dh, but I think we may have to switch to regular glasses frames. Thanks for all the thoughts and info. The Hive is always so helpful!
  10. My ds just turned 2 and wears glasses with the cables around his ears. Yet again, they are broken. I'm wondering if he's old enough to handle glasses without cables, mainly because they are easier to find (and sometimes cheaper). I'm just not sure if he would have trouble keeping them on or not. How long does he really need the cables?
  11. Dh bought me the new iPhone 3Gs. It's the first time in forever that I have a form of technology that is not A) dh's hand-me-down or B) El Cheapo. It's bigger than my bare-bones cell phone I replaced, but otherwise it's great! Since we recently moved, the maps are really helpful. I'm anxiously awaiting the GPS app that will give the turn-by-turn directions. I also keep my friends/family's contact info on it. It also has a built in iPod. Dh likes to read books on his, kinda like a Kindle. I vote that you should get the iPhone.
  12. Before we moved, I went to a weekly ladies class at our church. A lot of us have kids. We took turns watching them in another room. It worked out that each would have to watch the kids about every 6 weeks. Talk to some of the other moms with kids and see if they will come if you work out something for childcare, it will be worth it!
  13. Vinegar is ok as long as it is distilled. Gluten does not make it through the distillation process. Malt vinegar, however is never GF. For someone on a GF diet to have oats, they must be "pure oats". That means they were grown in a dedicated field (no crop rotation, this can contaminate them) and they are processed in a plant that only processes oats. It is very easy to contaminate oats. If you want GF oats, I think the only place to get them is online. Even if they are pure, some on GF diets will have trouble with oats. I've never tried them with my GF dd. Send me a PM if you have more questions, I'll be happy to help you.
  14. Check out the science program by Answers in Genesis. I'm starting it this year with my dd. It looks pretty good and can be used on several age levels. It is a Christian worldview, so if you are going secular you might not like it.
  15. It could be an ear infection. A Dr. once told me that he's seen kids come in for a check-up with ear infections and no other symptoms.
  16. Apologetics Press is similar to AIG in it's creation materials and has lots of books and articles that you can read online for free. http://apologeticspress.org/
  17. I have a friend who named her son Rhett. I also like Colin, you don't hear it much in the US. Why not spend some time in the old family tree? There may be someone there with a name that is not common today that would be great for her son.
  18. Dd loves to go to the library and choose new books. I help her choose some non-fiction (on a topic of her choosing) and then she gets to pick some stories to read. We've been going a lot this summer and I'm starting to notice that she keeps picking from the same couple series. I don't mind that, but I would like her to pick a book or 2 that is not from her favorites series. Branch out a little, KWIM? I don't want her to dislike going to the library by forcing certain books on her, so what can I do? Or should I just leave well enough alone since she loves to read?
  19. My DH was in a class dealing with making wills, etc with the AF and he was told to put the will in a ziploc bag and put it in the freezer. The reason being that in case of a fire, those supposedly fire-proof boxes often still burn, but the inside of your freezer will still be intact, even in very high heat.
  20. For the drinks, see if a neighbor has a small kiddie pool and fill it with ice and the drinks. Then everyone can see what the choices are and no one is asking "where are the drinks?" all day. For food, have make-your-own sandwiches. Get some hoagie rolls or other bread, and have trays of ham, turkey, cheese, etc. You don't have to get the expensive meats, just take it out of the package and put on a serving tray and it looks like it's fancy stuff. Hope you have a great party!
  21. Could you not find where he was bleeding from? Dd had blood in her bed when her ear tubes were trying to come out and having trouble doing so. Hope you find out what is wrong and that it's not serious.
  22. You may want to look up more about it, but there was a Mythbusters episode that dealt with motion sickness and what would and would not work. Seems like ginger was the one thing that worked really well, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
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