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Everything posted by athena1277

  1. I've read a lot of the talk on modesty when swimming and I would really like to get a swim shirt like they sell for kids. I haven't seen them anywhere in adult sizes. I'd like to be able to buy it at a brick and mortar store, something inexpensive. Has anyone seen these anywhere? Thank you!
  2. These are 2 that I marked as possibilities for dd this year (1st grade). Spelling is my absolute worst subject. I hope my dc are not as bad as me! :D I really want something with very little prep and that will not take lots of time. So give me all your pros and cons - which would you use and why? Thanks a bunch!
  3. Dh just got out of the AF and now we have "normal" insurance. I still have no idea how this ins even works and don't really know how to figure it out. In the mean time we moved and ds needs his 2yo check up in about 3 weeks. I don't know anyone to ask for a recommendation. I feel sooooo lost!
  4. Check out you local library. Some have stuff for ESL, I happened to nptice some at mine recently.
  5. We just moved to Fairfax a few weeks ago. We are still trying to find other homeschoolers to do things with, but we've made some contacts. We have been to the library (love it!) and went to DC and checked out the National Mall a bit. There is sooo much to do. I would like to move back to AL in a few years because that is "home" to us, but in the mean time, I hope to see and do as much as we can. I have a feeling that even though we will be doing SOTW 1 this year, we will be getting in a lot of American history!
  6. We're still learning the DC area. I have a friend who will be in DC for work this week and I am trying to find a not too expensive place for us to meet and eat. Somewhere in the Foggy Bottom or Metro Center area preferred. And food that picky eaters and kids would like:glare:. Thanks so much!:001_smile:
  7. :iagree: Our favorite is what we call "Hobo Packs" You can make one big one if you can find "hot bags" or you can make individual ones with alum. foil. You can probably let the kids help:001_smile:. Put in whatever meats and veggies your family likes. We like sausage, beef (cubed), and chicken (cut up). For veggies we like corn, carrots and potatoes, but yoy could add pretty much anything. Put the food in the bag and pour in a bunch of marinade (we like Dale's or Moore's). Then put it on the grill and let it cook until done. It is sooo yummy and very little clean-up. My dh has made this on a "guy campout" with friends. One of the other wives cut up lots of meat and veggies and put in a cooler so all they had to do was put what they wanted in their packs. Happy camping!
  8. My house in AL has been on the market for about a 5 weeks. My realtor says he's getting lots of calls on it, but it has only been shown twice. :glare:
  9. While were on the subject of sexual preditors, what is the web site that tells you if there are any that live near you? We could all stand to be more aware. (not meaning to hijack the tread :D).
  10. So if your kids don't go to a brick and mortar school and you aren't considered homeschoolers, what are you? The law does seem to make you into some rogue, off the map kinda family. Is it hard to prove that you homeschool according to the law? What about transcripts for college? Did the school your dd went to give you any trouble?
  11. Since we just moved to VA and don't know any hs'ers yet, I talked to a man at HSLDA about what we need to do to legally hs. Since we are Christians, one option is to take the "religious exemption". Has anyone used this? Do you/have you had any trouble from any gov't group with this? It just makes me nervous with the way this country is moving away from all forms of religion. To actually have something in a gov't file that states what I believe makes me fear that if things detiriorate further, we could be the first ones they come after, because they know who we are. Maybe I'm just reading tooooo much into it and overreacting.:D Someone tell me I'm not crazy for worrying about this!
  12. We have gotten into a bad habit of eating junk foods for nearly all snacks. I want to start replacing the junk with better stuff. I need some ideas for some easy snacks. I'm not big on cooking, especially for snacks. I hate to sit and cut an apple, even though my dc like it. BTW, dd is on a GF diet, so things like crackers and breads can get quite expensive. So what great healthy easy snacks do your dc enjoy?:D Thanks!
  13. I use Gmail and it has been letting a couple a week into my inbox. It didn't in the past, not sure why it suddenly is letting things in.
  14. Apparently I have used my e-mail for one too many forms. Now I get TONS of spam, more and more of which is making it through the spam filter to my inbox. I've had this account for a long time and really don't want to create a new one. Is there anything I can do to keep more of this junk out?
  15. I refuse to have bangs. They are annoying. While it may be cute on others, I have no patience for them. I also refuse to mow the lawn. I never have, never will. Dh does it or we pay someone to do it.
  16. Wow, that's a tough question for me. I see all the wonderful benefits of hs'ing and feel it is best for my dc. On the other hand I did not hate school and got a pretty decent education (I was one of the smart ones in the AP classes). When I think of all the good friends and good things I did get from ps, I think "noooo, I would never want to be hs'ed"! But who knows what other good things would have happened if I had been hs'ed? That's the million dollar question.
  17. I just finished K with dd and I did all this plus I have kept her work, either in workbooks or work put in a binder. I took pics of all the art projects we did also. I had intended to print them and add to the binder, but haven't gotten around to it.:001_unsure:
  18. I read and enjoyed the series, but I would not let my dd read them at 10. There is too much sexual content for a girl that young.
  19. That is a great idea! My problem is I just can't part with books easily.:D
  20. I was treated as a kid for mild scoliosis by a chiro. That worked for me. However if it is more severe, she may need to be treated with braces or surgery. I don't think chiro will help with those cases.
  21. I'm in Fairfax. What's the name of the shop in Reston? I might try to go there when I finally get the confidence to travel far in the traffic!:D
  22. First off, I know it's summer:001_smile:, but I've been thinking about this a lot and want to make some mental plans. I have always lived in the deep south, in areas where snow is a huge issue and everything shuts down. Now we are living in VA, just outside Wash. DC. My kids will be 7 and 2 this winter. I have NO IDEA what kinds of clothes they (or me and dh for that matter) will need for winter. I've heard of snow suits and things, but I really don't know what I'm looking for or what is really needed and what is "just nice to have". Help me out so I can prepare and not have so much anxiety this summer. The thought of snow lasting more than a day freaks me out!
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