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Everything posted by thessa516

  1. I contemplated it, but then I decided to flag it for Best of Craigslist. :lol:
  2. I was wondering how the dr. appt. went yesterday. I'm praying you got good news!
  3. Yep. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/2011/09/my-kitchen-miracle-cleaner-part-deux.html I tried it and it really does work. It takes some elbow grease, but it works.
  4. Oh gosh, if it wasn't for you ladies and my Mom, I don't think my poor little blog would get updated at all. Here's our 3-in-1 Week in Review. I am SO inspired by the blogs here! Thanks for sharing your weeks with me!
  5. BS in Elem. Ed., plus completed all the coursework for MS in Ed. Tech. I didn't do the final project because I quit school (both teaching and attending) to homeschool. :D
  6. I was taught "dilemna" (but pronounced dilemma). I now spell it dilemma. - public school in the 70s
  7. Congratulations! He is a cutey-pie! I love the daddy and baby pic! Haha! I promise I didn't read Amber's post above mine before I posted. Great minds just think alike!
  8. Ack! I'm struggling to keep on blogging. When things get to be too much, it seems like the blog is the first to go. BUT, I got this week up! :D
  9. First, :grouphug:. Second, go to the laundromat and wipe out the 8-10 loads of laundry. Throw the wet clothes into a garbage bag and take it with you. Get everything clean. Third, you can use the plunger and bucket method while you figure out the washing machine problem. You may be able to replace a belt on your old machine or find a new-to-you machine on Craigslist. And more :grouphug:. ------ Haha! I guess I type too slowly. :) I see the laundromat has already been recommended.
  10. Printing off mini-books for the kids' history lapbooks and procrastinating cleaning out the fridge.
  11. Co-sleeper! I got one for baby #5 (the bassinet fell apart) and wish I would have had one for the first four.
  12. Perfect! Now the question is whether or not the story will have a level of allegory to it because of the name? Was there a brother company that was killed off? Is Helium 3 being produced by plant by-products as opposed to the brother company producing Helium 3 with some sort of animal by-product (maybe fossil fuels)? Hmmm. I can't wait to read your book. :D
  13. I like the acronym CAIN - Consortium for something something whatever... Consortium for ... Alternative/Atomic International/Industry/Integrated/Investor eNergy/Nuclear Energy/hmmm, the N is difficult. :)
  14. Boil in very salty water for 20 minutes. Spread on cookie sheet and let dry overnight. Toss with melted butter, olive oil, and salt. Bake at 300 degrees, usually around 30 minutes. I'm getting ready to start boiling my pumpkin seeds right now. Yumm! :tongue_smilie:
  15. Wow! Are those people standing on the other side? If so, that's MUCH larger than I thought it was.
  16. My son's math question: Would you rather have 5 nickels or 4 dimes? My son's written answer: 5 nickels. Me (confused, because he has done very well with this in the past): DS, why did you write down that you would rather have 5 nickels? :confused: DS: I have a lot of dimes, but not very many nickels. I'd like some more nickels. Me: Oh, I see. :lol: ----- I'll have to let Steve Demme know that his Beta students don't necessarily infer a math problem in his question. :D
  17. What do eat for your lunches? I have breakfast down, and I can make dinner wheat-free, but I'm stuck on lunch.
  18. Oh Mariann! My prayers are certainly with the family. They are also with you. You've been dealing with so much infant loss. :grouphug:
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