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Everything posted by thessa516

  1. :iagree: I was so glad to see Garmin win. They've been through so much this Tour. Intentional. At first I thought it looked more like a drift, but then it looks like he looked under his shoulder and knew Sagan was there. I guess Sagan is okay, but I sure was happy to see Griepel beat him today. My man Cav just wasn't there. :glare: I heard he was doing a bit better on the climbs in prep for the Olympics, but I just don't see it. Totally Yay for TVG! Do you follow the Velonews live streaming updates? It's an awesome feed. (I watch the Tour on my computer with the Velonews feed up in another window.) Marcel, his Dad, was on there posting. That was pretty neat to hear his thoughts on the Tour. I'm thinking it was just a bit of miscommunication on TVG's part. No slaying the Badger here. :tongue_smilie: I heard about it, but only because I like to check Peta Todd's tweets. :001_huh: Did I just admit to that? :lol: --- I really liked watching Wiggins leading out Boasson Hagen today! I'm already dreading the end of the Tour. I have to tell myself that the Olympics are right around the corner. Also, now that I know I can access EuroSport live, I'll have the opportunity to watch more races. Do you watch other races? My family all thinks I'm nuts for following the Tour; it's nice to have someone else with whom to chat!
  2. I love my Life Factory glass water bottle. It's holding up quite nicely! It's dishwasher safe, too.
  3. :lol: How can you NOT cheer for this cutie? I'm with you on TVG - I'd love for him to win the white jersey.
  4. Me! I'm watching. I watch more TV in July than I do the entire rest of the year combined. I should be cheering for Garmin, too, but I can't help but love Sky this year. Cavendish is just so cute and reminds me of Robbie McEwen. I'm an equal opportunity girl, though. I cheered just as hard for Madiot when Pinot won (minus the practically-falling-out-of-the-car routine). A guy at my spinning class said that with all the crashes this year, Americans might just get interested in the TDF. It's like Nascar without the engines. :lol:
  5. Thanks! I'll be adding a Vita-Mix to my wishlist. Right now I'm grinding it at the store, but to be able to do it at home? Wonderful!
  6. Best thing ever! I had mine at 17 and insurance paid for it all. I went down to a small C but after having 5 children and many years (and pounds) later, I'm a good D. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
  7. :lol: Apparently I'm not the only one that has a pile of laundry to do after the kids clean their rooms. :glare: I must be super nice, because I let my boys keep 7 shirts/shorts each. :D
  8. I serve family style, but I do try to make it look pretty. I use nice servingware and garnish the dishes (for example, a little sprinkle of chopped green onion, a couple of basil leaves, or grated cheese on top of a dish).
  9. I've made it twice. Both times it has turned out just okay. I did brown them up under the broiler, but I'm just not pleased with the texture on the inside. My best bread is always made by cooking it in a cast iron dutch oven.
  10. We discovered a new 'keeper recipe' last night with this Lemon-Herb Sauce for Grilled Chicken. I didn't pull the chicken breast out of the freezer in time to marinate them, so I grilled the plain, unseasoned chicken. After grilling, I poured the lemon-herb sauce on the chicken. Yummm! Tastes like summer.
  11. Keep your photos. For now, I'd stick them in acid free photo storage boxes. The boxes will keep them safe and tidy. When you're ready, you can begin to get them organized into albums or scan them to disk a few at a time.
  12. Haha! I whispered during the movie to my DH that I wish she'd close her mouth. I thought the movie was positively awful. Save your money, and don't bother renting it, either. :glare:
  13. A faded version of this t-shirt design? Go knock. Inquiring minds want to know. :lol:
  14. I decluttered a small cabinet in the living room that was a mess of odds and ends (basically a glorified junk cabinet), the large cabinet in the bathroom, and... *drumroll, please* the "manuals" file - woo-wee, it was jam-packed with manuals to electronics that we no longer even own. :lol: I have a wonderful feeling that I'll be decluttering my kitchen towels next (they are so old and used that I'm not even sure they'd make the cut to garage rags). DH said this morning that we need lots of kitchen towels for all the kid spills. I happily pointed him towards my Amazon wish list that has barmop towels. :D
  15. How timely this thread is for me. Last night the kids set up tents in the living room and camped out. :001_smile: I'll try to be more of a yes mom.
  16. Spicy Cashew Chicken... yummmm :tongue_smilie: I love having the spicy dinner and following up with the coolness of cheesecake.
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