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Everything posted by thessa516

  1. I love your cross stitching - so pretty!
  2. :party: Yay! I'm thrilled and so happy for you!
  3. http://foodgawker.com/ I think I gain weight every time I visit FoodGawker for meal ideas. A recent favorite meal at our house has been Kung Pao Chicken. Last night I made these muffin tin calzones. You could substitute ground beef for the sausage. Or in addition to the sausage. :tongue_smilie:
  4. We had a short week in review due to DH's vacation/work-around-the-house days.
  5. We finished up The Water Horse and started A Cricket in Times Square this week. In the evenings with Dad, they just finished On the Banks of Plum Creek and are starting The Tale of Despereaux.
  6. Oh, I just read about this the other day. I wish I could remember where... some study showed that even when it came to 0% car loans through the dealership, buyers who used the loan ended up paying a higher sales price than those who paid with cash. The cash gave more leverage up front in the purchase price of the car. Plus, when it came time for the loan process, extra fees were sometimes tacked on - undercarriage whatever. Those didn't get added with the cash buyers. Furthermore, some dealerships allow for low financing OR a rebate. If you take the low financing, you lose out on the rebate.
  7. Wow - you ladies put me to shame! Such talent on these boards! I made a quick dress for my DD today. I think it needs a bow or something on the front. Normally I put a little apron on it, but I didn't have a good matching fabric. Up next: baby quilt for my soon-to-be-born nephew!
  8. If for some reason you can't find an old one you like, I've been very pleased with my bottom-of-the-line Janome - BUT you have to buy one from a real sewing store (Janome dealer), and not from Sears (Janome Made for Sears). It sews smoothly and I've never had a problem with it. My Mom has had her Janome machine for over 15 years, never had it serviced, and it sews like hot butter.
  9. I'd go with Ree's Beef with Peppers. It's delicious, cooks quickly, and my kids love it! It's also very forgiving if you don't have all the ingredients on hand.
  10. I don't have times scheduled, we do the next thing whenever we can. - 7 yo and 6 yo (the olders) do spelling on their own; 3 yo and baby (the youngers) play and eat breakfast. - I teach a MUS lesson when needed to the olders (they are in different levels so I rarely have to teach two math lessons a day). Most days they work on a MUS worksheet and I oversee while holding baby and 3 yo plays. The olders also do a page or two of Math Mammoth. - Whenever the baby goes down for morning nap, we work on WWE, FLL and R&S. Again, the olders are in different levels, so I get one started and then start in with the next. Back and forth between the two until we get it finished. The 3 yo plays (building blocks, library books, coloring sheets, etc.) - Read aloud is done during or after lunch. The baby is normally on my lap. - We work on history, music and Bible in the afternoon. Generally I have the baby on my lap and the 3 yo follows along (yep - he does map work with us -scribbling over the map of Egypt - he thinks he's one of the olders. :lol: ) - Afternoon nap time is when we do reading and phonics instruction. However, it's not unusual to feed the baby while one of the olders reads to me and we work through OPGTR. - DH does Science 1-2x week in the evening, so I don't have to schedule that one during the day. I am having a difficult time scheduling in piano and sewing lessons. We still haven't started on those for the year. It might get relegated to one evening/week when DH can take over toddler and baby duty. HTH! ETA: We take lots of breaks throughout the day. I don't want to give anyone the idea that we school all day long. :)
  11. I love Pinterest. So far it has had the opposite effect on me (WRT the above quote). I see a gorgeous, organized fridge and it inspires me to get up and go tackle my mess of a fridge. I'm a wanna-be creative type. If I can see the idea/plan, I can replicate it; don't count on me coming up with my own idea though. I'm keeping my projects limited to those I can actually accomplish, but I can see how easily discontentment could creep in and steal peace.
  12. :lol: No advice, but she's adorable. Congrats to your dainty daughter. I'd say she earned an A+!
  13. :party: And Congrats on the new place! Sounds wonderful!
  14. I messed up the comments section, but I think I have it fixed now. Thanks! I've never read the books, but I hear they are childhood favorites.
  15. I didn't realize you were Nobody! :D I found your blog through Pinterest the other day. Your week looked like a lot of fun! I want to come "do science" at your house.
  16. :lol: :lol: :lol: And Zebra Cakes. And Nutty Bars, especially if they're frozen. :tongue_smilie:
  17. May I jump in here? I can't ever seem to keep my blog going, but I'm trying again for the new year. Maybe some accountability with the Hive will help. http://conneracademy.blogspot.com/2011/08/week-in-review-aug-22-26-2011.html
  18. Yes. http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/americas/08/24/peru.earthquake/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  19. My EX-MIL did this. And piled all the cards together. I had a he11 of a time trying to figure out what card went with what gift. :glare: I was not happy.
  20. I'm glad to see that they are using every trick in the book to catch the looters.
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