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Everything posted by athena1277

  1. We just moved into a rental. The washer that came with the place always gives off a mildew odor when my clothes are done, even when I take them out immediately. My laundry doesn't stink once it is dry (I had to do some laundry or wear dirty clothes!). However, the smell is annoying and can't be good, right?:confused: I leave the lid open when not in use, but it doesn't help. What can I do? Thanks!!!!!
  2. I have to agree on a lot of the pet peeves already listed. I would, however, like to elaborate on the dislike of neighbors. I CAN NOT stand neighbors who blare their music for me to hear or have loud conversations I can hear late in the evening. I don't like their dogs pooping in my yard. If I wanted poop in my yard, I would get my own dog.
  3. We just had movers move us and have found several damaged items.:mad: The packers are mostly at fault. How do you decide what to file claims with insurance for? We used the insurance through our homeowners policy, if that makes a difference. We feel like the company should still be held responsible for the damage. Most of the damage is small, but will cost to repair or replace. Some things are not replaceable.:crying: I'm just not sure how to go about dealing with this. What advice does the hive have for me? Thanks!
  4. We just got it 2 days ago. I like the free on-demand kid shows (Disney, Nick, etc). They keep the kids happy while I try to unpack boxes!:D There are lots of HD channels also, which dh loves. We've been a bit disappointed in the internet. It's supposed to be super fast, but it's not any faster than the cable connection we had previously.:glare: We didn't sign up for phone because we are cell phone only folks. HTH!
  5. When I was a kid, we had bunk beds and I had the top bunk. Mom realized it was hard to make up and didn't require us to do it unless company was coming over. To this day I only make the bed if company is coming.
  6. I hated the animated version of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". It is NOT a children's story! It really should never have been made.
  7. As a math teacher, I would only require a period if there is a decimal, say 4.5 inches or 12.35 yards. If not, it would not be necessary, say in writing 10 feet or 5 gallons. HTH!
  8. What do I need to do to my frost-free upright freezer before the movers pickup our stuff? I've emptied it. It's clean. It will be going into storage for a while since we will be in smaller quarters for a while. Will it leak water? Does it have to be taken outside? I really an clueless about this!:confused:
  9. I highly recommend "Dinosaurs Unleashed" by Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons. It has lots of great dinosaur info (like how big, what they ate, etc), but is also gives powerful evidence that they did not live billions of years ago. Check out the link, they have sample pages. http://www.apologeticspress.org/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/2_5/products_id/7
  10. :iagree::iagree::iagree: This is the core of the matter. If it was against school policy, the principal should not have signed it and he would then not be allowed to go. If the prinicipal later realized his mistake he should have handled it privately with the boy and his family, explaining why he is recanting his first decision. It should never have become a huge issue.
  11. Yeah.....I learned that lesson a ways back too. That's why he's not getting crayons. I think I'm going to have to try some stickers, though. He's just starting to like those.
  12. Rice pastas are the most like regular noodles for a GF diet. I use them all the time for spaghetti and lasagna. Just don't over-cook or they will fall apart. I don't know a lot about autism, but there are lots of books (mostly written for people with celiac disease) about eating gluten-free. They usually include info for those with multiple food allergies.
  13. Unfortunatly, we are taking both cars, so dh and I both have to drive. :thumbdown:Thankfully, dh has offered to take a turn or 2 driving with the kids to give me a break.
  14. Hi all. We will be moving next week and it will be a 2 day drive from AL to VA. Dd(6) should be able to handle the trip, I've got a stash of books and things for her to do. Ds, however, I'm worried about. He's about 6 weeks from turning 2, so he can't really color or play video games like dd. I want to go get some inexpensive toys/books to give him along the way, but i want things that will entertain him for more than 2 minutes. What suggestions do you have? What has worked for your toddlers? Thanks!!!
  15. Both my kids take children's zyrtec. I know your ds is older, but I thought I would share in case you were wondering about safety.
  16. This is my favorite site for crockpot cooking. I've tried several recipes and they were all good. http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/ Happy crocking!:D
  17. I've just finished K with my 6yodd and ds is almost 2. We do schoolwork during naptimes. During his morning nap, dd does independent work like phonics and handwriting (while I take a shower :D). Then she and I do the rest of schoolwork during his longer afternoon nap (no matter what time it was). I trained dd early on that when ds takes a nap, it's time for school. Granted, that doesn't leave a lot of time for housework without ds underfoot, however it does get done eventually. Ds won't be taking a moring nap when we start 1st, so I plan to have dd do her independant work at her desk in her room in the mornings and we will hopefully be able to do the rest in the afternoon nap.
  18. :grouphug: Yes, planes are germy, but if your husband is in good health, you all really don't need to worry so much. Yes, some people died of swine flu, but there are thousands more who got it and got over it. It's just another flu strain!
  19. Our favorite by far is Beth's All-Purpose Baking Flour by Gluten Free Pantry. http://www.glutenfree.com/Gluten-Free-Pantry-Beths-All-Purpose-Bkg-Flour/Item126013M You can find it at Whole Foods and most health food stores. We use it for lots of stuff with good results. Happy baking!:D
  20. It's just my 2 cents, but i think it might be wise to put the money in a savings account (to draw a little interest) until the teen in 21 and THEN tell about the $$. Of course if said teen changes course and wants to go to college, then I would tell sooner. HTH.
  21. I have a cotton shirt I really like, but I got some cooking oil (veg. oil?) on it recently and it will not wash out in the regular laundry. It looks like it has a wet spot and has a oil-y stench. Any ideas how to save my shirt? Thanks!
  22. I know it is bad to use had sanitizers on babies because of the alcohol in it. However, I've never heard at what age it is ok for kids to use them. My ds is 22 months and I've wondered if it's ok to use it occasionally. What is the OK age for use?
  23. Even though he may be feeling bad, don't be tempted to change his diet until after you see the GI doc. He/She won't be able to diagnosis CD if he is on a GF diet already. If he is very sick "raise cain" until they agree to see you sooner. My dd was a few weeks (maybe less) from being in the hospital for severe malnurishment by the time the <blank, blank, blank> pediatrician, who knew nothing of CD, sent us to the ped. GI who finally could tell us what was wrong with her.
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